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(Cryptographic hash functions)
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== Ciphers ==
== Ciphers ==
* [[Advanced Encryption Standard|AES]]
* [[AES]]
* [[Data Encryption Standard|DES]]
* [[Blowfish]]
* [[ChaCha]]
* [[DES]]
* [[ICE (encryption algorithm)|ICE]]
* [[RC4]]
* [[Triple DES]]
* [[Triple DES]]
== Cryptographic hash functions ==
== Cryptographic hash functions ==
* [[BLAKE]]
* [[BLAKE2]]
* [[BLAKE3]]
* [[MD4]]
* [[MD4]]
* [[MD5]]
* [[MD5]]
Line 18: Line 25:
* [[SHA-3]]
* [[SHA-3]]
For non-cryptographic hash functions, see [[Error detection and correction]].
For non-cryptographic hash functions, see [[Error detection and correction]].
== Password hashes ==
* [[Argon2]]
* [[bcrypt]]
* [[passwd#crypt|crypt]]
* [[PBKDF2]]
* [[scrypt]]
See also [[passwd#Password field]].
== Formats and protocols ==
== Formats and protocols ==
* [[Cloak]] (.clk)
* [[Cryptoloop]]
* [[Cryptoloop]]
* [[DissidentX]]
* [[DissidentX]]
* [[dm-crypt]]
* [[dm-crypt]]
* [[Codecrypt]]
* [[FractalCrypt]]
* [[Horcrux (jesseduffield)]]
* [[Horcrux (kndyry)]]
* [[icecrypt]]
* [[inKey]] (.iK)
* [[Invisible Secrets]] (.isc)
* [[IZE]]
* [[Javascript Object Signing and Encryption]] (JOSE)
* [[JSON Web Encryption]] (JWE)
* [[Loop-AES]]
* [[Loop-AES]]
* [[LUKS]]
* [[LUKS]]
* [[Max File Encryption]] (.mfe)
* [[MCrypt]] (.nc)
* [[Message Smuggler]] (.enc)
* [[OpenSSL salted format]]
* [[OpenSSL salted format]]
* [[PAE]]
* [[PAE2]]
* [[PGP]]
* [[PGP]]
** [[PGP public key]]
* [[QuickCrypto]] (.qce, .qcotfe)
* [[SDN (SDN Project)]]
* [[Silent Circle Instant Messaging Protocol]]
* [[Silent Circle Instant Messaging Protocol]]
* [[SSL]]
* [[SSL]]
* [[Steganos Privacy/Security Suite]] (.sef, .sle)
* [[TrueCrypt]]
* [[TrueCrypt]]
* [[White Noise Storm (WNSTORM)]]
* [[Xidie Secure Archives]]
* [[XIP]]
* [[ZED]]
== Digital rights management (DRM) ==
== Digital rights management (DRM) ==
Main article: [[Digital Rights Management]]
* [[Content Scramble System]] (used on DVDs)
* [[Content Scramble System]] (used on DVDs)
== Miscellaneous ==
== Blockchain-related systems ==
(see also [[Currency]], where most such systems, including [[Bitcoin]], are documented; however, applications of blockchain technology beyond currency use are now appearing)
* [[Tezos]]
== [[Ransomware]] ==
* [[Cryptolocker]]
Additional formats may be listed at [[Ransomware]].
== [[Steganography]] ==
* [[4t HIT Mail Privacy Lite]]
* [[AnyFile2Image]]
* [[BDV DataHider]]
* [[Black Wolf's Picture Encoder (StegoDos)]]
* [[BlindSide]]
* [[Camera/Shy]]
* [[Contraband]]
* [[CryptoStego]]
* [[CryptoStego - YASS version]]
* [[Crypture]]
* [[DC-Stegano]]
* [[DeepSound]]
* [[defy]]
* [[Digital Invisible Ink Toolkit]]
* [[Dound's Steganographer]]
* [[Encrypt Pic]]
* [[eShow]]
* [[EyeMage IIE]]
* [[File-Encryptor]]
* [[FireSteg]]
* [[Gif-It-Up]]
* [[gifshuffle]]
* [[Hallucinate]]
* [[Hide'N'Send]]
* [[Hide and Seek (HideSeek)]]
* [[Hide In Picture]]
* [[Hydan]]
* [[ImageContainer]]
* [[ImageHide]]
* [[ImageHide (dilshan)]]
* [[imagehide (techraj)]]
* [[Image Steganography (cpascoe)]]
* [[Image Steganography using Python]]
* [[InPlainView]]
* [[InThePicture]]
* [[Invisible Secrets]]
* [[JHide]]
* [[JPHS (JPHide/JPSeek)]]
* [[JSteg]]
* [[jsteg (Luke Champine)]]
* [[M4JPEG]]
* [[Magikfs]]
* [[Message Smuggler]]
* [[MP3 File Hider]]
* [[MP3Stego]]
* [[mp3stegz]]
* [[MSU StegoVideo]]
* [[OpenPuff]]
* [[OpenStego]]
* [[OutGuess]]
* [[PiggyPack]]
* [[QuickCrypto]]
* [[QuickStego]]
* [[rSteg]]
* [[rsteg (xgi)]]
* [[S-Tools]]
* [[Sealed]]
* [[Secret Layer]]
* [[SecretSpace]]
* [[SilentEye]]
* [[SNOW/stegsnow]]
* [[SSuite Picsel]]
* [[Stash-It (Stash)]]
* [[steg86]]
* [[stegan (edma2)]]
* [[Stegan (Von Mbah)]]
