Fax formats
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
This article lists of some of the unnecessarily-numerous formats related to fax (facsimile) software and hardware. Most of the formats are graphics formats.
This list was compiled from various sources, with little verification, and probably has many inaccuracies.
Format list
- Abaton (rT4)
- AdTech (.adt)
- Async Professional Fax (.apf)
- AWD (At Work Document) / FaxView (Microsoft) (.awd)
- BitFax (Bitware) (.bfx)
- Brooktrout Fax-Mail (.brk, .300, .301)
- Brother Fax (.uni)
- Calculus EZ-Fax (.ezf)
- Canon Navigator Fax (.can)
- CCITT Group 3 (.g3, .fax, .gp3, .cg3)
- CCITT Group 4 (.g4)
- Complete Fax Portable (.cfp, .001)
- Complete PC / Complete Fax (.cpf)
- DCX (.dcx)
- defFax (.fff)
- dexNET (Fujitsu) (.dxn)
- Digifax (.fax, .g3f)
- eFax (.efx)
- Everex Everfax (.efax, .ef3)
- Fax96 (Frecom / Fremont) (.f96)
- FAXability Plus (.pb)
- Faxable PCX (.fcx)
- Faxable TIFF (.ftf)
- Fax Cover document (.cpd, .cpe)
- FaxGrapper transcribed text (.ocr)
- Fax image (.scr)
- FAXit phonebook (.fxd)
- FaxMaker (.fmk)
- FaxManager / Fax man / FaxMan Jr / FaxWizard (.fmf)
- FaxMaster Document (.inm)
- FaxNOW! Faxit phone book (.pbd)
- faxSTF FAX File (Rx) (RFax)
- faxSTF FAX File (Tx) (SFAX)
- FaxWorks (.adp, .ctl, .vmf)
- GammaFax (Gammalink) (.gmf, .gam)
- Generic fax (.fax, .1, .001)
- HotFax (.hfx)
- Image Exchange Format
- Image System (.ig4)
- Imaging Fax (.g3n, .3gn)
- J2 Fax (.jfx)
- JetFax / Hybrid JetFax (.jet)
- JetFax Faxbook (.bk)
- JTFax (Hayes) (.jtf, .001)
- Kofax DS (.ds)
- Kofax Group 4 Bitmap (.kfx)
- Microsoft Cover Page Editor cover page (.cov)
- Mobile FAX (.rfa)
- OAZ Fax / NetFax Manager (.oaz, .xfx)
- Olicom Fax (.ofx)
- Olifax voice (.rvo)
- Perfectfax (AdTech) (.adt, .f01)
- Product R&D (.f01, .prd)
- Prometheus MaxFax (FTIF)
- PWG Raster
- QuickLink II (.qfx) [1]
- Ricoh Fax (.001, .ric)
- RightFax Executable (.ndr)
- RingCentral (.r0f)
- SciFax (.sci)
- SmartFax (American Data Tech) (.smf, .1)
- Structured Fax File (.sff)
- Super FAX 2000 - Fax-Mail 96 (.301)
- SuperFax Logo (.lgo)
- TEFAX (Relisys) (.tef)
- Teli Fax (.mh)
- TIFF-FX / TIFX (.tif, .tfx)
- TurboFax (Imavox) (.tbf)
- UltraFax - QmodemProPhone list (.phn)
- VentaFax (.vfx)
- VentaFax Cover Page (.vfc)
- VentaFax Logbook (.vlg)
- VOS raw fax (.raw)
- Win95 Cover Page Editor fax cover sheet (.cpe)
- WinFax (.wfx, .fxo, .fxs, .fxd, .fxr, .fxm)
- WinFax Cover Page (.cvp)
- WinFax Pro phonebook (.pb)
- WorldPort (.wfx, .wpf)
- Xerox MicroFax (.mif)
- Xerox EDMICS-MMR (.mmr, .ed)
- Xerox EDMICS-RLC (.rlc)
- Xionics Fax (.smp)
- Zetafax (.g3f)
- Zetafax superfine (.g3s)
- ZFax / Zyxel voice file (ad2, .ad3, .zad, .zvd) [2]
- ZSoft Graphics File Format (.zgf)