Oracle database error messages/14

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Line 2: Line 2:
| name                  = Oracle database error messages
| name                  = Oracle database error messages
| formattype            = electronic
| formattype            = electronic
| subcat                = Error detection and correction
| subcat                = Error codes and messages
| subcat2                =  
| subcat2                =  
| subcat3                =  
| subcat3                =  

Revision as of 19:39, 7 November 2015

File Format
Name Oracle database error messages

Please see Oracle database error message

Code Message
DRG-11811 Multiple Choices
DRG-11812 Moved Permanently
DRG-11813 Moved Temporarily
DRG-11814 See Other
DRG-11815 Not Modified
DRG-11816 Use Proxy
DRG-11817 Proxy Redirect
DRG-11818 Temporary Redirect
DRG-11819 Bad Request
DRG-11820 Unauthorized
DRG-11821 Payment Required
DRG-11822 Forbidden
DRG-11823 Not Found
DRG-11824 Method Not Allowed
DRG-11825 Not Acceptable
DRG-11826 Proxy Authentication Required
DRG-11827 Request Timeout
DRG-11828 Conflict
DRG-11829 Gone
DRG-11830 Length Required
DRG-11831 Precondition Failed
DRG-11832 Request Entity Too Large
DRG-11833 Request-URI Too Big
DRG-11834 Unsupported Media Type
DRG-11835 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
DRG-11836 Expectation Failed
DRG-11837 Reauthorization Required
DRG-11838 Proxy Reauthentication Required
DRG-11839 Internal Server Error
DRG-11840 Not Implemented
DRG-11841 Bad Gateway
DRG-11842 Service Unavailable
DRG-11843 Gateway Timeout
DRG-11844 HTTP Version Not Supported
DRG-11845 No Partial Update
DRG-11846 Response Is Stale
DRG-11847 Revalidation Failed
DRG-11848 Disconnected Operation
DRG-11849 Heuristic Expiration
DRG-11850 Transformation Applied
DRG-11851 Cache Related Warning
DRG-11852 Can't Locate Remote Host
DRG-11853 No Host Name Found
DRG-11854 No File Name Found Or File Not Accessible
DRG-11855 FTP Server Replies
DRG-11856 FTP Server Doesn't Reply
DRG-11857 Server Timed Out
DRG-11858 Gopher Server Replies
DRG-11859 Data Transfer Interrupted
DRG-11860 Connection Establishment Interrupted
DRG-11861 CSO-server Replies
DRG-11862 This Is Probaly A HTTP Server 0.9 Or Less
DRG-11863 Bad, Incomplete, Or Unknown Response
DRG-11864 Unknown Access Authentication Scheme
DRG-11865 News Server Replies
DRG-11866 Please Try `ftp://' Instead Of `file://'
DRG-11867 Method Not Suited For Automatic Redirection
DRG-11868 Too Many Redirections
DRG-11869 Premature End Of File Detected
DRG-11870 Response From WAIS Server Too Large -- Extra Lines Ignored
DRG-11871 WAIS Server Doesn't Return Any Data
DRG-11872 Can't Connect To WAIS Server
DRG-11873 System Call Replies
DRG-11874 Wrong Or Unknown Access Scheme
DRG-11875 Access Scheme Is Not Allowed
DRG-11876 When Your Are Connected, You Can Log In
DRG-11877 This Cache Version Has Expired And Will Be Automatically Reloaded
DRG-11878 Loading New Rules Must Be Explicitly Acknowledged
DRG-11879 Automatic Proxy Redirection Msut Be Explicitly Acknowledged
DRG-12001 Please enter username:
DRG-12002 Please enter username for proxy authentication:
DRG-12003 Please enter username for this FTP server:
DRG-12004 Password:
DRG-12005 Please give name of file to save in:
DRG-12006 Plase enter account:
DRG-12007 You might not be allowed to use this method here, continue?
DRG-12008 Location has moved, continue?
DRG-12009 A new set of rules is requested to be added to your setup - continue?
DRG-12010 This file already exists - replace existing file?
DRG-12011 Authentication failed - retry?
DRG-12012 Proxy authentication failed - retry?
DRG-12013 This method has already been performed - repeat operation?
DRG-12014 This document is very big - continue operation?
DRG-12015 The source document for this operation has moved - continue?
DRG-12016 The target document for this operation has moved - continue?
DRG-12017 A redirection may change the behavior of this method - proceed anyway?
DRG-12018 Encountered an automatic request for changing proxy - continue?
DRG-12201 section group string already exists
DRG-12202 error while creating section group
DRG-12203 section group string does not exist
DRG-12204 error while dropping section group string
DRG-12206 tag string already exists in section group string
DRG-12210 error while adding section string
DRG-12211 section or section id string does not exist
DRG-12212 error while dropping section string
DRG-12213 cannot create/drop section group or sections for other user
DRG-12217 tags cannot be more than 64 bytes
DRG-12218 section group name missing
DRG-12219 section name missing
DRG-12220 a valid tag must be provided
DRG-12223 section name string is a reserved name
DRG-12224 use ctx_ddl.create_section_group to create section groups
DRG-12225 this type of section cannot be added to this section group
DRG-12226 a field section named string already exists in this section group
DRG-12227 a zone section named string already exists in this section group
DRG-12228 maximum number of field sections (string) exceeded
DRG-12229 special section string already exists in this section group
DRG-12230 special section name must be one of string
DRG-12231 an attr section named string already exists in this section group
DRG-12232 invalid attribute tag format
DRG-12233 xml sections cannot co-exist with other section types
DRG-12234 column string already mapped in section group string
DRG-12235 an sdata section named string already exists in this section group
DRG-12236 an mdata section named string already exists in this section group
DRG-12237 a section named string already exists in this section group
DRG-12238 maximum number of mdata sections (string) exceeded
DRG-12239 maximum number of sdata sections (string) exceeded
DRG-12240 ORDER BY column string must be indexed as an SDATA section
DRG-12241 column name string is not a valid section name
DRG-12242 value of string is too large for section string
DRG-12243 invalid datatype
DRG-12244 data conversion error for sdata section string
DRG-12245 SDATA operator not compatible with the sdata section string
DRG-12246 SDATA operand not compatible with the sdata section string
DRG-12247 maximum number of NDATA sections (string) exceeded
DRG-12248 a NDATA section named string already exists in this section group
DRG-12249 a MVDATA section named string already exists in this section group
DRG-12250 maximum number of mvdata sections (string) exceeded
DRG-12300 an index with this column list already exists in the index set
DRG-12301 index does not exist in index set
DRG-12302 invalid column list
DRG-12303 cannot add more than 99 indexes to an index set
DRG-12304 index set string does not exist
DRG-12305 column string data type is not supported for index set columns
DRG-12306 column string is too long for index set columns
DRG-12307 column string is NULL and cannot be indexed
DRG-12308 use ctx_ddl.create_index_set to create index sets
DRG-12400 template string is empty
DRG-12401 invalid template: query within a loop
DRG-12402 error processing template string, line string
DRG-12403 template string was not found
DRG-12404 more than one template string found
DRG-12405 error occurred processing CTX REDIRECT or CTX LABEL tag
DRG-12406 invalid CTX EXEC tag attribute (string)
DRG-12407 invalid CTX REPEAT tag attribute (string)
DRG-12408 invalid variable reference: string.string
DRG-12409 syntax error for label in string
DRG-12410 could not process CTX EXEC tag
DRG-12411 SQL processing error: string
DRG-12412 missing or invalid Template Processor attribute (string)
DRG-12422 write to client failed
DRG-12430 mandatory argument missing: string
DRG-12431 configuration section string not found
DRG-12432 configuration file string not found or unreadable
DRG-12433 load of string JDBC driver class failed
DRG-12434 connection failed using configuration string information
DRG-12435 highlight table allocation failed
DRG-12436 document table allocation failed
DRG-12437 highlight table release failed
DRG-12438 document table release failed
DRG-12439 highlight table read failed
DRG-12440 document table read failed
DRG-12441 counting the number of highlights failed
DRG-12500 stoplist string already exists
DRG-12501 null stoplist is not allowed
DRG-12502 cannot modify stoplists owned by other users
DRG-12503 error while creating or dropping stoplist
DRG-12504 stoplist string does not exist
DRG-12505 error while adding or removing a stop word
DRG-12506 stop word string does not exist in stoplist string
DRG-12507 stop word string already exists in this stoplist
DRG-12508 null stop words are not allowed
DRG-12509 length of the stop word string exceeded the limit of string bytes
DRG-12511 use ctx_ddl.create_stoplist to create stoplists
DRG-12512 invalid stop class string
DRG-12513 valid stop classes are: string
DRG-12514 languages must be specified for stopwords in a MULTI_STOPLIST
DRG-12515 cannot specify language for stopwords in a BASIC_STOPLIST
DRG-12516 language column must be specified when using the multi stoplist
DRG-12517 cannot add stopthemes to a MULTI_STOPLIST
DRG-12518 cannot use this option with MULTI_STOPLIST
DRG-12520 LANGUAGE COLUMN mismatch
DRG-12521 cannot add STOP PATTERN to NUMBERS stopclass
DRG-12600 user datastore procedure name contains a semicolon
DRG-12601 invalid user datastore procedure name: string
DRG-12602 index owner does not have access to user datastore procedure: string
DRG-12603 CTXSYS does not own user datastore procedure: string
DRG-12604 execution of user datastore procedure has failed
DRG-12605 datatype of column number in COLUMNS list is not supported
DRG-12606 error encountered while parsing COLUMNS list
DRG-12607 only ctxsys can create MULTI_COLUMN preferences
DRG-12700 seed word must be a single word
DRG-12800 Attribute NESTED_TYPE must have owner name as prefix
DRG-12801 invalid type: string
DRG-12802 invalid type column: string
DRG-12803 invalid text datatype
DRG-12900 Operation:string for index: string has already been started
DRG-13000 error while adding or removing a sub lexer
DRG-13001 sub lexer and multi lexer must have the same owner
DRG-13002 preference string is not a MULTI_LEXER
DRG-13003 preference string cannot be used as a sub lexer
DRG-13004 language is invalid
DRG-13005 alt_value cannot be an NLS language name
DRG-13006 sub lexer for this language is not defined
DRG-13007 cannot define an alternate value for the DEFAULT sub lexer
DRG-13008 cannot remove the DEFAULT sub lexer
DRG-13009 multi lexer preference does not have a DEFAULT sub lexer
DRG-13010 alt_value is already used by another sub lexer
DRG-13011 language column must be specified when using the multi lexer
DRG-13012 language column must be a char, varchar, or varchar2 type
DRG-13013 cannot have language independent DEFAULT sub lexer
DRG-13014 base table has rows with language column value string
DRG-13015 sublexer string already exists in the index
