GLib library data types
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Types in the GLib library. There are basic types, and a number of specialized types for particular groups of GLib functions.
Basic types
- gboolean
- gpointer
- gconstpointer
- gchar
- guchar
- gshort
- gushort
- glong
- gulong
- gint8
- guint8
- gint16
- guint16
- gint32
- guint32
- gint64
- guint64
- gfloat
- gdouble
- gsize
- gssize
- goffset
- gintptr
- guintptr
Unicode Manipulation types
- gunichar
- gunichar2
- GUnicodeType
- GUnicodeBreakType (enum)
- GUnicodeScript (enum)
- GNormalizeMode (enum)
(and lots of other categories)