3D and CAD/CAM Models

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* [[3DMF]] - QuickDraw 3D Metafile (.3dmf)
* [[3DMF]] - QuickDraw 3D Metafile (.3dmf)
* [[3DS]] - Legacy 3D Studio Model (.3ds)
* [[3DS]] - Legacy 3D Studio Model (.3ds)
** [[LFT]] - 3DS Loft Object
** [[SHP]] - 3DS Shapes File
** [[PRJ]] - 3DS Project File
* [[3D Tiles]] ([http://www.opengis.net/doc/CS/3DTiles/1.0 OGC Spec])
* [[3MF]] - 3D Manufacturing Format
* [[3MF]] - 3D Manufacturing Format
* [[4D Paint]]
* [[4D Paint]]
* [[AC3D Model]] (.ac)
* [[AC3D Model]] (.ac)
* [[Adobe Aero]] (.real)
* [[Adobe Dimension]] (.dn)
* [[Adobe Dimensions]] (.dim)
* [[Adobe PRC]] (embedded in PDF files)
* [[Adobe PRC]] (embedded in PDF files)
* [[Additive Manufacturing File Format|AMF]] - Additive Manufacturing File Format
* [[Additive Manufacturing File Format|AMF]] - Additive Manufacturing File Format
* [[Agisoft]] (.psx, .psz, .oc3, .tls)
* [[Anim8or]] - Anim8or Model (.an8)
* [[Anim8or]] - Anim8or Model (.an8)
* [[Alembic]] (.abc)
* [[AOI (Art of Illusion)|AOI]] - Art of Illusion Model (.aoi)
* [[AOI (Art of Illusion)|AOI]] - Art of Illusion Model (.aoi)
* [[Appearance eXchange Format]] (.AxF) [https://www.xrite.com/axf 1]
* [[AWD (Away3D)]]
* [[AWD (Away3D)]]
* [[BGA (mesh)|BGA]] (.bga)
* [[BGA (mesh)|BGA]] (.bga)
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* [[Cal3D]] - Cal3D (.cal3d)
* [[Cal3D]] - Cal3D (.cal3d)
* [[Caligari trueSpace]] (.cob, .scn)
* [[Caligari trueSpace]] (.cob, .scn)
* [[Canoma]] (.3dv)
* [[CCP4]] - X-ray crystallography voxels (electron density)
* [[CCP4]] - X-ray crystallography voxels (electron density)
* [[CFL]] - Compressed File Library (.cfl)
* [[CFL]] - Compressed File Library (.cfl)
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* [[OpenCTM]] - OpenCTM (.ctm)
* [[OpenCTM]] - OpenCTM (.ctm)
* [[COLLADA]] - COLLADA (.dae)
* [[COLLADA]] - COLLADA (.dae)
* [[Daz Scene Object Notation]] (.dson)[http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/dson_spec/start 1]
* [[DKBTrace scene description]] - DKB Ray Tracer (.dat)
* [[DKBTrace scene description]] - DKB Ray Tracer (.dat)
* [[DMX model]] - Valve
* [[DMX model]] - Valve
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* [[FBX]] - Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
* [[FBX]] - Autodesk FBX (.fbx)
* [[FMZ]] - FormZ Project file
* [[FMZ]] - FormZ Project file
* [[Fusion 360]] (.f3d)
* [[GLM]] - Ghoul Mesh (.glm)
* [[GLM]] - Ghoul Mesh (.glm)
* [[glTF]] (.gltf)
* [[glTF]] (.gltf)
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* [[Imagine Object File]] (Variety of FORM [[TDDD]])
* [[Imagine Object File]] (Variety of FORM [[TDDD]])
* [[Imagine Texture File]]
* [[Imagine Texture File]]
* [[Infini-D]] (.ids)
* [[Instant 3D]] (.i3d, .e3d)
* [[Instant 3D]] (.i3d, .e3d)
* [[JAS]] - Cheetah 3D file (.jas)
* [[JAS]] - Cheetah 3D file (.jas)
* [[Laubwerk]] (.lbw)
* [[LSB]] - Lightscape scene binary format (.lsb)
* [[LSB]] - Lightscape scene binary format (.lsb)
* [[LightWave Object]] (.lwo, LWOB, LWLO, LWO2)
* [[LightWave Object]] (.lwo, LWOB, LWLO, LWO2)
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* [[MDX (Blizzard)|MDX]] - Blizzard Entertainment's own model format (.mdx)
* [[MDX (Blizzard)|MDX]] - Blizzard Entertainment's own model format (.mdx)
* [[Mesh (NYU)]] - New York University (.m)
* [[Mesh (NYU)]] - New York University (.m)
* [[MeshLab]] (.mlp, .mlb)
* [[MeshMixer]] (.mix)
* [[MeshMixer]] (.mix)
* [[Meshwork model]] (.mesh)
* [[Meshwork model]] (.mesh)
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* [[MilkShape model]] (.ms3d)
* [[MilkShape model]] (.ms3d)
* [[MilkShape ASCII]] (.txt)
* [[MilkShape ASCII]] (.txt)
* [[Navisworks]] (.nwd .nwf .nwc)
* [[Nexus 3D]] (.nxz, .nxs)
* [[NFF]] - Haines NFF, Neutral File Format
* [[NFF]] - Haines NFF, Neutral File Format
* [[NIF]] - Gamebryo NetImmerse File (.nif)
* [[NIF]] - Gamebryo NetImmerse File (.nif)
* [[OFF (DEC-WSE Object File Format)]]
* [[OFF (DEC-WSE Object File Format)]]
* [[OFF (Geomview Object File Format)]]
