Rexx-Adventure is an interactive fiction system created in 1995 by Mike DeSanto for OS/2 conceptually based on Adventure Game Toolkit. Atypically for interactive fiction systems, there is no compiler/interpreter separation and intermediate format; the Rexx-Adventure interpreter directly plays source files. Rexx-Adventure includes a GUI to try to prevent some common problems of interactive fiction formats, but it is nonetheless entirely text-based.
A Rexx-Adventure game file may optionally be accompanied by a file with the same base name but the extension .cmd (.CMD with OS/2 naming conventions) written in REXX, which provides supplemental features.[1]
Rexx-Adventure apparently uses a separate savegame format.
Contents |
Rexx-Adventure source files have the extension .rad (.RAD due to OS/2 naming conventions).[1]
Skipping lines beginning with semicolons, the first line of a .rad file should start with ASCII Title:
, the second PlayerNumber:
, and the third GlobalNum:
. [2]
- Rexx-Adventure on the Interactive Fiction Wiki
- The single Rexx-Adventure file in the IF Archive, containing documentation, the intepreter, as well as a sample game
- A short essay by Mike DeSanto about Rexx-Adventure
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 → README.TXT, section "Game source files (.RAD) and Game Command Files (.CMD)"
- ↑ → REXXADV.DOC, section "Creating Rexx-Adventure games", subsections "Overview" and "Line Type Definitions"