From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Netpbm (originally named Pbmplus) is an open source image processing toolkit. It has its own native image file formats: PBM/PGM/PPM/PNM and PAM.
It includes a library, and a collection of utility programs. Relevant to file formats is its extensive suite of image format conversion utilities, which convert various formats to or from one of its native formats. Most of the utilities are self-contained, with only a few common third-party libraries (libtiff, libjpeg, libpng, zlib) required by some utilities.
External links
Format cross-reference
Read util. | Write util. | Description and remarks | Refer to |
pbmto10x | Gemini 10x printer graphics | ||
411toppm | 411 (Sony Mavica) | Sony Mavica 411 | |
pbmto4425 | Display PBM image on AT&T 4425 ASCII terminal with gfx chars | ||
ppmtoacad | AutoCAD database or slide | DXB, Autodesk Slide | |
ppmtoapplevol | Apple volume label image | Apple volume label image | |
asciitopgm | ASCII character graphics | ASCII Art | |
pbmtoascii | ASCII graphic | ASCII Art | |
ppmtoascii | ASCII graphics with ANSI terminal color control | ASCII Art, ANSI Art | |
atktopbm | pbmtoatk | Andrew Toolkit raster object | CMU Andrew Toolkit image |
avstopam | pamtoavs | Stardent AVS image | AVS X image |
pbmtobbnbg | BBN BitGraph graphics | ||
bioradtopgm | Biorad confocal image | BioRad confocal image | |
bmptopnm | ppmtobmp | Windows or OS/2 Bitmap file | BMP |
brushtopbm | Xerox doodle brushes | Xerox Doodle brush | |
cameratopam | raw camera image | Cameras and Digital Image Sensors | |
cistopbm | pbmtocis | Compuserve RLE image | CompuServe RLE |
cmuwmtopbm | pbmtocmuwm | CMU window manager format | CMU Window Manager bitmap |
ddbugtopbm | Palm DiddleBug image | Diddle sketch, DiddleBug sketch | |
pnmtoddif | DDIF | ||
pamtodjvurle pbmtodjvurle |
DjVu RLE format | DjVu | |
pbmtoepsi | encapsulated Postscript preview bitmap | Encapsulated PostScript | |
pbmtoepson | Epson 9-pin printer graphics | Epson Printer Bitmaps | |
escp2topbm | pbmtoescp2 | Epson ESC/P2 printer graphics | Epson Printer Bitmaps |
eyuvtoppm | ppmtoeyuv | Encoder/Berkeley YUV format | |
fiascotopnm | pnmtofiasco | Fiasco (wfa) highly compressed format | FIASCO |
fitstopnm | pamtofits | FITS format | Flexible Image Transport System |
fstopgm | pgmtofs | Usenix FaceSaver(tm) format | FaceSaver |
g3topbm | pbmtog3 | Group 3 FAX | CCITT Group 3 |
gemtopnm | pbmtogem | GEM .img file | GEM Raster |
giftopnm | pamtogif | GIF | GIF |
pbmtogo | GraphOn graphics | ||
gouldtoppm | Gould scanner file | ||
hipstopgm | HIPS format | ||
hpcdtoppm | Photo CD (discontinued) |
Photo CD | |
ppmtoicr | NCSA ICR graphics | ICR (NCSA Telnet) | |
pbmtoibm23xx | IBM 23XX printer stream | ||
ilbmtoppm | ppmtoilbm | IFF ILBM | ILBM |
imgtoppm | Img-whatnot | ||
infotopam | Amiga .info icons | Amiga Workbench icon | |
jbigtopnm | pnmtojbig | JBIG BIE (compressed bitmap) | JBIG |
jpeg2ktopam | pamtojpeg2k | JPEG-2000 code stream | JPEG 2000 codestream |
jpegtopnm | pnmtojpeg | JFIF/JPEG/EXIF file | JPEG |
leaftoppm | ppmtoleaf | Interleaf | Interleaf image |
lispmtopgm | pgmtolispm | Lisp Machine format | |
pbmtolj | HP LaserJet black and white graphics | ||
ppmtolj | HP LaserJet color graphics (PCL 5) | ||
pbmtoln03 | Dec LN03+ Sixel image | ||
pbmtolps | Postscript using lines | PostScript | |
macptopbm | pbmtomacp | MacPaint | MacPaint |
mdatopbm | pbmtomda | Microdesign (for Amstrad PCWs) | MDA |
mgrtopbm | pbmtomgr | MGR format | MGR bitmap |