* [[OFF (Geomview Object File Format)]]
* [[OpenSceneGraph]] (.osg, .osgt)
* [[Outerra engine]] (.otx) (used in Anteworld game)
* [[Outerra engine]] (.otx) (used in Anteworld game)
* [[P3D (PSC)]] - Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center 3D Metafile
* [[P3D (PSC)]] - Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center 3D Metafile
* [[Parasolid]] (.x_t, .x_b)
* [[PLY]]
* [[PLY]]
* [[Poser Scene]]
* [[POV-Ray scene description]] - Persistence of Vision Raytracer (.pov)
* [[POV-Ray scene description]] - Persistence of Vision Raytracer (.pov)
* [[POV-Ray density file]] - Persistence of Vision Raytracer (.df3)
* [[POV-Ray density file]] - Persistence of Vision Raytracer (.df3)
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* [[Ray Dream]] (.rd4, .rds, d3d)
* [[Ray Dream]] (.rd4, .rds, d3d)
* [[Rayshade scene description]] (.ray)
* [[Rayshade scene description]] (.ray)
* [[ReCap]] (.rcp, .rcs)
* [[RenderWare binary stream file]] (.dff) -- commonly used by Grand Theft Auto III-era games as well as other RenderWare titles
* [[RenderWare binary stream file]] (.dff) -- commonly used by Grand Theft Auto III-era games as well as other RenderWare titles
* [[RenderWare object]] (.rwx)
* [[RenderWare object]] (.rwx)
* [[RGE]] Shining 3D Range File
* [[RIB]] - RenderMan Interface Bytestream / Pixar / 3D Reality
* [[RIB]] - RenderMan Interface Bytestream / Pixar / 3D Reality
* [[Sense8 NFF]] - WorldToolkit Neutral File Format
* [[Sense8 NFF]] - WorldToolkit Neutral File Format
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* [[SKN/BMF]] - A 3D mesh format associated with The Sims [http://simtech.sourceforge.net/tech/bmf.html]
* [[SKN/BMF]] - A 3D mesh format associated with The Sims [http://simtech.sourceforge.net/tech/bmf.html]
* [[SKP]] - Google Sketchup file (.skp)
* [[SKP]] - Google Sketchup file (.skp)
* [[SLDASM]] - SolidWorks Assembly Document (.sldasm)
* [[SolidWorks]]
* [[SLDPRT]] - SolidWorks Part Document (.sldprt)
** [[SLDASM]] - SolidWorks Assembly Document (.sldasm)
** [[SLDPRT]] - SolidWorks Part Document (.sldprt)
** [[eDrawing]] (.eprt, .easm, .edrw)
** [[HOOPS Stream File]] (.hsf)
* [[Softimage SCN]]
* [[Softimage SCN]]
* [[Strata 3D]] (.s3d)
* [[Studiomdl Data]] - Valve (.smd)
* [[Studiomdl Data]] - Valve (.smd)
* [[Substance]] (.sbs, .sbsar) -- used by Substance family of programs, and found in Substance Source library
* [[SVX]] - Shapeways voxel format. (.svx)
* [[SVX]] - Shapeways voxel format. (.svx)
* [[TDDD]] - Turbo Silver 3D Data Description, T3D
* [[TDDD]] - Turbo Silver 3D Data Description, T3D
* [[TTDDD]] - Textual TDDD
* [[TTDDD]] - Textual TDDD
* [[Tilt Brush]] (.tilt)
* [[U3D]] - Universal 3D file format (.u3d)
* [[U3D]] - Universal 3D file format (.u3d)
** [[IDTF]] - Intermediate Data Text Format
* [[Universal Scene Description]] - Pixar USD
* [[Universal Scene Description]] - Pixar USD
* [[USDZ]] [https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/files/USDZFileFormatSpecification.pdf]
* [[USDZ]] [https://graphics.pixar.com/usd/files/USDZFileFormatSpecification.pdf]
* [[VDAFS]] (.vda)
* [[Vivid scene description]] (.v)
* [[Vivid scene description]] (.v)
* [[VO (Vector Object Utils)]]
* [[VORT art scene]] (.scn)
* [[VORT art scene]] (.scn)
* [[VRML]] - Virtual reality modeling language (.wrl)
* [[VRML]] - Virtual reality modeling language (.wrl)
* [[VTK]] - Visualization Toolkit (.vtk)
* [[VTK]] - Visualization Toolkit (.vtk)
* [[VTKHDF]] - Visualization Toolkit (.vtkhdf)
* [[VUE]] - Vue scene file (.vue)
* [[VUE]] - Vue scene file (.vue)
* [[Wavefront MTL]]
* [[Wavefront MTL]]
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* [[Argon]] - Ashlar-Vellum (AR) - 3D Modeling
* [[Argon]] - Ashlar-Vellum (AR) - 3D Modeling
* [[ART (ArtCAM model)|ART]] - ArtCAM model
* [[ART (ArtCAM model)|ART]] - ArtCAM model
* [[ArtiosCAD]] (.a3d, .ard)
* [[ASC (BRL-CAD Geometry)|ASC]] - BRL-CAD Geometry File (old ASCII format)
* [[ASC (BRL-CAD Geometry)|ASC]] - BRL-CAD Geometry File (old ASCII format)
