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Databases - Just Solve the File Format Problem


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Warning: require(): Unable to allocate memory for pool. in /usr/local/www/mediawiki/includes/AutoLoader.php on line 1007
(Relational databases)
(Relational databases)
(65 intermediate revisions by 9 users not shown)
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|image=File manager.png
See also [[Serialization]] for methods of storing, exporting, importing, and transferring structured data.
Classes of databases:
Classes of databases:
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== General databases ==
== General databases ==
Specific database types:
* [[BigTable]] (Google internal database)
* [[DBF]]
* [[Ability]]
** [[dBase II]]
* [[Access]]
** [[dBase III]]
* [[dBase II]]
* [[LevelDB]]
* [[dBase III]]
* [[Mork]]
* [[FoxPro]]
* [[PC-FILE]]
* [[Paradox]]
* [[QDB (Robert R. Marsh)]]
== Hierarchical databases ==
== Hierarchical databases ==
* [[IMS]]
* [[IMS]]
== ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method) ==
* [[Ability Database]] (.adb)
* [[Access]] (was also known as Jet)
* [[Extensible Storage Engine]] (ESE, EDB)
* [[Paradox (database)]]
== Multiformat platforms/programs/libraries/utilities ==
* [[Dat (data sharing)|Dat]]
== NoSQL databases ==
== NoSQL databases ==
* [[CouchDB]]
* [[CouchDB]]
* [[DynamoDB]] (AWS cloud database)
* [[Elliptics]]
* [[MongoDB]]
* [[MongoDB]]
* [[Clusterpoint]]
== Object-oriented databases ==
== Object-oriented databases ==
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== Relational databases ==
== Relational databases ==
* [[Athena]] (AWS)
* [[Cornerstone]] (Infocom)
* [[Derby]]
* [[Derby]]
* [[FileMaker Pro]]
* [[h2database]]
* [[HSQLDB]]
* [[HSQLDB]]
* [[IBM DB2]]
* [[IBM DB2]]
* [[Ingres]]
* [[Ingres]]
* [[MariaDB]]
** [[MariaDB error codes]]
* [[MemSQL]]
* [[MemSQL]]
* [[MySQL]]
* [[MySQL]]
** [[MySQL error codes‎]]
* [[Oracle]]
* [[Oracle]]
** [[ARC (database backup format)]]
** [[ARC (database backup format)]]
** [[Oracle database error messages]]
* [[Provue Panorama]] (.pan, .pandb)
* [[PostGRESQL]]
* [[PostGRESQL]]
* [[SIARD]]
* [[DB SQL Anywhere|SQL Anywhere]]
* [[DB SQL Anywhere|SQL Anywhere]]
* [[DB (SQLite)|SQLite]]
* [[SQLite]]
** [[SQLite result codes]]
* [[Virtuoso]]
* [[DB (Watcom-SQL)|Watcom SQL]]
* [[DB (Watcom-SQL)|Watcom SQL]]
Line 62: Line 91:
* [[Apache Jena]]
* [[Apache Jena]]
* [[Mulgara]]
* [[Mulgara]]
== XML databases ==
* [[BaseX]]
* [[Documentum xDB]]
* [[eXist-db]]
* [[MarkLogic]]
* [[Oracle XML DB]]
* [[Qizx]]
* [[Sedna]]
* [[Tamino]]
* [[TEXTML]]
* [[TigerLogic XDMS]]
* [[Xpriori XMS]]
* [[XQuantum]]
== Database programming/query languages ==
* [[Clipper (programming language)]]
* [[dBase programming language]]
* [[Fauna Query Language]] (FQL)
* [[FoxPro programming language]]
* [[PRQL]]
* [[SPARQL]]
* [[SQL]]
== Encrypted databases ==
* [[KBDX]]
== Timeseries ==
* [[RRD]], round-robin database
* [[Whisper]],  used by graphite
== Cloud/network/API databases ==
* [[FaunaDB]]
* [[Wikibase]] (back end of Wikidata project from Wikimedia)
== Uncategorized ==
* [[Apache Parquet]]
* [[AskSam]] (.ask)
* [[DeskMate Filer]] (.fil)
* [[Folio Infobase]] (.nfo)
* Info File [[FLR]] (.flr)
* [[GNU Recutils]] [https://www.gnu.org/software/recutils/]
* [[Microsoft Works Database]]
* [[TDB (Samba)]]
* [[Tabular Data Package]]
== Conversion software ==
* [[Embulk]]
== Links ==
* [http://blog.okfn.org/2013/04/24/frictionless-data-making-it-radically-easier-to-get-stuff-done-with-data/ Frictionless data]
* [http://oddc.opendataresearch.org/ Open Data Research Network]
* [http://www.chrisstucchio.com/blog/2013/hadoop_hatred.html Don't use Hadoop - your data isn't that big]
* [http://readwrite.com/2013/10/28/why-proprietary-big-data-technologies-have-no-hope-of-competing-with-hadoop Why Proprietary Big Data Technologies Have No Hope Of Competing With Hadoop]
* [http://www.itnews.com.au/News/357842,social-networks-stick-with-mysql.aspx Social networks stick with MySQL]
* [http://scholarworks.umass.edu/cpo/vol1/iss1/4/ From Punched Cards to "Big Data": A Social History of Database Populism]
* [http://support.microsoft.com/kb/168702 If you move your mouse continually the query may not fail. Do not stop moving] (that's Microsoft for you)
* [http://boingboing.net/2014/01/31/whos-to-blame-for-daughter.html Who's to blame for 'Daughter Killed in Car Crash' mailing sent to parents? Big Data.]
* [http://www.ft.com/cms/s/2/21a6e7d8-b479-11e3-a09a-00144feabdc0.html Big data: are we making a big mistake?]
* [http://magazine.columbia.edu/features/winter-2013-14/ghost-files Big data analysis to see what's missing from the national archives]
* [http://sbdevel.wordpress.com/2014/06/17/terabyte-index-search-and-faceting-with-solr/ Terabyte index, search and faceting with Solr]
* [http://www.loc.gov/preservation/resources/rfs/data.html Library of Congress Recommended Format Specifications: Datasets]
* [http://dataset.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ dataset: databases for lazy people (Python module)]
* [http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/infosphere/biginsights/resources.html IBM Hadoop info]
* [http://www.database-preservation.com/ Database Preservation Toolkit]
* [http://qntm.org/gay Gay marriage: the database engineering perspective]

Latest revision as of 23:45, 15 March 2024

File Format
Name Databases


See also Serialization for methods of storing, exporting, importing, and transferring structured data.

Classes of databases:


[edit] CODASYL databases

[edit] General databases

[edit] Hierarchical databases

[edit] ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method)

[edit] Multiformat platforms/programs/libraries/utilities

[edit] NoSQL databases

[edit] Object-oriented databases

[edit] Relational databases

[edit] Triplestores

[edit] XML databases

[edit] Database programming/query languages

[edit] Encrypted databases

[edit] Timeseries

  • RRD, round-robin database
  • Whisper, used by graphite

[edit] Cloud/network/API databases

[edit] Uncategorized

[edit] Conversion software

[edit] Links

Personal tools


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