DRG-13100 index is not partitioned
DRG-13101 partition string does not exist in this index
DRG-13102 index partition name must be specified
DRG-13103 index table string is partitioned
DRG-13104 indexes do not have equivalent settings for string
DRG-13200 failed to load dictionary file string
DRG-13201 KOREAN_LEXER is desupported
DRG-13300 document size bigger than string bytes
DRG-13301 syntax error in token data when expecting string, at line string
DRG-13302 number of wildcard offsets must be in the range string..string, at line string
DRG-13303 value of wildcard offset must be in the range string..string, at line string
DRG-13304 character referenced by wildcard attribute is not a wildcard character, at line string
DRG-13305 'off' attribute value must be in the range string..string, at line string
DRG-13306 'len' attribute value must be in the range string..string, at line string
DRG-13307 'off'=string and 'len'=string references character past end-of-file of string character document, at line string
DRG-13308 query operator ABOUT not supported by USER_LEXER
DRG-13309 operation not supported by USER_LEXER
DRG-13310 index owner does not have EXECUTE privilege on USER_LEXER stored procedure string
DRG-13311 USER_LEXER stored procedure name contains a semicolon
DRG-13312 user CTXSYS does not own USER_LEXER stored procedure string
DRG-13400 Oracle Data Mining was not installed
DRG-13401 the preference string type is not supported in this API
DRG-13500 Parameter_string must start with string
DRG-13501 Shadow Index Already Exists
DRG-13502 NOPOPULATE is not allowed in recreate_index_online
DRG-13503 POPULATE is not allowed for a local index in create_shadow_index
DRG-13504 string has no shadow index
DRG-13505 Keyword string is not allowed here in parameter_string
DRG-13506 string has no shadow part
DRG-13507 SWAP and NOPOPULATE is incompatible
DRG-13508 Not all partitions for index string are swapped
DRG-13509 error while swapping shadow index
DRG-13510 shadow index does not exist
DRG-13600 Syntax error in the result set descriptor at string
DRG-13601 Syntax error in the order attribute
DRG-13602 Number parsing error in string
DRG-13603 To many sort keys
DRG-13604 To many items to select
DRG-13605 Too many group tags
DRG-13606 start_hit_num is not specified or out of valid range number..number
DRG-13607 end_hit_num is not specified or out of valid range number..number
DRG-13608 Temporary lob not created for ctx_query.result_set_document
DRG-13609 Result set Interface should only have group mvdata element in absence of a query
DRG-13610 Missing group_values in the result set interface
DRG-13611 Missing value id for MVDATA group counting in the result set interface
DRG-13612 Missing path element in the result set interface
DRG-13613 Missing index name
DRG-13614 result_set_inteface not supported with security policy
DRG-13700 Syntax error in the Extraction Rule Descriptor
DRG-13701 Invalid rule_id
DRG-13702 Rule not found
DRG-13703 Invalid Type Specified: string
DRG-13704 Invalid Entity Type List
DRG-13705 Must use an Extract Policy
DRG-13706 Cannot use Entity Extraction Policy here
DRG-13707 Rule Engine Loading Failed
DRG-13708 Dictionary Loading Failed
DRG-13709 Unsupported Language Specified: string
DRG-13710 Syntax Error in Dictionary
DRG-13711 Stop Entity Not Found
DRG-13712 User Dictionary already loaded
DRG-13713 No User Dictionary loaded
DRG-13714 Duplicate Stop Entity
DRG-13715 Null name and type for Stop entity
DRG-13716 Entity Extraction not enabled
DRG-13717 Null entry or alternate form in user dict
DRG-13718 No entity type given in user dict
DRG-13719 File and Drop are mutually exclusive
DRG-13720 Stop entity already marked for deletion
DRG-13721 Duplicate Type on Typelist
DRG-13722 Invalid Backreference
DRG-13723 Invalid Attribute: string
DRG-13724 Invalid Attribute Value: string
DRG-13725 Type Name Too Long
DRG-13726 Invalid Tag: string
DRG-13727 Missing Tag: string
DRG-13728 Missing Attribute: string
DRG-13800 MVDATA section string does not exist
DRG-13801 literal is not compatible with the data type of the MVDATA section
DRG-13802 MVDATA operand not compatible with the mvdata section string
DRG-13803 Illegal MVDATA value
DRG-13804 ctx_tree.register_index() not run for index string and mvdata section string
DRG-13805 Invalid character in node name string
DRG-13806 Duplicate path 'string' in CTX_TREE.ADD_NODE()
DRG-13807 Node string does not exist or is deleted
DRG-13808 Empty path passed into string
DRG-13809 Index with MVDATA sections must have big_io turned on
DRG-13810 Index with support_ctx_tree must have atleast one MVDATA section
DRG-13811 Invalid path 'string' in CTX_TREE.ADD_NODE()
DRG-13900 Auto_Optimize Process is already started
DRG-13901 Index must have stage_itab
DRG-13902 Index/Partition already added to auto_optimize list
DRG-50000 requested size larger than pagesize
DRG-50100 CORE LSF error: string
DRG-50101 CORE LEM error: string
DRG-50200 Third-party filter internal error
DRG-50300 error sending message from server to client
DRG-50301 server error reading request queue
DRG-50302 server error reading OOB break queue; cannot detect interrupts
DRG-50303 error in bufout
DRG-50304 error in execute()
DRG-50305 getcmd() called when one of the queue names is NULL
DRG-50400 maximum number of fuzzy match candidates exceeded: string
DRG-50401 failed to retrieve fuzzy match candidates from db: string
DRG-50402 Index validation failed for one or more tokens
DRG-50403 Invalid MVDATA entries exist in the index
DRG-50500 only RULE_CLASSIFIER is accepted in this API
DRG-50501 classifier preference not specified
DRG-50502 cannot use RULE_CLASSIFIER in this API
DRG-50503 unsupported classification method
DRG-50504 invalid column datatype for string table
DRG-50600 assertion failed
DRG-50601 fatal error
DRG-50603 unrecognized operation code string
DRG-50607 failed to obtain column info for cid string
DRG-50608 unexpected end of data
DRG-50609 pipe internal error
DRG-50610 internal error: string
DRG-50611 Third party lexer internal error: string
DRG-50612 internal error: you need to call bind first for this insertion mode
DRG-50613 internal error: model type is not supported in drctrwpf
DRG-50614 library loading error in string
DRG-50615 Third party lexer timed out
DRG-50616 Stop-Optimize List not found
DRG-50700 unknown command (args=queue, command)
DRG-50701 error in listener.get_cmd()
DRG-50702 error in drtlsleep()
DRG-50703 listener startup error
DRG-50704 Net8 listener is not running or cannot start external procedures
DRG-50800 failed to open cursor
DRG-50801 failed to parse cursor
DRG-50802 failed to bind input
DRG-50803 failed to define output
DRG-50804 failed to exec cursor
DRG-50805 failed to close cursor
DRG-50806 failed to rollback
DRG-50807 failed to commit
DRG-50850 string
DRG-50851 SQL execute failed
DRG-50852 failed to turn SQL trace on
DRG-50853 fetch error
DRG-50855 logoff fail
DRG-50857 oracle error in string
DRG-50858 OCI error: string
DRG-50859 failed to allocate statement handle
DRG-50860 failed to prepare statement
DRG-50861 failed to obtain type descriptor
DRG-50862 failed to create new Oracle object
DRG-50863 string assignment failed
DRG-50864 number assignment failed
DRG-50865 failed to append to collection
DRG-50866 failed to resize string
DRG-50867 failed to free Oracle object
DRG-50868 failed to free statement handle
DRG-50900 text query parser error on line string, column string
DRG-50901 text query parser syntax error on line string, column string
DRG-50902 unexpected character string
DRG-50903 invalid weight string
DRG-50904 weight string outside valid range 0.1 to 10.0
DRG-50905 invalid score threshold string
DRG-50906 score threshold string is not an integer
DRG-50907 score threshold string outside valid range 1 to 100
DRG-50908 invalid maximum number of documents string
DRG-50909 maximum number of documents string is not an integer
DRG-50910 max documents requested string outside valid range 1 to 65535
DRG-50911 invalid first document number string
DRG-50912 first document number string is not an integer
DRG-50913 first document requested string is not a positive number
DRG-50914 invalid last document number string
DRG-50915 last document number string is not an integer
DRG-50916 last document string is less than first document
DRG-50917 escape on at end of text query string
DRG-50918 mismatched close escape character
DRG-50919 NEAR operand not a phrase, equivalence or another NEAR expression
DRG-50920 part of phrase not itself a phrase or equivalence
DRG-50921 EQUIV operand not a word or another EQUIV expression
DRG-50922 PL/SQL execution failed for string
DRG-50923 could not rewrite PL/SQL for execution
DRG-50924 PL/SQL inside PL/SQL not supported
DRG-50925 could not parse return value of PL/SQL
DRG-50926 invalid text query string
DRG-50927 parser failed on line string on column string
DRG-50928 reserved failure on line string on column string
DRG-50929 parser internal on line string on column string
DRG-50930 parser memory failure on line string on column string
DRG-50931 parser not opened
DRG-50932 parser preference initialization failed
DRG-50933 parser hash insert failure
DRG-50934 parser hash create failure
DRG-50935 parser component failure
DRG-50936 query word string is too complex for index
DRG-50937 query too complex
DRG-50938 parser already bound
DRG-50939 parser not set
DRG-50940 parser not parsed
DRG-50941 PL/SQL function string cannot be executed
DRG-50942 errors: stringstring
DRG-50943 query token too long on line string on column string
DRG-50944 NEAR operator not supported for theme index
DRG-50945 Illegal phrase in query for theme index
DRG-50946 Invalid unary operator for theme index
DRG-50947 ABOUT clause not allowed without a theme index
DRG-50948 ABOUT clause required in the absence of a text index
DRG-50949 too many SQEs
DRG-50950 circular SQE found
DRG-50951 Unable to resolve element name for attribute string
DRG-50952 Section is not PATH section group
DRG-50953 Unable to determine section name
DRG-50954 Theme index is required for CTXCAT about queries
DRG-50955 Missing comma in transform clause string
DRG-50956 Theme index is required for THEMES transform queries
DRG-50957 Missing <textquery> element in query template string
DRG-50958 Missing quote in transform clause string
DRG-50959 Query length exceeds string bytes
DRG-50960 Mild not operand not a term or phrase
DRG-50961 Missing string for string clause
DRG-50962 Query operators are not allowed in transform input string
DRG-51002 unexpected component failure
DRG-51017 unable to open storage buffer for fuzzy match candidates
DRG-51019 unable to open or illegal format for fuzzy match data file: string
DRG-51020 out of memory in fuzzy matcher
DRG-51021 undefined error in fuzzy matcher
DRG-51022 undefined error in stemmer
DRG-51023 stemmer file cannot be opened
DRG-51024 out of memory in stemmer
DRG-51025 an invalid character was passed to the stemmer
