Talk:Quantum computer

From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Revision as of 13:29, 7 September 2015 by Felix (Talk | contribs)

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I must say, what a load of rubbish. First of all, the word is superposition, not "supposition". Secondly, the description is misleading, suggesting that quantum computers "try all solutions at once"; quantum computation is conducted by carefully manipulating the quantum state vector so that a later measurement gives the desired result with high probability. Next, a quantum computer is listed here as a "physical file format", which is stretching the definition of both "file" and "format" to the point of meaninglessness. Moreover, given the sheer difficulty of maintaining quantum states and a little something called the no-cloning theorem, nothing which could be meaningfully called long-term quantum information storage should be expected to appear, which means that the topic is simply irrelevant to what this wiki is purportedly set up to document. Lastly, even if it were relevant somehow, I see little value in pages about topics this speculative, especially if they consist of links to vague pop-sci articles, full of errors and misleading metaphors, instead of actual research into the field. — felix (talk) 13:29, 7 September 2015 (UTC)

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