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File Format
Released 1990?
For a similarly-named format, see COM-Pack library‎.

COMPACK is an executable compression utility for DOS. It was developed by W. J. Collis and Prominence Computer Services, and distributed as shareware. It compresses EXE files (to EXE), and COM files (to COM).


Self-extracting archives

COMPACK also includes a utility named BUILDSFX (integrated into COMPACK.EXE in v5.x), which creates self-extracting archives in EXE format.

More research may be needed, but self-extracting archives seem to be built by first making a kind of intermediate non-compressed self-extracting archive, then compressing the whole thing with COMPACK's usual executable compression. It is not so easy to identify a COMPACK self-extracting archive as distinct from any other COMPACK-compressed EXE file, as all the distinctive parts are compressed.


More research is needed, but EXE files made by the known versions of COMPACK are observed to have the following byte pattern at offset 32 through 62:

bd ?? ?? 50 06 8c cb 03 dd 8c d2 4b 8e db be ??
00 bf 00 07 8e c2 b9 08 00 f3 a5 4a 4d 75 ec

V4.4 EXE files have, at offset 80: "Copyright (c) 1990 W. Collis".

V4.5 EXE files have, at offset 81: "Copyright (c) 1991 W Collis".

V5.1 EXE files have, at offset 79: "Copyright (c) 1991 W Collis".

The string "Copyright (C) 1995 W Collis" at offset 79 may or may not be legitimate; see PEPI207.ZIP in the "Sample files" section.

V4.4 COM files have, at offset 38: "Copyright (C) 1991  W. Collis".

V4.5 COM files have, at offset 41: "Copyright (C) 1991 W Collis".

V5.1 COM files have, at offset 40: "Copyright (C) 1993 W Collis".


If the documentation is to be believed, there were at least six versions of COMPACK: 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.0, and 5.1. Only the ones listed below have been located.

Sample files

Personal tools