DRG-51028 unexpected error in fuzzy match expansion: %(1)
DRG-51029 unexpected error in stemmer expansion: %(1)
DRG-51030 wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms
DRG-51100 invalid program argument index
DRG-51101 argument processing callback failed
DRG-51200 open keymap failed for index id = string
DRG-51201 failed to perform DDL operation: database object string
DRG-51202 invalid key mapping operation mode : string
DRG-51203 found doc ids without mappings during get maps
DRG-51300 error getting dml Queue lock
DRG-51301 error releasing dml Queue lock
DRG-51311 DML lock handle previously allocated
DRG-51312 DML lock internal error string
DRG-51313 timeout while waiting for lock
DRG-51314 index is not empty
DRG-51403 New index name not provided by kernel
DRG-51801 failed to seek in file: %(1)
DRG-51802 failed to read from file: %(1)
DRG-51803 failed to open file: %(1)
DRG-51804 failed to write to file: %(1)
DRG-52100 string returned internal error code string
DRG-52101 an invalid session handle was passed to Oracle Text
DRG-52102 an invalid transaction handle was passed to Oracle Text
DRG-52103 the Oracle Text environment could not reset
DRG-52104 the Oracle Text environment could not initialize
DRG-52105 no delete function found
DRG-52106 Oracle Text service results could not be committed
DRG-52107 ctxkbtc internal error
DRG-52108 failed to delete knowledge base user extension
DRG-52109 error in reading thesaurus
DRG-52110 error in writing extended knowledge base
DRG-52111 error in knowledge base cache
DRG-52112 improper Chinese string string of length number
DRG-52113 improper Japanese string string of length number
DRG-52200 invalid state during export
DRG-52201 imcompatible Oracle Text versions
DRG-52202 invalid class name: string
DRG-52203 invalid object name: string
DRG-52204 error while registering index
DRG-52205 class string and object string already exists for this index
DRG-52206 error while registering index object
DRG-52207 the specified attribute does not exist: string
DRG-52208 the specified attribute already exist: string
DRG-52210 error while registering value for attribute: string
DRG-52211 error while registering partition
DRG-52212 error while registering cdi columns
DRG-52300 Index string.string does not exist
DRG-52301 Query Stats is already enabled for this index
DRG-52302 Query Stats is not enabled for this index
DRG-52303 Option String is full
DRG-52304 This operation requires Query Stats to be enabled for the index
DRG-52305 Unknown value, string, passed in to stat_type
LPX-00000 normal, successful completion
LPX-00001 NULL pointer
LPX-00002 out of memory
LPX-00003 duplicate entry in hash table
LPX-00004 internal error "~s"
LPX-00005 ~1s buffer overflow, maximum size is ~2u bytes
LPX-00006 invalid child type for parent node
LPX-00007 unexpected end-of-file encountered
LPX-00008 invalid memory callback
LPX-00011 In line ~1u of ~2s [general entity ~3S]:
LPX-00012 Unicode data alignment error
LPX-00013 wrong node type
LPX-00014 context is not clean
LPX-00017 ~1sNodeName: <~2S>
LPX-00018 internal error "nested open strings"
LPX-00019 property "~s" unknown
LPX-00050 initialization error: NLS mismatch
LPX-00051 NLS initialization failed
LPX-00052 LEH initialization failed
LPX-00053 LML initialization failed
LPX-00054 LPU initialization failed, error ~u
LPX-00100 root element "~1S" does not match DTD root "~2S"
LPX-00101 parameter-entity markup cannot be split up
LPX-00102 standalone document declaration should be "no"
LPX-00103 document structure does not match DTD
LPX-00104 element "~S" is not declared in the DTD
LPX-00105 element "~S" is not empty as required by the DTD
LPX-00106 attribute "~1S" of element "~2S" is undefined
LPX-00107 element "~S" has multiple declarations
LPX-00108 parameter-entity parenthetical cannot be split up
LPX-00109 duplicate name "~S" in mixed-content declaration
LPX-00110 invalid ~1s "~2S" (not a Name)
LPX-00111 invalid ~1s "~2S" (not a Nmtoken)
LPX-00112 element "~S" has multiple ID attributes
LPX-00113 element "~1S" ID attribute "~2S" must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED
LPX-00114 element "~1S" attribute "~2S" has invalid enumeration value "~3S"
LPX-00115 element "~1S" is missing required attribute "~2S"
LPX-00116 element "~1S" attribute "~2S" has invalid value "~3S", must be "~4S"
LPX-00118 undefined entity "~S"
LPX-00119 element "~1S" attribute "~2S" must be an unparsed entity
LPX-00120 entity "~1S" NDATA (notation) "~2S" is undefined
LPX-00121 undefined notation "~S"
LPX-00122 undefined ID "~S" in IDREF
LPX-00123 duplicate ID "~S"
LPX-00124 attribute value should be one or more tokens
LPX-00125 duplicate entity "~S" (ignored)
LPX-00200 could not convert from encoding ~1s to ~2s
LPX-00201 unknown encoding "~s"
LPX-00202 could not open "~s" (error ~u)
LPX-00203 could not read from "~s" (error ~u)
LPX-00204 syntax error
LPX-00205 expected "<!--" at the start of comment
LPX-00206 invalid CDATA section
LPX-00207 expected "[" at the start of conditional section
LPX-00208 unknown DTD keyword "~s"
LPX-00209 PI names starting with XML are reserved
LPX-00210 expected '~1c' instead of '~2c'
LPX-00211 attribute default must be REQUIRED, IMPLIED, or FIXED
LPX-00212 comment must not contain "--"
LPX-00213 comment did not end in "-->"
LPX-00214 CDATA section did not end in "]]>"
LPX-00215 processing instruction did not end in "?>"
LPX-00216 invalid character ~1u (~2X)
LPX-00217 invalid character ~1u (~2x)
LPX-00218 invalid character ~1u ('~2c')
LPX-00219 invalid digit '~c' in character reference
LPX-00220 the string "]]>" cannot occur in character data
LPX-00221 the character "<" cannot occur in attribute values
LPX-00222 error received from SAX callback function
LPX-00223 external entity "~s" found in an attribute value
LPX-00224 multiple occurrences of attribute "~S" found
LPX-00225 end-element tag "~1S" does not match start-element tag "~2S"
LPX-00226 entity "~S" is not declared
LPX-00227 entity "~S" is not a parsed entity
LPX-00228 entity reference "~S" refers to itself
LPX-00229 input source is empty
LPX-00230 invalid character ~1u (~2x) found in a Name or Nmtoken
LPX-00231 invalid character ~1u ('~2c') found in a Name or Nmtoken
LPX-00232 invalid use of a parameter entity reference
LPX-00233 namespace prefixes starting with "xml" are reserved
LPX-00234 namespace prefix "~S" is not declared
LPX-00235 invalid XML version, must be 1.0 or 2.0
LPX-00236 invalid character ~1u ('~2c') found in public identifier
LPX-00237 invalid condition section keyword, must be INCLUDE or IGNORE
LPX-00238 unterminated conditional section
LPX-00239 invalid attribute type "~s"
LPX-00240 element-start tag is not well formed
LPX-00241 entity reference is not well formed
LPX-00242 invalid use of ampersand ('&') character (use &amp;)
LPX-00243 element attribute value must be enclosed in quotes
LPX-00244 invalid use of less-than ('<') character (use &lt;)
LPX-00245 extra data after end of document
LPX-00246 missing system ID after public ID
LPX-00247 invalid Document Type Declaration (DTD)
LPX-00248 invalid entity declaration
LPX-00249 invalid external ID declaration
LPX-00250 invalid attribute declaration
LPX-00251 conditional sections are valid only in external DTDs
LPX-00252 invalid entity replacement-text nesting
LPX-00253 missing required version number in XML declaration
LPX-00254 invalid XML declaration
LPX-00255 XML standalone declaration must be "yes" or "no"
LPX-00256 invalid element declaration
LPX-00257 invalid children specification in element declaration
LPX-00258 invalid "Mixed" specification in element declaration
LPX-00259 invalid notation declaration
LPX-00260 invalid xml:space attribute declaration
LPX-00261 invalid URL ~s
LPX-00262 unsupported protocol ~s
LPX-00263 couldn't connect to host ~s port ~d
LPX-00264 send failed to host ~s
LPX-00265 read failed from to host ~s
LPX-00266 invalid language specification ~s
LPX-00267 could not resolve relative URL ~s
LPX-00268 invalid access method ~1d, must be 0 to ~2d
LPX-00269 all three access functions (open/close/read) must be provided
LPX-00270 FTP error: ~s
LPX-00271 FTP login failed: ~s
LPX-00272 FTP server unavailable: ~s
LPX-00273 failed to initialize TCP/IP
LPX-00274 can't import node type
LPX-00275 can't set output/data encoding AFTER parsing
LPX-00276 bad HTTP/Mime header
LPX-00277 no closing quote was seen
LPX-00278 invalid ~s proxy "~s"
LPX-00279 invalid no_proxy "~s"
LPX-00280 HTTP error ~s
LPX-00281 unsupported encoding "~s"
LPX-00282 document cannot have both internal/external and shared DTDs
LPX-00283 document encoding is ~s-based but default input encoding is not
LPX-00284 namespace prefix to NULL URI is not allowed
LPX-00285 invalid Unicode surrogate ~X ~X
LPX-00286 Exceeded max depth for recursion
LPX-00287 Max limit of ~1d exceeded for ~s
LPX-00288 CDATA-section-close delimiter is prohibited in element content
LPX-00300 no name in attribute set
LPX-00301 error in XPATH evaluation
LPX-00302 Incorrect stylesheet. The node is not valid.
LPX-00303 attribute value "~S" not expected for ~S
LPX-00304 input parameter to function is null
LPX-00305 missing token
LPX-00306 inputed string ended with no corresponding closing '}'
LPX-00307 namespace prefix ~S used but not declared
LPX-00308 attribute ~S not found in ~S
LPX-00309 cannot initialize XPATH
LPX-00310 element ~S not found in ~S
LPX-00311 unsupported feature: ~s
LPX-00312 cannot construct XML PI with content: ~S
LPX-00313 cannot construct XML comment with content: ~S
LPX-00314 an internal failure occurred
LPX-00315 extension function ~S not supported
LPX-00316 invalid value ~S for ~S attribute ~S
LPX-00317 undefined decimal-format "~S"
LPX-00318 duplicate xsl:decimal-format "~S"
LPX-00319 The node specified is not valid
LPX-00320 No more attributes can be added to a non empty element
LPX-00321 None of the output method (DOM, SAX, Stream) is selected
LPX-00322 A doc referred by XSLT stylesheet could not be opened : ~s
LPX-00323 illegal apply-imports because of no current template: ~s
LPX-00324 "~S" is not a valid value for the lang attribute of xsl:sort
LPX-00400 an internal error has occurred in XPATH
LPX-00401 invalid QName in the XSL file
LPX-00402 invalid axisname in the XSL file
LPX-00403 unmatched quote in the XSL file
LPX-00404 unable to resolve namespace URI
LPX-00405 unable to allocate memory
LPX-00406 object of incorrect type passed to the function
LPX-00407 right square bracket missing in the XSL file
LPX-00408 right parenthesis missing in the XSL file
LPX-00409 incorrect token encountered while parsing
LPX-00410 unable to resolve the variable reference
LPX-00411 unknown function name encountered
LPX-00413 loss of precision due to excessively large numerical constant
LPX-00601 Invalid token in: '~S'
LPX-00602 Invalid child element '~1S' of element '~2S'.
LPX-00603 Invalid attribute value '~1S': {element '~2S', attribute '~3S'}.