ppmtomitsu | Mitsubishi S340-10 printer stream | ||
ppmtompeg | MPEG movie | MPEG-1 | |
pamtompfont | Mplayer bitmap font | ||
mrftopbm | pbmtomrf | MRF (compressed bitmap) | MRF (Monochrome Recursive Format) |
mtvtoppm | MTV ray-tracer output | MTV ray tracer bitmap | |
neotoppm | ppmtoneo | Atari Neochrome | NEOchrome |
pbmtonokia | Nokia Smart Messaging Format (SMF) | Nokia Operator Logo, Nokia Group Graphic, Nokia Picture Message | |
pamtooctave | Gnu Octave image | ||
palmtopnm | pnmtopalm | Palm pixmap | Palm bitmap |
pc1toppm | Atari Degas .pc1 (compressed pi1) | DEGAS formats | |
pcdovtoppm | Photo CD PCD overview file | ||
pnmtopclxl | HP PCL-XL (PCL 6) printer language | ||
pcxtoppm | ppmtopcx | PC Paintbrush format | PCX |
pdbimgtopam | pamtopdbimg | Palm Pilot Image Viewer format | Palm Database ImageViewer |
pfmtopam | pamtopfm | HDRshop PFM (Portable Float Map) | PFM (Portable Float Map) |
pi1toppm pi3topbm |
ppmtopi1 pbmtopi3 |
Atari Degas | DEGAS formats |
picttoppm | ppmtopict | Macintosh PICT | PICT |
pjtoppm | ppmtopj | HP PaintJet file | |
ppmtopjxl | HP Paintjet XL PCL printer stream | HP Paintjet | |
pktopbm | pbmtopk | packed format (PK) font | |
pbmtoplot | Unix plot file | ||
pngtopam | pnmtopng pamrgbatopng |
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) | PNG |
pbmtoppa | HP PPA (Printer Performance Architecture) printer stream | ||
psidtopgm | PostScript "image" data | PostScript | |
pbmtopsg3 | Postscript using G3 fax compression | PostScript | |
pstopnm | pnmtops | Postscript | PostScript |
pbmtoptx | Printronix graphics | ||
ppmtopuzz | X11 "puzzle" file | Puzzle image (X11) | |
qrttoppm | QRT ray-tracer output | QRT Ray Tracer bitmap | |
rasttopnm | pnmtorast | Sun raster file | Sun Raster |
rlatopam | Alias/Wavefront RLA and RPF | RLA | |
rletopnm | pnmtorle | Utah Raster Toolkit (urt/rle) file | Utah RLE |
sbigtopgm | Santa Barbara Instrument Group CCD file | SBIG CCDOPS image | |
sgitopnm | pnmtosgi | SGI format | SGI (image file format) |
sirtopnm | pnmtosir | Solitaire Image Recorder file (MGI Type 11 or 17) | |
ppmtosixel | DEC sixel format | Sixel | |
sldtoppm | AutoCAD slide file | Autodesk Slide | |
spctoppm | Atari compressed Spectrum | Spectrum 512 formats | |
spottopgm | SPOT satellite image | ||
sputoppm | ppmtospu | Atari uncompressed Spectrum | Spectrum 512 formats |
srftopam | pamtosrf | SRF (Garmin vehicle) | |
sunicontopnm | pbmtosunicon | Sun icon | Sun icon |
pamtosvg | Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG); trace image | Scalable Vector Graphics | |
ppmtoterm | Display PPM image on ANSI standard text terminal | ANSI Art | |
tgatoppm | pamtotga | TrueVision Targa file | TGA |
thinkjettopbm | HP Thinkjet printer stream | ||
tifftopnm | pamtotiff pnmtotiffcmyk |
ppmtouil | Motif UIL icon file | ||
vidtoppm | Parallax XVideo JPEG (not built by default) | ||
wbmptopbm | pbmtowbmp | WAP (Wireless App Protocol) Wireless Bitmap | WBMP |
winicontopam winicontoppm |
pamtowinicon ppmtowinicon |
Windows icon file | ICO |
xbmtopbm | pbmtoxbm | X10 or X11 bitmap | XBM |
ximtoppm | Xim | ||
xpmtoppm | ppmtoxpm | XPM format | XPM |
xvminitoppm | pamtoxvmini | Xv "thumbnail" picture | XV thumbnail |
xwdtopnm | pnmtoxwd | X11 window dump | XWD |
ybmtopbm | pbmtoybm | Bennet Yee "face" file | YBM |
yuvsplittoppm | ppmtoyuvsplit | subsampled raw Stanford MPEG YUV | |
yuvtoppm | ppmtoyuv | Abekas YUV format | Abekas YUV |
zeisstopnm | Zeiss confocal file | ||
pbmtozinc | Zinc Interface Library icon |