Dev-Cpp project
From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Dev-C++ project file is a plain text file that describes the code project. It consists of key-value pairs separated into sections denoted by square brackets.
[Project] Name=Centre UnitCount=1 Type=1 Ver=1 ObjFiles= Includes= Libs= PrivateResource= ResourceIncludes= MakeIncludes= Compiler= CppCompiler= Linker= IsCpp=1 Icon= ExeOutput= ObjectOutput= OverrideOutput=0 OverrideOutputName= HostApplication= Folders= CommandLine= UseCustomMakefile=0 CustomMakefile= IncludeVersionInfo=0 SupportXPThemes=0 CompilerSet=0 CompilerSettings= [Unit1] FileName=Centre\main.cpp CompileCpp=1 Folder= Compile=1 Link=1 Priority=1000 OverrideBuildCmd=0 BuildCmd= [VersionInfo] Major=0 Minor=1 Release=1 Build=1 LanguageID=1033 CharsetID=1252 CompanyName= FileVersion= FileDescription=Developed using the Dev-C++ IDE InternalName= LegalCopyright= LegalTrademarks= OriginalFilename= ProductName= ProductVersion= AutoIncBuildNr=0