LPX-00604 Invalid attribute value '~1S', for attribute '~2s'.
LPX-00605 Invalid attribute '~1S' in element '~2S'.
LPX-00606 Missing attribute '~1s' in element '~2S'.
LPX-00607 Invalid reference: '~S'.
LPX-00608 Repeated declaration of '~1S' in element '~2S'.
LPX-00609 Function call with invalid number of arguments in '~1S'.
LPX-00651 VM Stack overflow.
LPX-00652 SAX callback returns with error.
LPX-00653 Output attribute '~S' doesn't have a parent element.
LPX-00654 Output namespace attribute '~S' doesn't have a parent element.
LPX-00655 Invalid output comment '~S'.
LPX-00656 XSLTVM terminate.
LPX-00657 Invalid output PI '~S'.
LPX-00658 Invalid XSLT object type.
LPX-00659 Output write failed.
LPX-00660 Not a well-formed document or external entity.
LPX-00661 Failed to load: '~s'.
LPX-00662 Invalid encoding.
LPX-00663 VM String-Stack overflow.
LPX-00664 VM Node-Stack overflow.
LPX-00690 Invalid argument.
LPX-00700 invalid SOAP context
LPX-00701 invalid SOAP role
LPX-00702 invalid SOAP connection binding
LPX-00703 SOAP POST failed
LPX-00704 elem has no mustUnderstand
LPX-00705 elem has no role
LPX-00706 message has no fault
LPX-00707 no Fault reason w/given language
LPX-00708 SOAP failed to make HTTP connection
LPX-00709 SOAP reply not valid XML
LPX-00711 invalid SOAP version
LPX-00712 failed to set HTTP header
LPX-00713 body has more than one fault
LPX-00714 fault is not a single child
LPX-00715 badly formed fault elemen
LPX-00716 badly formed Text subelement
LPX-00717 badly formed Value subelement
LPX-00718 message has no envelope
LPX-00719 prefix too long
LPX-00720 envelope has no header
LPX-00721 envelope has no body
LPX-00722 elem has no relay
LPX-00723 no such element
LPX-00750 arguments "~1s" to function "~2s" are null
LPX-00751 arguments "~s" are exclusive
LPX-00752 invalid ~1s, must be ~2s
LPX-00753 invalid proxy "~s"
LPX-00754 invalid no_proxy "~s"
LPX-00755 missing required argument "~s"
LPX-00756 Etags and tokens must be either all tagged or all untagged
LPX-00757 maximum XML document size (~s bytes) exceeded
LPX-00758 user-provided callback returns null
LPX-00759 failed to initialize TCP/IP
LPX-00760 couldn't connect to host ~s port ~u
LPX-00761 send failed to host ~s
LPX-00762 read failed from host ~s
LPX-00763 exceeded maximum TCP connections
LPX-00764 TCP connection was broken
LPX-00765 HTTP error ~s
LPX-00766 unsupported transfer-coding values: ~s
LPX-00767 not a text media type
LPX-00768 no entity body found
LPX-00769 not xml media type
LPX-00770 missing lock token in lock refresh request
LPX-00771 missing lock token in UNLOCK request
LPX-00772 wrong object type
LPX-00773 protocol violation: ~s
LPX-00800 XQuery invalid token
LPX-00801 XQuery syntax error at
LPX-00802 Too many arguments
LPX-00803 Too few arguments
LPX-00804 Invalid token: '~S'
LPX-00805 Syntax error at '~S'
LPX-00806 Invalid token in the pattern
LPX-00807 Invalid range
LPX-00808 internal error, invalid OPCODE
LPX-00809 Invalid subexpression reference
LPX-00825 Can't compile the element:
LPX-00826 Can't compile the attribute:
LPX-00827 Namespace conflict for prefix:
LPX-00903 Invalid flags specified for XmlDiff or XmlPatch
LPX-00904 Invalid inputs were supplied to XmlDiff or XmlPatch
LPX-00910 The root nodes in input documents to XmlDiff did not match
LPX-00913 XmlPatch could not process the XML PI oracle-xmldiff
LPX-00918 XmlPatch encountered an error in translating XPATH using XmlXVM
LPX-01001 [XPST0001] Static context component '~S' has no value
LPX-01002 [XPDY0002] Dynamic context component '~S' has no value
LPX-01003 [XPST0003] Syntax error at '~s'
LPX-01004 [XPTY0004] Expression type does not match a required type
LPX-01005 [XPST0005] Invalid empty-sequence() expression
LPX-01006 [XPTY0006]
LPX-01007 [XPTY0007]
LPX-01008 [XPST0008] Invalid reference
LPX-01009 [XQST0009] Schema Import Feature not supported
LPX-01010 [XPST0010] Axis '~S' not supported
LPX-01012 [XQST0012] Invalid XML schema
LPX-01013 [XQST0013] Invalid pragma content
LPX-01014 [XQST0014]
LPX-01015 [XQST0015]
LPX-01016 [XQST0016] Module Feature not supported
LPX-01017 [XPST0017] Invalid function call
LPX-01018 [XPTY0018] Path last step contains both nodes and atomic values
LPX-01019 [XPTY0019] Path step contains atomic values
LPX-01020 [XPTY0020] The path step context item is not a node
LPX-01021 [XPDY0021]
LPX-01022 [XQST0022] The value of a namespace must be a URILiteral.
LPX-01023 [XPDY0023]
LPX-01024 [XQTY0024] Attribute node out of context
LPX-01025 [XQDY0025] Repeated attribute name
LPX-01026 [XQDY0026] Processing instruction content contains '?>'
LPX-01027 [XQDY0027] Invalid PSVI validity property of the root element
LPX-01028 [XQDY0028]
LPX-01029 [XQDY0029]
LPX-01030 [XQTY0030] Expression should evaluate to exactly one node
LPX-01031 [XQST0031] Version not supported by the implementation
LPX-01032 [XQST0032] Repeated base URI declaration
LPX-01033 [XQST0033] Multiple bindings for the namespace prefix '~s'
LPX-01034 [XQST0034] Repeated function declaration
LPX-01035 [XQST0035] Repeated schema components
LPX-01036 [XQST0036] Importing module should import schema '~s'
LPX-01037 [XQST0037]
LPX-01038 [XQST0038] Invalid collation
LPX-01039 [XQST0039] Repeated parameter name
LPX-01040 [XQST0040] Repeated attribute name
LPX-01041 [XQDY0041] Expression can't be cast to the type xs:NCName
LPX-01042 [XQST0042]
LPX-01043 [XQST0043]
LPX-01044 [XQDY0044] Invalid attribute namespace
LPX-01045 [XQST0045] Invalid function namespace
LPX-01046 [XQST0046] Invalid URILiteral
LPX-01047 [XQST0047] Repeated import module target namespace
LPX-01048 [XQST0048] Namespace should be as the module target namespace
LPX-01049 [XQST0049] Repeated variable declaration
LPX-01050 [XPDY0050] Invalid dynamic type
LPX-01051 [XPST0051] AtomicType not defined
LPX-01052 [XQDY0052]
LPX-01053 [XQDY0053]
LPX-01054 [XQST0054] The variable depends on itself
LPX-01055 [XQST0055] Repeated copy-namespaces declaration
LPX-01056 [XQST0056]
LPX-01057 [XQST0057] Missing schema import target namespace
LPX-01058 [XQST0058] Repeated schema import target namespace
LPX-01059 [XQST0059] Can't find schema or module with namespace '~s'
LPX-01060 [XQST0060] Function name should have a namespace
LPX-01061 [XQDY0061] Invalid document node
LPX-01062 [XQDY0062]
LPX-01063 [XQST0063]
LPX-01064 [XQDY0064] Processing instruction name contains 'XML'
LPX-01065 [XQST0065] Repeated ordering mode declaration
LPX-01066 [XQST0066] Repeated default declaration
LPX-01067 [XQST0067] Repeated construction declaration
LPX-01068 [XQST0068] Repeated boundary-space declaration
LPX-01069 [XQST0069] Repeated empty order declaration
LPX-01070 [XQST0070] Invalid (prefix, URI) combination
LPX-01071 [XQST0071] Repeated namespace attribute
LPX-01072 [XQDY0072] Element content contains invalid hyphens combination
LPX-01073 [XQST0073] Cyclic import sequence
LPX-01074 [XQDY0074] Invalid element or attribute QName
LPX-01075 [XQST0075] Validate expression not supported
LPX-01076 [XQST0076] Invalid collation
LPX-01077 [XQST0077]
LPX-01078 [XQST0078]
LPX-01079 [XQST0079] Invalid extension expression
LPX-01080 [XPST0080] Invalid target type
LPX-01081 [XPST0081] Invalid prefix
LPX-01082 [XQST0082]
LPX-01083 [XQST0083]
LPX-01084 [XQDY0084] Missing top-level element declaration
LPX-01085 [XQST0085] The namespace URI shouldn't be a zero-length string
LPX-01086 [XQTY0086] No-preserve mode conflict
LPX-01087 [XQST0087] Invalid encoding
LPX-01088 [XQST0088] Target namespace string shouldn't be of zero length
LPX-01089 [XQST0089] Repeated variable name
LPX-01090 [XQST0090] Invalid character reference
LPX-01091 [XQDY0091] Invalid xml:id
LPX-01092 [XQDY0092] Invalid xml:space value
LPX-01093 [XQST0093] Module depends on itself
LPX-01094 [FORG0003] fn:zero-or-one called with a sequence containing more than one item
LPX-01095 [FORG0004] fn:one-or-more called with a sequence containing no items
LPX-01096 [FORG0005] fn:exactly-one called with a sequence containing zero or more than one item
LPX-01097 [FORG0006] Invalid argument type
LPX-01098 [FOCA0002] Invalid lexical value
LPX-01099 [FOCA0001] Input value too large for decimal
LPX-01100 [FOCA0003] Input value too large for integer
LPX-01101 External Error '~s' occurs
LPX-01102 [FORG0008] both arguments to fn:dateTime have a specified timezone
LPX-01105 [FOAR0001] Division by zero
LPX-01106 [FOAR0002] Numeric operation overflow/underflow
LPX-01107 [FORG0002] invalid argument to fn:resolve-uri()
LPX-01108 [FORG0009] error in resolving a relative URI against a base URI in fn:resolve-uri()
LPX-01109 [FOCA0005] NaN supplied as float/double value
LPX-01110 [FOCA0006] String to be cast to decimal has too many digits of precision
LPX-01111 [FOCH0002] Unsupported collation
LPX-01112 [FOCH0003] Unsupported normalization form
LPX-01113 [FOCH0004] Collation does not support collation units
LPX-01114 [FODC0001] No context document
LPX-01115 [FODC0002] Error retrieving resource
LPX-01116 [FODC0003]
LPX-01117 [FODC0004] Invalid argument to fn:collection
LPX-01118 [FODC0005] Invalid argument to fn:doc or fn:doc-available
LPX-01119 [FODT0001] Overflow/underflow in date/time operation
LPX-01120 [FODT0002] Overflow/underflow in duration operation
LPX-01121 [FODT0003] Invalid timezone value
LPX-01122 [FONS0005] Base-uri not defined in the static context
LPX-01123 [FORG0001] Invalid value for cast/constructor
LPX-01124 [FORX0001] Invalid regular expression flags