* [[ASM (Solid Edge Assembly)|ASM]] - Solid Edge Assembly, Pro/ENGINEER Assembly
* [[ASM (Solid Edge Assembly)|ASM]] - Solid Edge Assembly, Pro/ENGINEER Assembly
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* [[BRL-CAD geometry]] (.g)
* [[BRL-CAD geometry]] (.g)
* [[CAD-3D]] - Antic Software
* [[CAD-3D]] - Antic Software
* [[CAD/DRAW‎]]
* [[CadStd]] - CAD
* [[CadStd]] - CAD
* [[CATDrawing]] - CATIA V5 Drawing document
* [[CATDrawing]] - CATIA V5 Drawing document
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* [[CKD]] - KeyCreator (was CADKEY)
* [[CKD]] - KeyCreator (was CADKEY)
* [[Cobalt]] - Ashlar-Vellum (CO) - parametric drafting and 3D modeling
* [[Cobalt]] - Ashlar-Vellum (CO) - parametric drafting and 3D modeling
* [[CorelCAD]]
* [[DDS-CAD]] Data Design System (BIM)
* [[DDS-CAD]] Data Design System (BIM)
* [[DFT]] - Solid Edge Draft
* [[DFT]] - Solid Edge Draft
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* [[Excellon drill format]]
* [[Excellon drill format]]
* [[EXP]] - Drawing Express file format
* [[EXP]] - Drawing Express file format
* [[FastCAD]]
* [[FeatureCAM part file]] (FM)
* [[FeatureCAM part file]] (FM)
* [[gbXML]]
* [[gbXML]]
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* [[IPT]] - Autodesk Inventor Part file
* [[IPT]] - Autodesk Inventor Part file
* [[JT]] (visualization format) - Jupiter Tesselation
* [[JT]] (visualization format) - Jupiter Tesselation
* [[KeyCAD]]
* [[MakerBot instruction file]] (for fifth generation MakerBot 3D printers)
* [[MakerBot instruction file]] (for fifth generation MakerBot 3D printers)
* [[MCC]] - Monu-CAD Component (Monument/Headstone Component file)
* [[MCC]] - Monu-CAD Component (Monument/Headstone Component file)
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* [[MCP]] - Monu-CAD Plot (Monument/Headstone Plot file)
* [[MCP]] - Monu-CAD Plot (Monument/Headstone Plot file)
* [[MTN]] - Monu-CAD Thumbnail (Monument/Headstone Thumbnail file)
* [[MTN]] - Monu-CAD Thumbnail (Monument/Headstone Thumbnail file)
* [[OakPDT Drawing]]
* [[OCAD]] - Orienteering Computer Aided Design (OCAD) file (.ocd)
* [[OCAD]] - Orienteering Computer Aided Design (OCAD) file (.ocd)
* [[OpenSCAD]] - Solid 3D CAD objects (.scad)
* [[OpenSCAD]] - Solid 3D CAD objects (.scad)
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* [[VLM]] - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum, Vellum 2D, Vellum Draft, Vellum 3D, DrawingBoard
* [[VLM]] - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum, Vellum 2D, Vellum Draft, Vellum 3D, DrawingBoard
* [[VS]] - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum Solids
* [[VS]] - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum Solids
* [[WorraCAD Drawing]]
* [[WRL]] - The file format of [[VRML]], which is listed in the modeling section above, but also used in CAD/CAM. Similar to STL, but includes color. Used by various CAD systems and 3D printing rapid prototyping machines.
* [[WRL]] - The file format of [[VRML]], which is listed in the modeling section above, but also used in CAD/CAM. Similar to STL, but includes color. Used by various CAD systems and 3D printing rapid prototyping machines.
* [[X3G]] - GCode instructions for MakerBot firmware 7.0 and up
* [[X3G]] - GCode instructions for MakerBot firmware 7.0 and up
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== 3D animation files ==
== 3D animation files ==
* [[BIP (Character Studio)]]
* [[GLA]] - Ghoul animation (.gla)
* [[GLA]] - Ghoul animation (.gla)
* [[ROFF]] - Raven Object File Format / Rotation, Origin File Format
* [[ROFF]] - Raven Object File Format / Rotation, Origin File Format
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Also see [[Game data files]] for game rendering engines (some of which are 3-D).
Also see [[Game data files]] for game rendering engines (some of which are 3-D).
== Uncategorized ==
* [[3D Construction Kit]]
* [[Datron Simpl]] (.simpl)
* [[Polycam app data]]
* [[Qlone app data]]
* [[SH3D]] - Sweet Home 3D
== Links ==
== Links ==

