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File Format
Name Softlib
Extension(s) .slb

Softlib was a compression/archiving program used by Softdisk Publishing in the 1990s as a container format for their programs and data, but not actually released directly as a published program. Some game data files used in the Gamer's Edge product were compressed this way (with the decompression algorithm built into the game program itself), and various self-extracting installers for Softdisk products used the Softlib format for their compressed data.

Standalone archived files in this format might have a .SLB extension (or might not; Softlib didn't enforce particular file naming conventions), but the self-extracting version (as a .EXE file) was more commonly encountered. One distinctive feature of Softlib-archived self-installers is that when you execute them from the DOS command line with the parameter /VER added, they display version information including the version of Softlib that was used to create the archive.

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