LPX-01125 [FORX0002] Invalid regular expression
LPX-01126 [FORX0003] Regular expression matches zero-length string
LPX-01127 [FORX0004] Invalid replacement string
LPX-01128 [FOTY0012] Argument node does not have a typed value
LPX-01129 [XUST0001] Updating expression in a wrong position
LPX-01130 [XUST0002] Non-updating expression in a wrong position
LPX-01131 [XUST0003] Repeated revalidation declaration
LPX-01132 [XUTY0004] Invalid attribute node in the insertion sequence
LPX-01133 [XUTY0005] Invalid target expression for 'insert'
LPX-01134 [XUTY0006] Invalid target expression for 'insert'
LPX-01135 [XUTY0007] Invalid target expression for 'delete'
LPX-01136 [XUTY0008] Invalid target expression for 'replace'
LPX-01137 [XUDY0009] Invalid target expression for 'replace'
LPX-01138 [XUTY0010] Invalid replacement sequence for 'replace'
LPX-01139 [XUTY0011] Invalid replacement sequence for 'replace'
LPX-01140 [XUTY0012] Invalid target expression for 'rename'
LPX-01141 [XUTY0013] Invalid copy expression for transform
LPX-01142 [XUDY0014] Modified node was not created by the copy clause
LPX-01143 [XUDY0015] Duplicate 'rename' for the same target node
LPX-01144 [XUDY0016] Duplicate 'replace' for the same target node
LPX-01145 [XUDY0017] Duplicate 'replace' for the same target node
LPX-01146 [XUDY0018] External not updating function returns an updated value
LPX-01147 [XUDY0019] External updating function returns an invalid value
LPX-01148 [XUDY0020] Deleted node has no parent
LPX-01149 [XUDY0021] The result XDM instance violates XDM constraints
LPX-01150 [XUTY0022] Invalid attribute insertion into a document node
LPX-01151 [XUDY0023] Updating expression introduces a namespace conflict
LPX-01152 [XUDY0024] Updating expression introduces a namespace conflict
LPX-01153 [XUDY0025] Invalid QName for processing instruction rename
LPX-01154 [XUST0026] Revalidation mode '~s' is not supported
LPX-01155 [XUDY0027] Invalid target expression
LPX-01156 [XUST0028] Updating function should not have a return type
LPX-01157 [XUDY0029] Insert expression target node doesn't have a parent
LPX-01158 [XUDY0030] Invalid insertion of an attribute node
LPX-01159 [FOUP0001] Invalid 'fn:put' first operand
LPX-01160 [FOUP0002] Invalid 'fn:put' second operand
LSX-00001 NULL pointer
LSX-00002 root element is not <schema>
LSX-00003 invalid attribute "~1S" for element "~2S"
LSX-00004 unexpected XML node type
LSX-00008 feature "~s" is not implemented
LSX-00009 data missing for type "~S"
LSX-00010 extra element(s) at end of "~S"
LSX-00011 internal error: ~s
LSX-00013 element "~S" not from Schema of Schemas
LSX-00014 empty instance document
LSX-00015 failed to parse document
LSX-00016 schema and instance document have incompatible character sets
LSX-00018 invalid schema context
LSX-00020 unknown type "~S"
LSX-00021 undefined element "~S"
LSX-00022 unknown namespace prefix "~S"
LSX-00023 unknown namespace URI "~S"
LSX-00024 unknown attribute group "~S"
LSX-00025 unknown group "~S"
LSX-00026 unknown attribute "~S"
LSX-00027 property "~s" unknown
LSX-00102 duplicate element "~S"
LSX-00103 duplicate group "~S"
LSX-00104 duplicate type "~S"
LSX-00105 duplicate attribute group "~S"
LSX-00106 duplicate attribute "~S"
LSX-00110 facet "~S" should have single value attribute
LSX-00111 type "~S" contains invalid facets
LSX-00112 facet "~S" duplicated
LSX-00113 facet "~1S" has invalid value "~2S"
LSX-00114 facet "~S" not in schema schema
LSX-00116 mutually exclusive facets are not allowed
LSX-00117 "minLength" should not be greater than "maxLength"
LSX-00118 fixed facet value cannot be changed
LSX-00119 value is not valid restriction of parent's minLength
LSX-00120 value is not valid restriction of parent's maxLength
LSX-00121 value is not valid restriction of parent's length
LSX-00122 value is not valid restriction of parent's whiteSpace
LSX-00123 base type is required
LSX-00124 "list" element is improperly defined
LSX-00125 "restriction" element is improperly defined
LSX-00126 facet "~1S" has invalid value "~u"
LSX-00130 attribute "processContents" has invalid value "~S"
LSX-00132 attribute "~1S" has invalid occurrences value "~2S"
LSX-00133 attribute "use" has invalid value "~S"
LSX-00134 attribute "~1S" has invalid qualification "~2S"
LSX-00135 invalid min/max Occurs for <all> element, must be 0/1
LSX-00136 "maxOccurs" is less than "minOccurs"
LSX-00141 ID type may only be used in attributes
LSX-00142 invalid sub-element "~1S" for element "~2S"
LSX-00143 element "~S" must have type or ref
LSX-00144 attribute "~1S" invalid derivation-restriction value "~2S"
LSX-00145 attribute "~1S" invalid derived value "~2S"
LSX-00146 element or attribute is improperly defined
LSX-00147 "~1S" cannot contain "~2S"
LSX-00148 annotation must come first in "~S"
LSX-00149 duplicated ID specified in "~S"
LSX-00150 attributeGroup reference shouldn't have children
LSX-00151 invalid combination of attributes "ref" and "name"
LSX-00152 only "minOccurs", "maxOccurs", or "id" is allowed
LSX-00153 invalid combination of default and fixed attributes
LSX-00154 attribute "use" must have its value set to "optional"
LSX-00155 invalid use of attribute "ref"
LSX-00156 type is final and no derivations are allowed
LSX-00157 "~S" is abstract and cannot be used in an instance document
LSX-00158 base type of "~S" must be simple type or primitive datatype
LSX-00159 list content of multiple simple types is not allowed
LSX-00160 invalid substitution group affiliation between "~S" and "~S"
LSX-00161 disallowed type substitution between "~S" and "~S"
LSX-00162 string "~S" is an invalid default for the complex type
LSX-00163 duplicated content specification in "~S"
LSX-00164 no content specified in "~S"
LSX-00165 content type of "~S" must be simple type
LSX-00166 both content types must be mixed or both must be element-only
LSX-00167 defining form of "~S" must occur at the top level
LSX-00168 referring form of "~S" must NOT occur at the top level
LSX-00169 circular group reference is disallowed outside <redefine>
LSX-00170 union must have memberTypes attribute or some simpleType children
LSX-00171 missing required sub-element "~S"
LSX-00172 "~S" is not a valid restriction of "~S"
LSX-00173 ~S of ~S type is not a valid restriction of ~S of ~S type
LSX-00174 "~S" is not a valid derivation of "~S"
LSX-00175 a complex base within "simpleContent" must have simple content
LSX-00176 circular reference detected in schema component named "~S"
LSX-00200 element "~S" not empty
LSX-00201 contents of "~S" should be elements only
LSX-00202 contents of "~S" should be text only
LSX-00204 extra data at end of complex element
LSX-00205 element "~1S" value "~2S" is wrong (must be "~3S")
LSX-00206 substitution for element "~S" is disallowed
LSX-00210 value "~1S" out of range for type "~2S"
LSX-00211 value "~1S" whose fractional digits exceeds ~2d
LSX-00212 value "~1s" whose total digits exceeds ~2d
LSX-00213 only ~1d occurrences of particle "~2S", minimum is ~3d
LSX-00214 too many occurrences of particle "~1S", maximum is ~2d
LSX-00215 value "~1S" whose total digits exceeds ~2d
LSX-00220 "~1S" is wrong length, should be ~2d
LSX-00221 "~1S" is too short (minimum length is ~2d)
LSX-00222 "~1S" is too long (maximum length is ~2d)
LSX-00229 item type is not a valid type for a list simple type
LSX-00230 invalid integer "~S"
LSX-00231 invalid unsigned integer "~S"
LSX-00232 invalid unsigned long "~S"
LSX-00233 invalid long "~S"
LSX-00234 invalid decimal "~S"
LSX-00235 invalid URI "~S"
LSX-00237 invalid Name "~S"
LSX-00238 invalid Nmtoken "~S"
LSX-00240 bad float "~S"
LSX-00241 bad double "~S"
LSX-00242 bad Boolean "~S"
LSX-00243 invalid date "~S"
LSX-00244 invalid NCName "~S"
LSX-00245 invalid ID "~S"
LSX-00246 invalid QName "~S"
LSX-00247 invalid language specification "~S"
LSX-00248 invalid duration "~S"
LSX-00249 invalid date or time "~S"
LSX-00250 invalid normalizedString "~S"
LSX-00251 invalid token "~S"
LSX-00252 invalid union "~S"
LSX-00253 branch is empty
LSX-00255 mismatched parentheses
LSX-00256 empty character class expression
LSX-00257 atom specification is missing
LSX-00258 invalid escape character
LSX-00259 invalid character found in the pattern
LSX-00260 unexpected end of pattern
LSX-00261 invalid character property
LSX-00262 attribute "~1S" cannot have complex type "~2S"
LSX-00263 undefined attribute "~S"
LSX-00264 attribute "~S" is prohibited (may not occur)
LSX-00265 attribute "~1S" value "~2S" is wrong (must be "~3S")
LSX-00266 missing required attribute "~S"
LSX-00270 hex-encoded binary has odd length
LSX-00271 invalid character "~c" in hex-encoded binary
LSX-00272 BASE64-encoded binary grouped improperly (not 4's)
LSX-00273 invalid character "~c" in base64-encoded binary
LSX-00274 invalid padding in base64-encoded binary
LSX-00280 duplicate ID "~S"
LSX-00281 referenced ID "~S" is not defined
LSX-00282 duplicate notation name "~S"
LSX-00283 referenced notation "~S" is not defined
LSX-00284 duplicate constraint name "~S"
LSX-00285 referenced key "~S" is not defined
LSX-00286 duplicate key "~S" for {"~S"}"~S"
LSX-00287 duplicate key "~S"
LSX-00290 invalid enumeration choice "~S"
LSX-00291 value "~1S" is less than minimum "~2S" (~3S)
LSX-00292 value "~1S" is greater than maximum "~2S" (~3S)
LSX-00293 missing one or more fields from element "~S"
LSX-00294 field "~S" produced multiple hits
LSX-00295 field element "~S" is not a simple type
LSX-00300 group must have name or ref but not both