Latest revision as of 19:37, 31 December 2024

File Format
Name 3D and CAD/CAM Models



[edit] 3D Modeling

[edit] CAD

  • 3DMLW - (3D Markup Language for Web) files
  • 3DXML - Dassault Systemes graphic representation
  • ACP - VA Software VA - Virtual Architecture CAD file
  • AMF - Additive Manufacturing File Format
  • Argon - Ashlar-Vellum (AR) - 3D Modeling
  • ART - ArtCAM model
  • ArtiosCAD (.a3d, .ard)
  • ASC - BRL-CAD Geometry File (old ASCII format)
  • ASM - Solid Edge Assembly, Pro/ENGINEER Assembly
  • AutoCAD Slide
  • AutoCAD Slide Library
  • AutoSketch
  • BRL-CAD geometry (.g)
  • CAD-3D - Antic Software
  • CadStd - CAD
  • CATDrawing - CATIA V5 Drawing document
  • CATIA V4 Model - CATIA V4 Model
  • CATIA V4 Project - CATIA V4 Project
  • CATMaterial - CATIA V5 Material
  • CATPart - CATIA V5 Part Description / Model
  • CATProcess - CATIA V5 Manufacturing document
  • CATProduct - CATIA V5 Assembly document
  • CCC - CopyCAD Curves
  • CCM - CopyCAD Model
  • CCS - CopyCAD Session
  • Cell library (.cel)
  • CEX (Caddie Exchange format)
  • cgr - CATIA V5 graphic representation file
  • CKD - KeyCreator (was CADKEY)
  • Cobalt - Ashlar-Vellum (CO) - parametric drafting and 3D modeling
  • CorelCAD
  • DDS-CAD Data Design System (BIM)
  • DFT - Solid Edge Draft
  • DGN - MicroStation design file
  • DGK - Delcam Geometry
  • DMT - Delcam Machining Triangles
  • DRW - Caddie Early version of Caddie drawing - Prior to Caddie changing to DWG
  • DTF - Solid Edge Document
  • DWG - AutoCAD and Open Design Alliance applications
  • DWB - VariCAD drawing file
  • DWF - AutoDesk's Design Web Format; AutoCAD & Revit can publish to this format; similar in concept to PDF files; AutoDesk Design Review is the reader
  • DXB - Drawing Interchange Binary Format - AutoCAD
  • DXF - Drawing Interchange file format - AutoCAD
  • Euclid - CAD file format
  • Euklid - CAD/CAM and Gear CAM
  • EMB - Wilcom ES Designer Embroidery CAD file
  • ESW - Agtek format
  • Excellon drill format
  • EXP - Drawing Express file format
  • FastCAD
  • FeatureCAM part file (FM)
  • gbXML
  • GDL Script - scripting language used in ARCHICAD (.gdl)
  • Gerber format - RS-274-D, RS-274X
  • GLM - KernelCAD model
  • GRB - T-FLEX CAD File
  • GTC - GRAITEC Advance file format
  • HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Unit Hydrograph file (.huh)
  • IAM - Autodesk Inventor Assembly file
  • ICD - IronCAD 2D CAD file
  • IDW - Autodesk Inventor Drawing file
  • IFC - buildingSMART for sharing AEC and FM data
  • IGES - Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
  • Intergraph Standard File Formats
  • IPN - Autodesk Inventor Presentation file
  • IPT - Autodesk Inventor Part file
  • JT (visualization format) - Jupiter Tesselation
  • KeyCAD
  • MakerBot instruction file (for fifth generation MakerBot 3D printers)
  • MCC - Monu-CAD Component (Monument/Headstone Component file)
  • MCD - Monu-CAD Drawing (Monument/Headstone Drawing file)
