Atari File Management Subsystem

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File Format
Name Atari File Management Subsystem

The Atari File Management Subsystem (FMS) is the filesystem on an Atari 810 floppy disk.

The 720 sectors of the disk were numbered from 1 to 720, but (perhaps due to poor communication between the different development teams at Atari) the FMS filesystem was designed to support sector addresses in the range from 0 to 719, which meant that sector 720 was not addressable but a nonexistent sector 0 was. This resulted in the filesystem only using the 719 sectors in the overlap between what is addressable and what actually exists, so sector 720 is unused (a waste of a perfectly good 128 bytes).

(Note to self: Is there a way to hack the system to stick hidden messages in that 720th sector?)

The bytes within a sector are numbered from 0 to 127, because at least the development teams managed to agree on zero-based numbering there.

Sector map

This filesystem is pretty narrowly tailored to the particular type of disk used by the Atari 810 drive, with various hard-coded sector positions.

  • Sector 1: Boot record
  • Sector 2-n: DOS.SYS file (on system disks)
  • Sector n+1-359: User file space
  • Sector 360: VTOC (Volume Table of Contents)
  • Sector 361-368: Directory
  • Sector 369-719: User file space
  • Sector 720: Unused


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