LSX-00310 local element or attribute should be namespace qualified
LSX-00311 local element or attribute shouldn't be namespace qualified
LSX-00320 missing required elements in <all>
LSX-00330 missing range start character
LSX-00331 missing comma
LSX-00332 bad decimal digits in a quantifier specification
LSX-00333 literal "~S" is not valid with respect to the pattern
LSX-00340 improper namespace value for the imported element
LSX-00341 ENTITY or ENTITIES type may only be used in attributes
LSX-00342 value of attribute "base" must be a complex type definition
LSX-00343 "~S" is not nillable
LSX-00344 namespace values "~1S" and "~2S" differ
LSX-00345 Element ("~1S") from "~2S" namespace is unexpected. Expecting element from "~3S" namespace
PGA-20900 unable to obtain number bytes of storage for string
PGA-20901 internal gateway error: string
PGA-20905 invalid conversation id: no active conversations were found
PGA-20906 invalid conversation id: no matching conversation was found
PGA-20907 preceding error occurred during gateway string processing
PGA-20910 communication error: CPI-C string failed, rc = number, errno = number
PGA-20911 update transaction is already active with TP string at LU string
PGA-20912 send and receive buffer lengths cannot both be zero
PGA-20914 send buffer length of number exceeds actual send buffer size of number
PGA-20915 receive buffer length of number exceeds the maximum of number
PGA-20916 send count is number but only number send lengths were specified
PGA-20917 receive count is number but only number receive lengths were specified
PGA-20918 send length number number is number but only number bytes are left in the buffer
PGA-20919 receive length number number is number but only number bytes are left in the buffer
PGA-20920 unexpected request-to-send received
PGA-20921 buffer overflow on receive: requested number bytes, received number bytes
PGA-20922 no data available to receive: number bytes were requested
PGA-20923 unexpected status, number (string), received after string
PGA-20924 unable to enter send state for deallocate, state = number (string)
PGA-20925 missing LU/TP/MODE name parameter and no side info profile specified
PGA-20926 userid string length of number is invalid; maximum length is number
PGA-20927 password length of number is invalid; maximum length is number
PGA-20928 cannot open parameter file string
PGA-20930 invalid SYNCLEVEL, number, specified; valid range is number:number
PGA-20931 send buffer length of number exceeds the maximum of number
PGA-20932 invalid function code, string, passed to pgatctl
PGA-20933 invalid value specified by initialization parameter string=string
PGA-20934 side information profile string not defined; cannot establish conversation
PGA-20935 synclevel number is not allowed when PGA_CAPABILITY=string
PGA-20936 send buffer length is number but no send lengths were specified
PGA-20937 receive buffer length is number but no receive lengths were specified
PGA-20938 send lengths array too small (number) to contain a valid send count
PGA-20939 receive lengths array too small (number) to contain a valid receive count
PGA-20945 unable to log on to Oracle for transaction logging
PGA-20947 unable to bind variable string for transaction logging
PGA-20948 unable to prepare the statement for transaction logging
PGA-20949 unable to define variable string for transaction recovery
PGA-20950 unable to perform string on transaction log
PGA-20960 missing string parameter, required when PGA_CAPABILITY=string
PGA-20961 synclevel 1 conversations not allowed when PGA_CAPABILITY=2_PHASE
PGA-20962 synclevel 2 conversations not currently allowed
PGA-20963 side profile string specifies the wrong local LU name (string)
PGA-20964 local LU name specified by PGA_LOCAL_LU is string
PGA-20965 syncpoint error: expecting string PS header, received string
PGA-20966 syncpoint error: sent string, expecting string, received string
PGA-20967 2-phase commit recovery attempted, DBA action required
PGA-20995 communication error: 'string' failed, rc = number, errno = number
PGA-20999 SIGDANGER received from system - all conversations deallocated
PGA-21001 internal error: string
PGA-21002 unable to obtain number bytes of memory for string
PGA-21003 memory allocation error in lxlinit
PGA-21004 invalid string specified by NLS_LANG
PGA-21005 no message file found for language 'string'
PGA-21006 RRM initialization failed
PGA-21010 missing fully-qualified local LU name argument
PGA-21011 invalid network name length (number), valid range is number:number
PGA-21012 invalid LU name length (number), valid range is number:number
PGA-21013 missing period(.) in fully-qualified local LU name
PGA-21014 invalid character(s) found in network name 'string'
PGA-21015 invalid character(s) found in LU name 'string'
PGA-21016 RRM initialization failed for LU string
PGA-21017 RRM already active for LU string
PGA-21020 error creating path object for init file
PGA-21021 error creating name object for init file
PGA-21022 error creating file object for init file
PGA-21023 error opening init file string
PGA-21024 error reading init file string
PGA-21025 error closing init file string
PGA-21030 invalid keyword in line number
PGA-21031 length of string value (number) not within valid range (number:number)
PGA-21032 invalid value specified by stringstring
PGA-21033 error(s) found in init file
PGA-21034 too many errors in init file, cannot continue
PGA-21035 value of string (number) not within valid range (number:number)
PGA-21040 error creating path object for log file
PGA-21041 error creating name object for log file
PGA-21042 error creating file object for log file
PGA-21043 error opening log file string
PGA-21044 error writing to log file string
PGA-21045 error closing log file string
PGA-21046 logging switched to system log due to error on log file
PGA-21050 error creating path object for trace file
PGA-21051 error creating name object for trace file
PGA-21052 error creating file object for trace file
PGA-21053 error opening trace file string
PGA-21054 error writing to trace file string
PGA-21055 error closing trace file string
PGA-21056 tracing suspended due to error on trace file
PGA-21060 system errno = number
PGA-21100 RRM initializing for local LU string
PGA-21101 initialization parameters read from string
PGA-21102 log messages written to string
PGA-21103 trace information written to string
PGA-21104 trace level currently set to number
PGA-21105 startup for local LU string is warm
PGA-21106 warm start complete for local LU string
PGA-21107 startup for local LU string is cold
PGA-21108 cold start complete for local LU string
PGA-21109 local log name is x'string'
PGA-21110 XLN received from partner LU string
PGA-21111 partner log name is x'string'
PGA-21112 creating new log entry for partner LU string
PGA-21113 warm starting for partner LU string
PGA-21114 cold starting for partner LU string
PGA-21115 shutdown request received
PGA-21116 RRM termination complete for local LU string
PGA-21200 connect to Oracle Server as string failed
PGA-21201 error selecting PGA_2PC_LUS row for local LU string
PGA-21202 error updating PGA_2PC_LUS row for local LU string
PGA-21203 error inserting PGA_2PC_LUS rows for local LU string
PGA-21204 error deleting PGA_2PC_PENDING rows for local LU string
PGA-21205 error deleting PGA_2PC_LUS rows for partner LUs
PGA-21206 error selecting PGA_2PC_LUS row for partner LU string
PGA-21207 error inserting PGA_2PC_LUS row for partner LU string
PGA-21208 error updating PGA_2PC_LUS row for partner LU string
PGA-21209 error selecting PGA_2PC_PENDING rows for partner LU string
PGA-21210 unable to open connection with SNA services
PGA-21211 unable to allocate LU6.2 listen for RRM TP
PGA-21212 incorrect data received from partner LU string
PGA-21213 received x'string'
PGA-21214 incorrect service flag in XLN
PGA-21215 partner log name mismatch on warm start
PGA-21216 last stored log name x'string'
PGA-21217 partner sent log name x'string'
PGA-21218 cold start for partner LU string rejected, number pending transactions exist
PGA-21219 recovery action by DBA required for local LU string
PGA-21220 logging error limit (number) exceeded, RRM shutting down for LU string
PGA-21221 commit failed during cold start of local LU string
PGA-21222 commit failed during warm start of local LU string
PGA-21223 commit failed during first-time processing for partner LU string
PGA-21224 commit failed during cold start of partner LU string
PGA-21300 received no data when expecting data
PGA-21301 invalid control received: string
PGA-21400 ORACLE_HOME environment variable not set
PGA-21401 ORACLE_HOME environment variable set to null string
PGA-21402 error opening file string, fopen errno = number
PGA-21403 error writing to file string, fputs errno = number
PGA-21404 error closing file string, fclose errno = number
PGA-21405 error deleting file string, remove errno = number
PGA-21450 communication error: 'string' failed, errno = number
PGA-21451 SNA Server is shutting down
PGA-22001 remote host name is null.
PGA-22002 communication error: TCP/IP string failed, rc = number
PGA-22003 communication error: TCP/IP string failed, rc = number, for, string
PGA-22004 length of the total message value (number) not within valid range (number:number)
PGA-22005 invalid socket file descriptor: no active conversations were found
PGA-22006 Parameter string is not specified.
