OctaMED module (MED)
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Revision as of 23:08, 10 July 2016 by Trevthegenius (Talk | contribs)
OctaMED, by Teijo Kinnunen (originally just MED), is a music editor for the Amiga. It used both "standard" notes and "tracker"-style notations. Songs had up to 100 blocks of up to 256 lines. There could be up to 99 songs in memory, sharing 63 instruments.
There are a number of sub formats that are referred to generically as "MED" files.
- MED - MED version 1.0 to 2.0 "Song and Samples" file
- MMD0 - MED version 2.1 "Med MoDule 0" file
- MMD1 - OctaMED Professional file
- MMD2 - OctaMED Professional V5 file
The OctaMED Professional package includes details of many of these file formats in the "Programmers" directory