User talk:Thorsted

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Very minimalist user page...


Apparently something isn't quite working with the templates you added... The Print Shop shows raw code in the references section. Maybe the template has a dependency on another template that doesn't exist in this wiki? Dan Tobias (talk) 01:03, 13 June 2019 (UTC)

When I first added the code it added the citation, but like you said, just showed raw code. I tried to add the missing templates based on what I saw on Wikipedia. I’ll figure it out or remove the code. Thanks! --Thorsted (talk) 02:36, 13 June 2019 (UTC)

ABBYY Finereader

I note that you added ABBYY Finereader to the Graphics page, as currently the only redlink on that page; I've looked it up and it appears to be an OCR program that handles several image formats as input and exports to several other formats, and mostly seems to be used with PDFs; I haven't found reference to a unique file format connected specifically with this program. Do you know of one? Dan Tobias (talk) 02:57, 23 June 2019 (UTC)

Yes, ABBYY Finereader has a "format", when you load scanned image files to the software it copies them to a folder and as you work on them to convert to OCR it saves all your data and edits to a couple files within the folder structure. Mostly XML, but there are also a couple other files unique to the software. .PEC, .HDR, .DAT are all in one of the folders making up the "format". I'll get it all written up soon, it's on my list.--Thorsted (talk) 06:58, 23 June 2019 (UTC)

Timeworks Publisher

I don't think Timeworks Publisher files are Microsoft Compound Files; the section in the article mentioning that format says that the distinguishing feature of .dtp files from Timeworks vs. PageMagic (which uses the same extension but a different format) is that PageMagic files are MS Compound files and Timeworks/PublishIt aren't'. Dan Tobias (talk) 03:26, 28 August 2019 (UTC)

This is a complicated set of software all using the same format. TimeWorks Publisher was early and was not OLE, but dozens of software all used the same format. They all moved to OLE format which was the TimeWorks format wrapped in the OLE container. I guess we could create a new page for all the OLE software in the DTP format. I have been meaning to merge in the PageMagic page into the mix. This link has a list of all the software which used the GST DTP format. I have samples for many of the titles, I have submitted a PRONOM signature.


Thanks for filling in details on those file types which I don't have any sample files of to check myself. Do you have any samples you can link to in the articles? Dan Tobias (talk) 22:22, 18 January 2021 (UTC)

KFP Preflight Profile

What category would KFP (Preflight Profile) fit under? You linked it on the PDF page since it's related to it, but it should also have a place in one of the main categories of file formats. It seems to be some sort of format checker for PDFs? Maybe Metaformats or something like that? Dan Tobias (talk) 06:33, 12 February 2021 (UTC)

Ya, I was debating where to put it. It is a XML based format so Metaformats will probably work. --Thorsted (talk) 18:52, 12 February 2021 (UTC)

Write to ask for an account. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU???????

THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED. OR: GIVE ME THE SOLUTION TO THIS MihaiPopa7 (talk) 11:18, 22 August 2024 (UTC)

Tricking the software with "httpa" in the HTTPS template and undoing it TRICKS MEDIAWIKI AND BULLS*** CAPTCHA!!! 100% WORKING!! MihaiPopa7 (talk) 12:14, 22 August 2024 (UTC)

Can you enhance this page, with sample files?

Link is this Minesweeper saved game‎. MihaiPopa7 (talk) 09:15, 12 October 2024 (UTC)

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