* [[Stegano]]
* [[SteganoGifPaletteOrder (SGPO)]]
* [[SteganographX Plus]]
* [[Steganography (FortKnox)]]
* [[Steganography Online Codec]]
* [[steganos]]
* [[Steganos Privacy/Security Suite]]
* [[steganotool]]
* [[SteganPEG]]
* [[stegfs]]
* [[steghide]]
* [[Stego WAV]]
* [[stego-wave]]
* [[stegodon]]
* [[StegoMagic]]
* [[StegoShare]]
* [[StegoStick]]
* [[Stegosuite]]
* [[StegoWav (Peter Heist)]]
* [[stegowav (robert461)]]
* [[Twitter Secret Messages]] (Steg Of The Dump)
* [[Unicode Steganography (unisteg)]]
* [[Virtual Steganographic Laboratory (VSL)]]
* [[Vodka-Tonic]]
* [[wbStego]]
* [[Whitespace (BeyondMeh)|Whitespace]]
* [[White Noise Storm (WNSTORM)]]
* [[Xiao Steganography]]
* [[Xidie Security Suite]]
* [[yass-js]]
* [[yeo]]
=== Steganographic algorithms ===
* [[F5]]
* [[J3]]
(See also: [[Data Hiding/Embedding]])
== Obfuscation ==
(make one type of file appear as a different type of file or no type at all)
* [[BMP Wrap]]
* [[bmpPacker]]
* [[Empty Picture]]
* [[Exclusive Or]]
* [[EyeMage IIE]]
* [[File2PNG]]
* [[file2png (Sneed)]]
* [[File2PNG (softenko)]]
* [[Hallucinate]]
* [[ImPack]]
* [[nicetext]]
* [[Piet]] - create images that are programs
* [[PngBin]]
* [[ROT13]]
* [[ROT13]]
* [[s2png]]
* [[Sam's Big Play Maker]]
* [[Stealth]]
* [[Steganosaurus (stego)]]
* [[Texto]]
* [[tk]]
* [[UDS : Unlimited Drive Storage]]
* [[Wrapster]]
* [[ZIPD]]
== Miscellaneous ==
* [[Doom cheat code encryption]]
* [[Mono]]
* [[OpenSSL]]
* [[Shamir's Secret Sharing]]
== See also ==
== See also ==
See also [[Security]]. Various other formats, including [[compression]], [[archiving]], and [[filesystem]] formats, may support encryption as a built-in feature or through plug-ins.
See also [[Security]] for information on digital certificates and electronic signing. Various other formats, including [[compression]], [[archiving]], and [[filesystem]] formats, may support encryption as a built-in feature or through plug-ins.
== External links ==
== External links ==
* [http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE8AM0E520121123?irpc=932 70-year old code uncracked]
* [http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/12/codes/?pid=1708&viewall=true 7 Codes You’ll Never Ever Break]
=== Security techniques ===
* [http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/12/breaking_hard-d.html Breaking Hard-Disk Encryption]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/02/22/secure-documents.html One way to keep your documents secure...]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/02/22/secure-documents.html One way to keep your documents secure...]
* [http://blog.whitehatsec.com/cracking-aes-256-dmgs-and-epic-self-pwnage/ Password Cracking AES-256 DMGs and Epic Self-Pwnage]
* [http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2013/06/quantum-cryptography-hack/ Laws of Physics Say Quantum Cryptography Is Unhackable. It’s Not]
* [http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2013/06/25/ssl-intercepted-today-decrypted-tomorrow.html SSL: Intercepted today, decrypted tomorrow]
* [http://www.nbcnews.com/science/worlds-most-mysterious-manuscript-has-genuine-message-6C10444898 World's most mysterious manuscript has genuine message]
* [https://mashable.com/2013/06/28/encryption-apps/ Is It the Dawn of the Encryption App?]
* [https://mashable.com/2013/06/28/encryption-apps/ Is It the Dawn of the Encryption App?]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/09/05/report-nsa-slices-through-mos.html Report: NSA slices through most 'net encryption, according to 'Bullrun' documents leaked by Snowden]
* [http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57602246-38/amid-nsa-uproar-encryption-standards-body-defends-process/ Amid NSA uproar, encryption-standards body defends process]