PGA-22007 user ID string length of number is invalid; maximum length is number
PGA-22008 password length of number is invalid; maximum length is number
PGA-22009 database name string length of number is invalid; maximum length is number
PGA-22010 userid string length of number is invalid; maximum length is number
PGA-22011 password length of number is invalid; maximum length is number
PGA-22012 IMS Connect error: return code = string, reason code = string
PGA-22014 Transaction code length of number exceeds the maximum of number
PGU-00100 invalid SPOOL file name
PGU-00101 extraneous text at end of command
PGU-00106 invalid ECHO switch
PGU-00107 invalid TERMOUT switch
PGU-00108 invalid TIMING switch
PGU-00110 illegal SET option
PGU-00111 illegal SHOW option
PGU-00115 unexpected end of command
PGU-00120 invalid STOPONERROR switch
PGU-00122 invalid SET numeric parameter
PGU-00125 integer value overflow
PGU-00129 value out of range (1 - number)
PGU-00132 null hostname/password specified
PGU-00136 bad variable specification
PGU-00137 syntax error in PL/SQL Block
PGU-00142 cannot recognize object type, owner or name
PGU-00143 variable has not been defined
PGU-00144 invalid object type for DESCRIBE
PGU-00145 invalid object name for DESCRIBE
PGU-00149 invalid SERVEROUTPUT switch
PGU-00300 internal error code; arguments: [number], [string]
PGU-00302 not connected to a database
PGU-00304 input file I/O error [number] - input aborted
PGU-00305 command size exceeds internal buffer size (number)
PGU-00306 monitor cycle interval time out of range (1 - number)
PGU-00307 cannot open spool file string
PGU-00308 no spool file opened
PGU-00309 cannot close spool file string
PGU-00310 cannot open parameter file string
PGU-00311 data exceeds internal buffer size
PGU-00314 invalid parameter given on PGAU command line
PGU-00315 cannot open command file string
PGU-00317 version of tool conflicts with version [string] of DATA
PGU-00318 PGAU command line error [number]
PGU-00319 cannot locate pgau configuration file, string
PGU-00320 cannot open pgau configuration file, string
PGU-00322 total size of command line parameters exceeds buffer size
PGU-00325 pfile too large
PGU-00327 command not available in this mode
PGU-00328 insufficient privilege for this display
PGU-00331 cannot allocate enough memory for SQL Buffer
PGU-00337 missing instance name
PGU-00341 'string' is an undefined bind variable
PGU-00347 no offline tablespaces exist
PGU-00359 monitor already active
PGU-00360 object to be described does not exist
PGU-00361 error during describe
PGU-00362 object string is a package; use 'DESCRIBE <package>.<procedure>'
PGU-00363 procedure or function string not found in the package
PGU-00364 object string is a remote object, cannot further describe
PGU-00365 object string is invalid, it may not be described
PGU-00366 name string is malformed, it must be of form [[a.]b.]c@dblink
PGU-00370 mandatory field/list needs to be filled in
PGU-00371 cannot open/locate input help file, string
PGU-00372 cannot open/locate input index file, string
PGU-00373 cannot allocate memory of size number from toolkit
PGU-00374 could not set file position in string directly
PGU-00375 unexpected end of file, string
PGU-00376 mandatory field has to be filled in before navigation is possible
PGU-00377 mandatory list item has to be selected before navigation is possible
PGU-00378 an item has to be selected before help can be sought for it
PGU-00379 variable(s) not defined
PGU-00380 procedural option required for this statement
PGU-00381 error in the SERVEROUTPUT option
PGU-00382 value string is not a recognizable file name for string
PGU-00383 file name string pointed to by string could not be opened
PGU-00384 could not open pgau resource file, string
PGU-00385 could not locate pgau resource file, string
PGU-00386 could not open toolkit resource file, string
PGU-00387 could not locate toolkit resource file, string
PGU-00388 cannot start PGAU in screen mode; check if values are legal:
PGU-00389 toolkit resource file name is defined to string
PGU-00390 terminal type string is defined by string
PGU-00391 value string is defined to string; legal values: string or string
PGU-20000 string of string statement failed for table string, rc=number
PGU-20001 string of string variable of string statement failed for table string, rc=number
PGU-20002 unable to login to Oracle
PGU-20003 unable to open the cursor
PGU-20004 unable to close the cursor
PGU-20005 unable to commit PG DD changes
PGU-20006 unable to logout from Oracle
PGU-20007 unable to rollback PG DD changes
PGU-30000 transaction string, version string specification generated to file string
PGU-30001 PGAU internal error - string
PGU-30002 >>> Initialization of string File Header <<<
PGU-30003 transaction string, version string body generated to file string
PGU-30008 failure to open file string
PGU-30009 failure to close file string
PGU-30010 failure to obtain string bytes of storage for string
PGU-30012 invalid language environment (string), default used
PGU-30014 pgau message file string not found
PGU-30024 memory allocate failure: string for string bytes
PGU-30026 open failure: file string in string mode
PGU-30028 file string failure: string rc string
PGU-30030 read failure: string from string after offset string
PGU-30031 write failure: string to string at number for string bytes
PGU-30032 write log failure: rc %4li, message no was string
PGU-30033 write trace failure: rc %4li, message no was string
PGU-30035 file control failure: string for string, rc string
PGU-30036 no ORACLE_HOME environment variable available
PGU-30120 missing string attribute for parm string, field string f#string
PGU-30122 level limit: field f#=string nest level string exceeds string of string
PGU-30123 level limit: level string field string can't follow level string
PGU-30220 allocate failure: string storage of string bytes
PGU-30233 control block load failure: string block from PG DD
PGU-30234 attribute array for string exceeded by PG DD rows > string
PGU-30300 work file output error writing string
PGU-30301 TIP output error appending string to string
PGU-30302 TIP output error writing function string to file string
PGU-30303 TIP generation error writing variable string to file string
PGU-30304 TIP generation warning: string name truncated to string characters
PGU-30305 TIP generation error defining record type string for string
PGU-30306 TIP generation: invalid PL/SQL parameter mode string for string
PGU-30307 TIP generation: invalid PL/SQL variable type string for string
PGU-30308 TIP generation: name string.string exceeds max length of string characters
PGU-30309 TIP generation: call string parm string exceeds PGAXFER string limit (string)
PGU-30314 TIP generation: failure converting record type string for string
PGU-30315 TIP generation: parameter conversion error for string, string
PGU-30316 TIP generation: PL/SQL string control logic for string string
PGU-30317 TIP generation: PL/SQL string statements for string string
PGU-30318 TIP generation: string string, PL/SQL string for string
PGU-30319 TIP generation: string string
PGU-30600 TIP generation: invalid COBOL syntax in string:
PGU-30601 COBOL mask: string
PGU-30602 COBOL maskopts: string
PGU-30604 missing string attribute for string
PGU-30605 TIP generation: invalid COBOL syntax in unknown field:
PGU-30606 TIP generation: missing multi-byte NLS name for string:
PGU-30611 references missing field string specified for string
PGU-30622 unable to insert string value for field string
PGU-30631 no alignment for environment string string, datatype string string
PGU-30632 TIP generation: string string, string ignored for string
PGU-30635 TIP generation: string string, nested repeating group for string
PGU-30636 TIP generation: string string, string attribute value (string) ignored
PGU-30637 TIP generation: string string, string attribute value (string) invalid
PGU-35002 failure to open cursor for statement string: rc string
PGU-35003 failure to parse SQL statement string for cursor string: rc string
PGU-35004 failure to bind string for cursor string statement string: rc string
PGU-35005 failure to define string for cursor string statement string: rc string
PGU-35006 failure to execute for cursor string statement string: rc string
PGU-35007 failure to fetch for cursor string statement string: rc string
PGU-35008 failure to close cursor string for statement string: rc string
PGU-35009 no transaction rows for statement string, string string: rc string
PGU-35010 no string rows for statement string, id no string: rc string
PGU-35011 no environment rows for statement string, string string: rc string
PGU-35012 missing transaction entry string string
PGU-35013 missing call entry for transaction string string (string)
PGU-35014 missing parm entry for transaction string string (string) call string string (string)
PGU-35015 missing field entry for transaction string string (string) call string string (string) parm string data string string (string)
PGU-35016 missing formatted conversion entry for transaction string string
PGU-35017 missing environment string string for t# string d# string
PGU-35018 failed select for statement string, string string: rc string
PGU-39100 EP
PGU-39101 RP rc %4li
PGU-39102 EP number, number, number, string, string, string, string, string, string, number, number
PGU-39103 RP rc %4li, string exit
PGU-39107 EP number
PGU-39108 EP string, string
PGU-39110 EP stringstring
PGU-39111 EP f#string, number, string, string, string
PGU-39112 EP string => string
PGU-39113 EP number for string bytes
PGU-39114 EP stringstring, stringstring, string
PGU-39116 EP p-number, c-number
PGU-39117 EP p-number, c-number, LD string
PGU-39118 EP string, string, string
PGU-39119 EP string, c#string, d#string, f#string, string
PGU-39120 EP c-number, p-number, f-number
PGU-39121 EP d#string, f#string
PGU-39122 EP number, string, string
PGU-39123 EP string, string, number
PGU-39124 EP string, string
PGU-39125 EP string, string, string
PGU-39126 EP string, string, string, string
PGU-39127 EP string, string
PGU-39128 EP string, stringstring, string
PGU-39200 Initialization rc %4li
PGU-39201 Initialization failure rc %4li
PGU-39210 Termination rc %4li
PGU-39211 Termination failure rc %4li
PGU-39300 QM rc %4li, number
PGU-39301 QM failure rc %4li, number
PGU-39302 QM p-stringstring, c-f#string, LD string
PGU-39303 QM warning rc %4li, number
PGU-39400 IT read %4li bytes from string
PGU-39404 IO file string string for string mode
PGU-39405 IO string %4li bytes string
PGU-39500 DD rc %4li, number stringstring
PGU-39501 DD rc %4li - warning
PGU-39502 DD rc %4li, number string string string string
PGU-39503 OC %3ls %5ls %2li
PGU-39504 DD rc %4li, string, string, string
PGU-39510 OC %7ls %12ls cursor %2li %3ls, rc string
PGU-39512 OC %7ls %12ls cursor %2li %3ls, rc string
PGU-39513 OC %7ls cursor %2li %3ls, rc string
PGU-39514 OC %7ls cursor %2li %3ls, rows string, rc string
PGU-39600 TG TIP string, SFD string
PGU-39601 TG TIP string, SVD string
PGU-39602 TG string for string=string string, string l=string o=string
PGU-39603 TG DBlink string, rpc string
PGU-39604 TG edit var string PLS string
PGU-39605 TG F-chk string string f#string fl=string stringstring pl=string
PGU-39606 TG %8ls=> string
PGU-39607 TG %8ls=> a#string string string
PGU-39608 TG %8ls=> a#string string string
PGU-39609 TG %8ls=> a#string string string
PGU-39610 TG string for string #string string, string
PGU-39620 TG rc %4li, string
PGU-41000 invalid field definition syntax
PGU-41001 unexpected end of input
PGU-41002 improper REPORT statement
PGU-41003 invalid data field definition name
PGU-41004 invalid delimiter
PGU-41005 invalid PGAU statement syntax
PGU-41006 value for parameter 'string' missing
PGU-41007 parameter 'string' was previously specified
PGU-41008 invalid DATA definition dname specified
PGU-41012 invalid PLSDNAME parameter
PGU-41013 invalid LANGUAGE parameter
PGU-41014 invalid USAGE parameter
PGU-41015 USAGE parameter was previously specified
PGU-41016 LANGUAGE parameter was previously specified
PGU-41017 PLSDNAME parameter was previously specified
PGU-41018 invalid COMPOPTS parameter
PGU-41019 COMPOPTS parameter was previously specified
PGU-41020 invalid CALL definition cname specified
PGU-41021 PKGCALL parameter was previously specified
PGU-41022 invalid PKGCALL parameter
PGU-41025 invalid VERSION number specified
PGU-41026 PARMS parameter was previously specified
PGU-41029 invalid TRANSACTION CALL cname specified
PGU-41030 NLS_LANGUAGE parameter was previously specified
PGU-41031 parameter 'string' specifies undefined Oracle NLS name 'string'
PGU-41032 ENVIRONMENT parameter was previously specified
PGU-41033 invalid ENVIRONMENT parameter
PGU-41034 SIDEPROFILE parameter was previously specified
PGU-41035 invalid SIDEPROFILE name specified
PGU-41036 LUNAME parameter was previously specified
PGU-41037 invalid LUNAME name specified
PGU-41038 TPNAME parameter was previously specified
PGU-41039 invalid TPNAME name specified
PGU-41040 LOGMODE parameter was previously specified
PGU-41041 invalid LOGMODE name specified
PGU-41042 SYNCLEVEL parameter was previously specified
PGU-41043 invalid SYNCLEVEL value specified
PGU-41044 invalid TRANSACTION name
PGU-41045 missing call name in DEFINE TRANSACTION
PGU-41046 SIDEPROFILE omitted: all of LUNAME, TPNAME, and LOGMODE required
PGU-41048 CALL parameter was previously specified
PGU-41049 DEFINE TRANSACTION parameter string previously specified
PGU-41053 VERSION parameter was previously specified
PGU-41054 invalid version number in VERSION parameter
PGU-41055 invalid FIELD or PLSFNAME name for indicated language
PGU-41058 invalid transaction name specified
PGU-41059 PKGNAME parameter was previously specified
PGU-41060 invalid PKGNAME name specified
PGU-41061 OUTFILE parameter was previously specified
PGU-41063 DIAGNOSE parameter was previously specified
PGU-41064 PGANODE parameter was previously specified
PGU-41065 invalid PGANODE name specified
PGU-41068 unable to open the input definition file
PGU-41070 COBOL inline definition must start with left-paren at line end
PGU-41071 missing LANGUAGE parameter
PGU-41072 OPTIONS parameter was previously specified
PGU-41073 repeated OPTIONS subparameter
PGU-41075 TRACE parameter was previously specified
PGU-41076 repeated TRACE or PKGEX parameter
PGU-41077 PKGEX parameter was previously specified
PGU-41079 data definition string version number inserted into PG DD
PGU-41080 call definition string version number inserted into PG DD
PGU-41081 transaction definition string version number inserted into PG DD
PGU-41082 data definition string version number updated in PG DD
PGU-41083 data definition string version number deleted from PG DD
PGU-41084 call definition string version number deleted from PG DD
PGU-41085 transaction definition string version number deleted from PG DD
PGU-41086 length of string token exceeds maximum allowed length of number
PGU-41087 data name string does not exist
PGU-41088 data name string or specified version (number) of data name string does not exist
PGU-41089 call name string does not exist
PGU-41090 call name string or specified version (number) of call name string does not exist
PGU-41091 data name string does not exist
PGU-41092 data name string or specified version (number) of data name string does not exist
PGU-41093 call name string does not exist
PGU-41094 call name string or specified version (number) of call name string does not exist
PGU-41095 transaction name string does not exist
PGU-41096 transaction name string or specified version (number) of transaction name string does not exist
PGU-41097 language parameter given in REDEFINE DATA conflicts with DEFINE DATA
PGU-41100 FIELD parameter on REDEFINE specifies unknown field name (string)
PGU-41101 INFILE parameter given on DEFINE DATA with inline data
PGU-41102 data definition missing on string DATA
PGU-41103 INFILE parameter was previously specified
PGU-41105 memory exhausted
PGU-41106 missing left parenthesis in a GROUP
PGU-41107 GROUP within a GROUP not allowed
PGU-41108 data definition string does not exist
PGU-41109 field name string does not exist in data definition string
PGU-41110 field name string appears multiple times in data definition string
PGU-41111 missing string name
PGU-41112 invalid name for UNDEFINE string
PGU-41113 invalid WITH operand
PGU-41114 duplicate WITH operand
PGU-41115 invalid WITH operand in this context
PGU-41119 expecting one of DATA, CALL, or TRANSACTION in a DEFINE
PGU-41120 VERSION parameter conflicts with UNDEFINE ALL
PGU-41121 invalid DIAGNOSE parameter
PGU-41122 no transaction name given in a GENERATE statement
PGU-41123 expecting DATA (type of object)
PGU-41124 expecting one of DATA, CALL, or TRANSACTION in an UNDEFINE
PGU-41125 expecting the name of a string object
PGU-41126 WITH token immediately followed by another WITH token
PGU-41127 a DATA or CALLS token was found but not preceded by a WITH token
PGU-41128 a WITH token ends string
PGU-41129 parameter string invalid without FIELD parameter
PGU-41131 FIELD specified, but USAGE, PLSFNAME, or language input absent
PGU-41132 language input defines more than one field
PGU-41133 language input defines no data field for REDEFINE ... FIELD(...)
