Amazon Marketplace Web Service
The Amazon Marketplace Web Service is a set of API functions to let people selling things or fulfilling orders through Amazon's sites and services update their merchandise, download reports on activity, etc. A web interface is also offered for file uploads/downloads. Uploads and downloads are done largely using tab delimited files, but XML formats are also available for some reports.
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File formats
Fulfillment request upload file
Contains orders taken on non-Amazon sites being uploaded to Amazon for fulfillment (when the products are stocked and shipped from Amazon's warehouses).
Tab delimited with these fields (one line per line item; there may be multiple line items in an order):
- MerchantFulfillmentOrderID: Order number in merchant's system (needs to be unique for each order)
- DisplayableOrderID: Order number shown on packing slip (usually the same as previous field)
- DisplayableOrderDate: Order date (in ISO YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format, with optional time zone specification +/-HH:MM following
- MerchantSKU: Product code (as set up between merchant and Amazon)
- Quantity: Number of units to ship
- MerchantFulfillmentOrderItemID: A unique ID for each line item of order
- GiftMessage: Message to add to packing slip for gift orders
- DisplayableComment: Comment to add to packing slip for line item
- PerUnitDeclaredValue: Value of a unit (used only for international orders needing to be declared for customs purposes)
- DisplayableOrderComment: Comment to add to packing slip for entire order
- DeliverySLA: Standard, Expedited, or Priority; indicates shipping type. Expedited is 2nd-day, Priority is overnight.
- AddressName: Recipient's name.
- AddressFieldOne: Street address
- AddressFieldTwo
- AddressFieldThree
- AddressCity
- AddressCountryCode: 2-letter ISO country code.
- AddressStateOrRegion: State/province/etc. code. 2-letter codes in US and Canada.
- AddressPostalCode: Zip/postal code (varies by country)
- AddressPhoneNumber: Customer phone
- NotificationEmail: Customer email
- FulfillmentAction: Hold or Ship.
In orders with multiple line items, only the MerchantFulfillmentOrderID and the line item fields from MerchantSKU to PerUnitDeclaredValue need to be included on line items after the first in the order; the other fields are for the order as a whole and need only be included in the first line item.
Order detail download file
The results of the _GET_AMAZON_FULFILLED_SHIPMENTS_DATA_ report come in this format (tab delimited) to report the details of orders (orders taken on Amazon's sites, and orders fulfilled by upload).
- amazon-order-id: A unique ID generated by Amazon.
- merchant-order-id: Order number provided by merchant if any.
- shipment-id
- shipment-item-id
- amazon-order-item-id: Unique line item identifier generated by Amazon.
- merchant-order-item-id: Merchant's line item identifier if any.
- purchase-date
- payments-date
- shipment-date
- reporting-date
- buyer-email: For Amazon-taken orders, this is given as a forwarded address on Amazon's server that forwards to the customer's real address, not revealed to merchant partners.
- buyer-name
- buyer-phone-number
- sku: Item code.
- product-name
- quantity-shipped
- currency: (e.g., USD for US dollars)
- item-price item-tax
- shipping-price
- shipping-tax
- gift-wrap-price
- gift-wrap-tax
- ship-service-level
- recipient-name
- ship-address-1
- ship-address-2
- ship-address-3
- ship-city
- ship-state
- ship-postal-code
- ship-country
- ship-phone-number
- bill-address-1
- bill-address-2
- bill-address-3
- bill-city
- bill-state
- bill-postal-code
- bill-country
- item-promotion-discount
- ship-promotion-discount
- carrier
- tracking-number
- estimated-arrival-date
- fulfillment-center-id
- fulfillment-channel
- sales-channel
Developer libraries
Sample data
- Amazon Web Services developer documentation
- Seller Central site (requires merchant account)
- Fulfillment order file upload (requires merchant account)
- API developer guide