From Just Solve the File Format Problem
FCPv2 is the second version of Freenet Connection Protocol. It was implemented for Freenet 0.7.
This protocol is inteneded for communication between the node and the software on the person's computer that needs to perform some action on the network via the node. The protocol consists of sending and receiving text based messages via TCP, it normally operates on port 9481. All text messages must be UTF-8 encoded, and terminated with either \n xor \r\n (one cannot mix the line endings), all the responses come back terminated via \n.
Contents[hide] |
Sent to node
- ClientHello
- ListPeer (since 1045)
- ListPeers
- ListPeerNotes
- AddPeer
- ModifyPeer
- ModifyPeerNote
- RemovePeer
- GetNode
- GetConfig (since 1027)
- ModifyConfig (since 1027)
- TestDDARequest (since 1027)
- TestDDAResponse (since 1027)
- GenerateSSK
- ClientPut
- ClientPutDiskDir
- ClientPutComplexDir
- ClientGet
- LoadPlugin (since 1227)
- ReloadPlugin (since 1227)
- RemovePlugin (since 1227)
- GetPluginInfo (since 1075)
- FCPPluginMessage (since 1075)
- SubscribeUSK
- UnsubscribeUSK (since 1209)
- WatchGlobal
- GetRequestStatus
- ListPersistentRequests
- RemoveRequest
- RemovePersistentRequest
- ModifyPersistentRequest
- Disconnect
- Shutdown
- Void
- ProbeRequest
Sent by node
- NodeHello
- CloseConnectionDuplicateClientName
- Peer
- PeerNote
- EndListPeers
- EndListPeerNotes
- PeerRemoved
- NodeData
- ConfigData (since 1027)
- TestDDAReply (since 1027)
- TestDDAComplete (since 1027)
- SSKKeypair
- PersistentGet
- PersistentPut
- PersistentPutDir
- URIGenerated
- PutSuccessful
- PutFetchable
- DataFound
- AllData
- StartedCompression
- FinishedCompression
- SimpleProgress
- ExpectedHashes (since 1254)
- ExpectedMIME (since 1307)
- ExpectedDataLength (since 1307)
- CompatibilityMode (since 1254)
- EndListPersistentRequests
- PersistentRequestRemoved (since 1016)
- PersistentRequestModified (since 1016)
- SendingToNetwork (since 1207)
- EnterFiniteCooldown (since 1365)
- GeneratedMetadata (since 1380)
- PutFailed
- GetFailed
- ProtocolError
- IdentifierCollision
- UnknownNodeIdentifier
- UnknownPeerNoteType
- SubscribedUSK
- SubscribedUSKUpdate
- SubscribedUSKSendingToNetwork (since 1365)
- SubscribedUSKRoundFinished (since 1365)
- PluginInfo (since 1075)
- PluginRemoved (since 1227)
- FCPPluginReply (since 1075)
- ProbeBandwidth
- ProbeBuild
- ProbeError
- ProbeIdentifier
- ProbeLinkLengths
- ProbeLocation
- ProbeRefused
- ProbeRejectStats
- ProbeStoreSize
- ProbeUptime