* [http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-57602246-38/amid-nsa-uproar-encryption-standards-body-defends-process/ Amid NSA uproar, encryption-standards body defends process]
* [http://blogs.fsfe.org/greve/?p=634 STEED: project to create nonproprietary encryption]
* [http://blogs.fsfe.org/greve/?p=634 STEED: project to create nonproprietary encryption]
* [http://op-co.de/blog/posts/android_ssl_downgrade/ Why Android SSL was downgraded from AES256-SHA to RC4-MD5 in late 2010]
* [http://www.macworld.com/article/2055640/researchers-challenge-apples-claim-of-unbreakable-imessage-encryption.html Researchers challenge Apple's claim of unbreakable iMessage encryption]
* [https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/10/defending_again_1.html Defending Against Crypto Backdoors]
* [https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2013/10/defending_again_1.html Defending Against Crypto Backdoors]
* [http://www.darkmail.info/ Dark Mail Alliance] - developing end-to-end encryption for e-mail
* [http://www.darkmail.info/ Dark Mail Alliance] - developing end-to-end encryption for e-mail
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/12/20/nsa-had-secret-deal-on-back-do.html NSA had secret deal on back-doored crypto with security firm RSA, Snowden docs reveal]
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-25506020 Cryptolocker ransomware has 'infected about 250,000 PCs']
* [http://www.flossmanuals.org/news/floss-manuals-content-being-used-cryptoparties FLOSS Manuals content being used in CryptoParties]
* [http://www.flossmanuals.org/news/floss-manuals-content-being-used-cryptoparties FLOSS Manuals content being used in CryptoParties]
* [http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2014/02/cryptography-breakthrough/all/ Cryptography Breakthrough Could Make Software Unhackable]
* [http://boingboing.net/2014/06/09/time-capsule-crypto-to-help-jo.html Time-capsule crypto to help journalists protect their sources]
=== Code breaking, bugs, and back doors ===
* [http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2012/12/breaking_hard-d.html Breaking Hard-Disk Encryption]
* [http://blog.whitehatsec.com/cracking-aes-256-dmgs-and-epic-self-pwnage/ Password Cracking AES-256 DMGs and Epic Self-Pwnage]
* [http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2013/06/quantum-cryptography-hack/ Laws of Physics Say Quantum Cryptography Is Unhackable. It’s Not]
* [http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2013/06/25/ssl-intercepted-today-decrypted-tomorrow.html SSL: Intercepted today, decrypted tomorrow]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/09/05/report-nsa-slices-through-mos.html Report: NSA slices through most 'net encryption, according to 'Bullrun' documents leaked by Snowden]
* [http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/03/critical-crypto-bug-leaves-linux-hundreds-of-apps-open-to-eavesdropping/ Critical crypto bug leaves Linux, hundreds of apps open to eavesdropping]
* [http://www.macworld.com/article/2055640/researchers-challenge-apples-claim-of-unbreakable-imessage-encryption.html Researchers challenge Apple's claim of unbreakable iMessage encryption]
* [http://boingboing.net/2013/12/20/nsa-had-secret-deal-on-back-do.html NSA had secret deal on back-doored crypto with security firm RSA, Snowden docs reveal]
* [http://op-co.de/blog/posts/android_ssl_downgrade/ Why Android SSL was downgraded from AES256-SHA to RC4-MD5 in late 2010]
* [http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/70719/ssl3-poodle-vulnerability SSL3 “POODLE” Vulnerability]
=== Unsolved (or finally-solved) codes/ciphers ===
