Error detection and correction
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
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Error detection only
- Adler-32
- Checksum
- CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
- MurmurHash
- Parity bit
- xxHash
For cryptographic hash functions, see Encryption.
Error detection and correction
- Hamming code
- RAR recovery record and .rev recovery volumes
- Reed-Solomon error correction
Type-in Program Validation
- AccuType - Nibble
- Apple Checker - Nibble
- BASIC Editor - ANALOG Computing
- Bug-Out - Home Computer Magazine
- Bug Repellent - Ahoy!
- C:Check/D:Check/ST-Check - ANALOG Computing
- Checkbin/Checksoft - Core and Hardcore Computist
- CheckIt - Nibble
- Checksummer - 64'er and Happy Computer
- Checksummer (Frank Brall) - Computronic and Compute Mit
- Commodore Dossier Checksum - Commodore Dossier
- Dataspeeder - Commodore Dossier
- Edytor BASICa - Moje Atari and Bajtek
- F64Summer - Forum64
- Flankspeed - Ahoy!
- Generator kodów kontrolnych - Tajemnice Atari
- Get It Right! - Atari User, The Micro User
- Hex Data Entry - Your Commodore
- Key Perfect - Nibble
- KEYO - Monitor (UKACOC)
- Korrector/Kontrolsum - Run (German, Danish and Hungarian editions)
- M/L Editor - ANALOG Computing
- Magazine Entry Program - Commodore Magazine
- MIKBUG Tape Format - Byte
- MLX - COMPUTE! and COMPUTE!'s Gazette
- MSE - 64'er
- Perfect Typist - Run
- Program Checker - ROM Magazine
- Program Perfect - Computer Shopper
- Squares Input Program - Computronic
- Stop Bug - Papersoft
- SWAT (Strategic Weapon Against Typos) - SoftSide
- Syntax Checker - Your Commodore
- Tarkastaja (Inspector) - MikroBITTI
- The Automatic Proofreader - COMPUTE! and COMPUTE!'s Gazette
- TYPO (Type Your Program Once) - Antic, Page 6, New Atari User
- Unicheck - ANALOG Computing
- Verifizer - Transactor
General Info about Type-In Program Checkers
- Wikipedia
- Learn About Checksum Programs for Checking Type-In Programs
- First encounter: COMPUTE! magazine and its glorious, tedious type-in code
Lost/Apocryphal Type-in Program Checkers
- Code Checker - PC Hands On (probably related to one of the programs used by Nibble Magazine)
- Spectravideo, MSX, C64 and VIC versions of Tarkastaja (Inspector)
- BlockHashLoc (.bhl)
- Blockyarchive/blkar (.ecsbx)
- Brik
- DVDisaster Error Correction File (.ecc)
- ICE ECC (.ecc)
- Mono (.mono)
- Parity Volume Set / Parchive (.par, .par2, .par3, pa3, .p??)
- Recovery Star
- RockFAT
- rsbep (.shielded, .frozen.RS)
- RSC32 (.RSC32, .RSE32)
- rscode-correction (.rsecc)
- SeqBox (.sbx)