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Raw FL Studio Project - Just Solve the File Format Problem

Raw FL Studio Project

From Just Solve the File Format Problem
Revision as of 21:11, 9 December 2015 by Andrewrk (Talk | contribs)

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File Format
Name Raw FL Studio Project
Extension(s) .flp
PRONOM fmt/733



The Raw FL Studio Project is the native file format of Image Line's FruityLoops / FL Studio Digital Audio Workstation Software. It contains all of the data belonging to a project, with the exception of wave samples, DrumSynth presets and SimSynth presets.

FL Studio can also export projects to a "Zipped Project File" - this is just a standard ZIP archive containing a .flp file plus the various samples / presets.


Little is known about this proprietary format - given the number of FruityLoops / FL Studio versions that have been released, it seems likely that it has changed more than once.

Per this forum thread it is known that, for the 2006 version of the format, .flp files start with the following 32 bytes:

Here is some open source code that parses .flp files:

* LMMS: https://github.com/LMMS/lmms/tree/master/plugins/flp_import
* node-flp: https://github.com/andrewrk/node-flp
* PyDaw: https://github.com/andrewrk/PyDaw

46 4C 68 64 06 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 60 00 46 4C 64 74 B1 77 00 00 C7 06 35 2E 30 2E 31 00 C8 10



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