ISO 646-PL-2002

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File Format
Name ISO 646-PL-2002
Released 2002-03-06

ISO 646-PL-2002 (646-PL-2002) is one of several 7-bit character encodings in the ISO/IEC 646 series which are national variants, replacing some of the ASCII characters with other characters suitable for particular languages. This one is aimed at the Polish market. It is defined by the Polish Standard PN-I-10050:2002. It is completely incompatible with the earlier ISO 646-PL.

It includes the Euro sign at code point 0x60. Polish letters with an acute accent are not encoded as precomposed characters. Instead, the standard states that they should be encoded as composite graphic characters using a base Latin letter followed by the backspace and the apostrophe, in accordance with section 7 of ISO/IEC 646; that is, by "overstriking".

The character assignments are:

0x23 0x24 0x40 0x5B 0x5C 0x5D 0x5E 0x60 0x7B 0x7C 0x7D 0x7E
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