* [http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE8AM0E520121123?irpc=932 70-year old code uncracked]
* [http://boingboing.net/2014/03/25/mysterious-coded-messages-at-u.html Mysterious coded messages at university library]
* [http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/12/codes/?pid=1708&viewall=true 7 Codes You’ll Never Ever Break]
* [http://www.nbcnews.com/science/worlds-most-mysterious-manuscript-has-genuine-message-6C10444898 World's most mysterious manuscript has genuine message]
* [https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2020/12/zodiac-killer-cipher-is-cracked-after-eluding-sleuths-for-51-years/ Zodiac Killer cipher is cracked after eluding sleuths for 51 years]
=== Tools, Utilities, and Software ===
* [http://coptr.digipres.org/Category:Encryption_Detection Encryption Detection: COPTR]
* [https://libfte.org/ LibFTE: A toolkit for constructing practical, format-abiding encryption schemes.]
* [https://keybase.io/ Keybase: look up public keys connected with social-media usernames]
* [http://ziin.pl/en/easy_hash Easy Hash: free program which can calculate over 180 hash functions and checksums]
=== Miscellaneous ===
* [http://cryptofloricon.com/ Cryptofloricon: send a message with flowers] (not a ''secret'' one, though, since the decryption key is on the website!)
* [https://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram-9810.html#cipherdesign Memo to the Amateur Cipher Designer]
* [http://www.theonion.com/articles/fasttalking-computer-hacker-just-has-to-break-thro,32000/ Fast-Talking Computer Hacker Just Has To Break Through Encryption Shield Before Uploading Nano-Virus (The Onion)]
* [http://io9.com/check-out-the-cipher-from-an-assassination-attempt-on-q-1567478070 Check Out the Cipher from an Assassination Attempt on Queen Elizabeth]
* [http://regmedia.co.uk/2014/05/16/0955_peter_gutmann.pdf Crypto Won’t Save You Either]
* [http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/32024/i-am-passive-aggressive-and-want-to-insult-my-boss-without-him-finding-out?stw=2 Programming-contest entries to hide a nasty message in note to boss]
* [http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-secret-codes-that-cartels-use-to-send-orders-from-prison?trk_source=recommended The Secret Codes That Cartel Bosses Use to Send Handwritten Orders from Prison]
* [https://github.com/lclevy/firepwd/blob/master/mozilla_pbe.pdf Mozilla Password Based Encryption]

Latest revision as of 14:58, 2 December 2024

File Format
Name Encryption




[edit] Ciphers

[edit] Cryptographic hash functions

For non-cryptographic hash functions, see Error detection and correction.

[edit] Password hashes

See also passwd#Password field.

[edit] Formats and protocols

[edit] Digital rights management (DRM)

Main article: Digital Rights Management

[edit] Blockchain-related systems

(see also Currency, where most such systems, including Bitcoin, are documented; however, applications of blockchain technology beyond currency use are now appearing)

[edit] Ransomware

Additional formats may be listed at Ransomware.

[edit] Steganography

[edit] Steganographic algorithms

(See also: Data Hiding/Embedding)

[edit] Obfuscation

(make one type of file appear as a different type of file or no type at all)

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] See also

See also Security for information on digital certificates and electronic signing. Various other formats, including compression, archiving, and filesystem formats, may support encryption as a built-in feature or through plug-ins.

[edit] External links

[edit] Security techniques

[edit] Code breaking, bugs, and back doors

[edit] Unsolved (or finally-solved) codes/ciphers

[edit] Tools, Utilities, and Software

[edit] Miscellaneous

Personal tools