  • MCP - Monu-CAD Plot (Monument/Headstone Plot file)
  • MTN - Monu-CAD Thumbnail (Monument/Headstone Thumbnail file)
  • OakPDT Drawing
  • OCAD - Orienteering Computer Aided Design (OCAD) file (.ocd)
  • OpenSCAD - Solid 3D CAD objects (.scad)
  • PAR - Solid Edge Part
  • PIPE - PIPE-FLO Professional Piping system design file
  • PLA - ArchiCad archive
  • PLN - ArchiCad project
  • POL - PolyWorks
  • PRT (CADKEY) - became KeyCreator
  • PRT (PTC) - Pro/Engineer, Pro/E Wildfire, Creo Parametric
  • PRT (UG) - Unigraphics, Siemens PLM, NX CAD
  • PSM - Solid Edge Sheet
  • PSMODEL - PowerSHAPE Model
  • PWI - PowerINSPECT File
  • PYT - Pythagoras File
  • Revit - AutoDesk Revit files (RVT, RFA)
  • RLF - ArtCAM Relief
  • S3G - GCode instructions for MakerBot firmware below 7.0
  • SCDOC - SpaceClaim 3D Part/Assembly
  • SKP - SketchUp Model
  • SLDASM - SolidWorks Assembly drawing
  • SLDPRT - SolidWorks 3D part model (had .prt extension earlier)
  • Solid Edge XML design (.cmp_xml)
  • STEP - Standard for the Exchange of Product model data
  • STL - Stereo Lithographic data format used by various CAD systems and stereo lithographic printing machines. (.stl)
  • TCT - TurboCAD drawing template
  • TCW - TurboCAD for Windows 2D and 3D drawing
  • Thing file - MakerBot (.thing)
  • TPL - ARCHICAD Project Template
  • UNV - Universal File Format; used by I-DEAS (Integrated Design and Engineering Analysis Software)
  • VectorWorks
  • VC6 - Ashlar-Vellum Graphite - 2D and 3D drafting
  • VLM - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum, Vellum 2D, Vellum Draft, Vellum 3D, DrawingBoard
  • VS - Ashlar-Vellum Vellum Solids
  • WorraCAD Drawing
  • WRL - The file format of VRML, which is listed in the modeling section above, but also used in CAD/CAM. Similar to STL, but includes color. Used by various CAD systems and 3D printing rapid prototyping machines.
  • X3G - GCode instructions for MakerBot firmware 7.0 and up
  • Xenon - Ashlar-Vellum (XE) - for Associative 3D Modeling

See also Machine Embroidery

[edit] 2D images designed for use in conjunction with 3D models

[edit] 3D animation files

[edit] Formats related to specialized hardware

[edit] Motion capture

[edit] Image series scanning, microscopy

  • BioRad confocal image - stores series of images generated by microscope scan of 3-D object, used in medical/research imaging
  • MRC (Medical Research Council) - format used in 3D electron microscopy

[edit] Stereoscopy

  • JPS
  • Multi-Picture Format - MPO, Multi-Picture Object - This JPEG standard is used for 3d images, as with the Nintendo 3DS
  • QDV - apparently a random-dot-image stereoscopy format

[edit] 3D video

[edit] Video formats

[edit] Container formats

Also see Game data files for game rendering engines (some of which are 3-D).

[edit] Uncategorized

[edit] Links

[edit] Software, Utilities, and Development Libraries

[edit] Interesting objects printed with 3D printers

[edit] Related technologies

[edit] Legal issues

[edit] Other

Personal tools
