Video Master Film

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File Format
Name Video Master Film
Extension(s) .flm, .vid, .vsq
Wikidata ID Q105859898
Video Master Film is an animated graphics format associated with Video Master (also written "VideoMaster"), a video capture product by Microdeal. There were versions for Atari ST and Amiga computers.



Format Specification

               Video Master file format: (VID,FLM & VSQ)

Header (32 bytes)
size    name            Description
long    header          Contains 'VMAS'
word    version         Contains '1x' for version 1.x
word    no_frames       No. of frames of video...
word    frame_rate      Playback rate of video (see table)
long    sample_size     Amount of audio in file... (0=no audio - VID )
word    sample_rate     Sample playback rate (Hz)
word    seq_length      Size of sequence data...  (0=no seq - FLM )
word    no_keys         How many keys there are...
Padded to 32 bytes

Video frames
16 words of palette, 1 word for each colour 0 to 15
(the palette data is in the AMIGA format... xxxxrrrr/ggggbbbb).
8000 bytes of picture per frame, no. of frames in header.

Audio data
8 bit signed samples, size of sample in header.

Sequence data
No. of bytes given in the header. Each byte represents 1/10s interval.
0 = no event, 128+key = event

Key data
No. of keys as given in the header, each key definition contains the

word    start_frame     First video frame for this key
word    last_frame      Last video frame for this key
word    video_speed     Speed of video for this key (see table)
long    audio_start     Offset to start of audio for this key
long    audio_length    Length of audio for this key
word    audio_rate      Sample speed of this key (Hz) 0=audio off
byte    video_loop      Flag - loop video
byte    audio_loop      Flag - loop audio

Speed of video playback
Value   PAL     NTSC    Units
0       25      30      frames/second
1       12      15      frames/second
2       8       10      frames/second
3       6       7       frames/second
4       4       5       frames/second
5       3       3       frames/second
6       2       2       frames/second
7       1       1       frame/second
8       2       2       seconds/frame
9       3       3       seconds/frame
10      4       4       seconds/frame
11      5       5       seconds/frame
12      6       6       seconds/frame
13      7       7       seconds/frame
14      8       8       seconds/frame
15      9       9       seconds/frame


Sample files


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