User:Halftheisland/EA AS4

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File Format
Name Halftheisland/EA AS4
Extension(s) .as4 .asf



AS4 / ASF files are an audio file format used in many video games created by Electronic Arts. Note that extensions other than those listed may be AS4 / ASF files as Electronic Arts often change file extensions for different games.


The basic structure of AS4 / ASF files is similar to that of RIFF, with each file divided into blocks (although, unlike RIFF, the format does not have a global file header).

Each block starts with a standard header:

struct ASFBlockHeader
char szBlockID[4]; 
DWORD dwSize; 


  • szBlockID gives the string ID for the block
  • dwSize gives the size of the block (including the header) in bytes.

Each file then consists of a number of blocks, each of which are described below.

Header Block

Block ID:1SNh

This is the first block in an ASF / AS4 file, describing the audio stream.

struct EACSHeader 
char szID[4]; 
DWORD dwSampleRate; 
BYTE bBits; 
BYTE bChannels; 
BYTE bCompression; 
BYTE bType; 
DWORD dwNumSamples; 
DWORD dwLoopStart; 
DWORD dwLoopLength; 
DWORD dwDataStart; 
DWORD dwUnknown; 
  • szID - the ID string, should always be "EACS"
  • dwSampleRate - the sample rate for the file
  • bBits - the resolution of the decompressed sound data, divided by 8 (i.e. 1 = 8-bit, 2 = 16-bit)
  • bChannels - the number of channels. There are only two options: 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
  • bCompression - if this is equal to 0x00, the audio data consists of signed 8 or 16-bit PCM. If it is equal to 0x02, the audio data consists of compressed IMA ADPCM

Sound Data



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