C1 controls

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File Format
Name C1 controls

The C1 controls are the control characters (code positions 128-159 decimal) which are defined by ISO/IEC 6429:1992 and are part of the ISO-8859 and other encodings. They are not often used, and in otherwise equivalent Microsoft character sets (e.g., Windows 1252) they are replaced by printing characters. It is common in both the web and e-mail for the character set to be announced as an ISO-8859 encoding but actually be in a Windows encoding, including the printable characters where these controls are located in the official standards, making it unsafe for software to even attempt to interpret them as control characters even though that is what the standards technically say to do in such cases. Because of their rarity of use, there is little agreement on their exact meaning and implementation.

Hex Dec Abbreviation Name Description and uses
80 128 PAD Padding Character Not part of ISO/IEC 6429.
81 129 HOP High Octet Preset Not part of ISO/IEC 6429.
82 130 BPH Break Permitted Here Follows a graphic character where a line break is permitted.
83 131 NBH No Break Here Follows a graphic character where a line break is not permitted.
84 132 IND Index Moves the active position one line down.
85 133 NEL Next Line Yet another line ending.
86 134 SSA Start of Selected Area
87 135 ESA End of Selected Area
88 136 HTS Horizontal Tabulation Set Sets a horizontal tab stop.
89 137 HTJ Horizontal Tabulation with Justification Sets a horizontal tab stop and indicates text should be justified out to the stop.
8A 138 VTS Vertical Tabulation Set Sets a vertical tab stop.
8B 139 PLD Partial Line Down Moves the active position down to a position suitable for subscripts, or undoes PLU.
8C 140 PLU Partial Line Up Moves the active position up to a position suitable for superscripts, or undoes PLD.
8D 141 RI Reverse Index Moves the active position one line up.
8E 142 SS2 Single-Shift 2 Indicates that the next code only should be interpreted in the G2 character set.
8F 143 SS3 Single-Shift 3 Indicates that the next code only should be interpreted in the G3 character set.
90 144 DCS Device Control String Introduces a device control sequence, which is terminated by ST (0X9C).
91 145 PU1 Private Use 1
92 146 PU2 Private Use 2
93 147 STS Set Transmit State
94 148 PCH Cancel Character Backspace and cancel the previous character.
95 149 MW Message Waiting
96 150 SPA Start of Protected Area
97 151 EPA End of Protected Area
98 152 SOS Start of String Introduces a control string, which is terminated by ST (0X9C).
99 153 SGCI Single Graphic Character Introducer Not part of ISO/IEC 6429.
9A 154 SCI Single Character Introducer Followed by a single printing character or format effector. Meaning uncertain.
9B 155 CSI Control Sequence Introducer
9C 156 ST String Terminator Marks the end of control sequences introduced by several C1 codes.
9D 157 Operating System Command Introduces an operating system command, which is terminated by ST (0X9C).
9E 158 PM Privacy Message Introduces a privacy message, which is terminated by ST (0X9C).
9F 159 APC Application Program Command Introduces an application program command, which is terminated by ST (0X9C).
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