Microsoft Excel

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File Format
Name Microsoft Excel
This article is about the software, and all of its many file formats. For the main Excel file formats, see XLS and XLSX.

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application. It is a component of the Microsoft Office suite.

Related articles

  • SpreadsheetML (XML format preceding later XLSX format)
  • XLM (Excel spreadsheet macro, old pre-XML format)
  • XLS (Excel spreadsheet old pre-XML format)
  • XLSB (Excel binary workbook)
  • XLSM (Excel macro-enabled spreadsheet format, XML version)
  • XLSX (Excel spreadsheet format, XML version)
  • XLT (Excel template, old pre-XML format)
  • XLTM (Excel macro-enabled template, XML version)
  • XLTX (Excel template, XML version)


Format Version MIME type Ext. PRONOM Refer to
Microsoft Excel 2.x Worksheet (xls) 2 application/ .xls fmt/55 XLS
Microsoft Excel 3.0 Worksheet (xls) 3 .xls fmt/56
Microsoft Excel 4.0 Worksheet (xls) 4S .xls fmt/57
Microsoft Excel 4.0 Workbook (xls) 4W application/ .xlw fmt/58 XLS
Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (xls) 5/95 .xlw, .xls fmt/59
Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls) 8 .xlw, .xls fmt/61
Microsoft Excel 2000-2003 Workbook (xls) 8X .xlw, .xls fmt/62
Microsoft Excel Chart 2.x application/ .xlc fmt/553
Microsoft Excel Chart 3.0 .xlc fmt/554
Microsoft Excel Chart 4.0 .xlc x-fmt/126
Microsoft Excel Macro 2.x application/ .xlm fmt/555 XLM
Microsoft Excel Macro 3.0 .xlm fmt/556
Microsoft Excel Macro 4.0 .xla, .xlm x-fmt/123
Microsoft Excel Workspace .xlw x-fmt/128
Microsoft Excel Template 2000 .xlt x-fmt/17 XLT
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh 2001 .xls fmt/175 XLS
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh 2002 .xls fmt/176
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh 2004 .xls fmt/177
Microsoft Excel Backup .xlk x-fmt/23
Microsoft Excel Add-In .xla, .xll x-fmt/124
Microsoft Excel Toolbar .xlb x-fmt/125
Microsoft Excel ODBC Query .dqy x-fmt/46
Microsoft Excel Web Query .iqy x-fmt/58
Microsoft Excel OLAP Query .oqy x-fmt/74
Microsoft Excel OLE DB Query .rqy x-fmt/97
Microsoft Excel for Windows 2007 onwards application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet .xlsx fmt/214 XLSX
Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled 2007 application/ .xlsm fmt/445 XLSM
Microsoft Excel 2007 Binary Workbook 2007 onwards application/ .xlsb fmt/595 XLSB
Microsoft Excel Template for Windows 2007 onwards application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.template .xltx fmt/598 XLTX
Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Template 2007 application/ .xltm fmt/627 XLTM
Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Add-In 2007 application/ .xlam fmt/628


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