PGU-41134 no string PGAU objects satisfied the REPORT request
PGU-41135 no PGAU string objects named string satisfied the REPORT request
PGU-41136 no string PGAU object named string at version number satisfied the REPORT request
PGU-41137 too many version requests; maximum of number allowed
PGU-41138 missing string name
PGU-41139 use of VERSION parameter conflicts with ALL parameter
PGU-41140 version number expected
PGU-41141 an invalid version number was found
PGU-41142 version parameter has already been specified
PGU-41143 this type of WITH operand invalid with a string object
PGU-41144 default PKGCALL parameter truncated to string
PGU-41145 default PLSDNAME parameter truncated to string
PGU-41146 invalid INFILE parameter
PGU-42001 ALL not valid in VALUE(S) clause at level 88
PGU-42002 COPY statement: ended prematurely
PGU-42003 COPY reserved word found within a COPY clause
PGU-42004 COPY not allowed as operand-1 or operand-2 in COPY REPLACING
PGU-42005 COPY statement: nothing to copy
PGU-42006 invalid token string
PGU-42007 invalid EJECT statement
PGU-42008 invalid SKIPn statement
PGU-42009 string
PGU-42010 level-number with number digits exceeds maximum of two
PGU-42011 invalid level number of number found
PGU-42012 level 01 or 77 has yet to be found
PGU-42013 level 01 or 77 not yet found or begun between columns number and number
PGU-42014 RENAMES clause must be at level 66
PGU-42015 multiple string clauses found
PGU-42016 invalid figurative_type value passed
PGU-42017 VALUES can be used only at level 88
PGU-42018 could not open input file string
PGU-42019 REDEFINES clause should be first clause
PGU-42020 RENAMES dn-1 (THROUGH) dn-2 must stand alone
PGU-42021 unterminated record definition found
PGU-42022 VALUES clause must be the only clause at level 88
PGU-42024 missing period-separator in TITLE statement
PGU-42025 invalid TITLE statement
PGU-42026 COPY copies a COPY REPLACING or vice versa
PGU-42027 in line number of file string as follows
PGU-42028 invalid USAGE token: string
PGU-42029 reserved word string is invalid as a PICTURE
PGU-42030 a string clause has been prematurely terminated
PGU-42031 string phrase is misplaced after string phrase
PGU-42032 state value string is string
PGU-42033 extraneous text at column string
PGU-42034 COPY for file string is recursive
PGU-42035 invalid null operand in pseudo-text in a COPY REPLACING clause
PGU-42036 invalid input in string clause or paragraph
PGU-42037 missing END-EXEC token
PGU-42038 invalid use of reserved word string
PGU-42039 in line as follows
PGU-42040 DEPENDING ON phrase missing in OCCURS clause
PGU-42041 missing or invalid USAGE clause for DBCS PIC clause
PGU-42042 LENGTH IS clause not allowed for numeric or edited data
PGU-50001 error reading the log file.
PGU-50002 no data found.
PGU-50003 string length of number exceeds the maximum of number.
PGU-50004 PG4TCPMAP has ended with a failure.
PGU-50101 You have entered an invalid value.
XOQ-00101 unknown error
XOQ-00102 system failure
XOQ-00103 An OLAP API method failed.
XOQ-00104 not implemented
XOQ-00105 unknown error
XOQ-00106 SQL query failed: "(string)"
XOQ-00107 current operation cancelled
XOQ-00201 error opening connection
XOQ-00203 error retrieving connection information for the server
XOQ-00204 error initializing second DataProvider on a JDBC connection
XOQ-00223 error executing an OLAP DML command
XOQ-00225 error closing the connection
XOQ-00229 cannot retrieve information for the connection
XOQ-00232 error sharing the session
XOQ-00233 error obtaining the system
XOQ-00234 error obtaining the module version
XOQ-00251 Default database is not set.
XOQ-00286 error creating a definition manager
XOQ-00287 error adding analytic workspace "(string)" to branch (string)
XOQ-00288 unable to commit transaction string
XOQ-00400 failed to map CWM object "(string))" to XML or IDL
XOQ-00401 unexpected class type for object "(string)": expected string, found string
XOQ-00402 unexpected class type for object "(string)": expected string
XOQ-00500 no metadata provider "(string)" available
XOQ-00501 table "(string)" and/or column "(string)" not found
XOQ-00502 cannot create more than one CursorManager for a source
XOQ-00503 cannot create server cursor
XOQ-00504 cannot execute the query
XOQ-00505 The number of cursor inputs (string) does not match the number of bind sources (string).
XOQ-00506 cannot parse XML string from the client
XOQ-00507 source definition not found with ID "(string)"
XOQ-00508 metadata object not found with ID "(string)"
XOQ-00509 Invalid value string "(string)" is used for a value of dimension "(string)".
XOQ-00510 NULL key found in hierarchy
XOQ-00511 Query will result in a Cartesian product.
XOQ-00600 internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
XOQ-00603 Fatal error occurred: unwise to proceed.
XOQ-00699 internal error, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
XOQ-00700 error compiling OLAP DML command
XOQ-00701 error compiling OLAP DML expression
XOQ-00702 no OLAP DML code to compile
XOQ-00703 error executing OLAP DML command "(string)"
XOQ-00704 error evaluating OLAP DML expression
XOQ-00705 no OLAP DML expression to evaluate
XOQ-00850 cannot create fundamental snapshot: definition id "(string)" not recognized
XOQ-00851 cannot create Mdm property: definition id "(string)" not recognized
XOQ-01000 A portion of the query results in an empty selection and a 0-extent cursor.
XOQ-01100 Query is not supported by the current generator.
XOQ-01150 unknown problem with OLAP Catalog
XOQ-01151 OCI error: string
XOQ-01200 metadata problem for MdmAttribute "string"
XOQ-01201 metadata problem for MdmMeasure "string"
XOQ-01202 metadata problem for MdmLevel "string"
XOQ-01203 metadata problem for MdmHierarchy "string"
XOQ-01204 metadata problem for MdmListDimension "string"
XOQ-01205 metadata problem for MdmPrimaryDimension "string"
XOQ-01206 metadata problem for cube "string"
XOQ-01207 metadata problem for hierarchy combination "string"
XOQ-01208 metadata problem for MtmBaseCube "string"
XOQ-01209 metadata problem for attributes on dimension "string"
XOQ-01210 metadata problem for table map for list dimension "string"
XOQ-01211 metadata problem for MdmValueHierarchy "string"
XOQ-01212 aggregation metadata problem for cube "string"
XOQ-01213 metadata problem for MdmLevelHierarchy "string"
XOQ-01214 metadata problem with dimension order specification for "string"
XOQ-01215 metadata problem with mapped RDBMS column "string"
XOQ-01216 metadata problem with mapping for snowflake hierarchy "string"
XOQ-01217 metadata problem with mapping for hierarchy "string"
XOQ-01218 metadata problem with mapping for hierarchy "string"
XOQ-01219 metadata problem with mapping for hierarchy "string"
XOQ-01300 invalid dimension member value "(string)"
XOQ-01301 invalid measure expression in MdmCustomMember "(string)"
XOQ-01302 query not supported in local value mode
XOQ-01303 incorrect cube dimensionality
XOQ-01304 Custom members feature is not supported.
XOQ-01305 invalid model assignment
XOQ-01306 cannot generate cursor manager for MdmValueHierarchy
XOQ-01307 Cannot generate MdmCubeMap "string" on MdmCube "string". The MdmCubeMap contains no MdmCubeDimensionalityMap for dimension "string".
XOQ-01308 Primary dimension "string" on cube "string" has multiple dimension levels but no hierarchy.
XOQ-01400 invalid metadata objects
XOQ-01401 validation error
XOQ-01411 attribute mapping not defined for hierarchy "(string)"
XOQ-01421 A hierarchy must contain at least one level.
XOQ-01422 Hierarchy does not match hierarchy map: hierarchy map does not contain level map for "(string)".
XOQ-01423 Hierarchy does not match hierarchy map: hierarchy does not contain level "(string)".
XOQ-01424 Hierarchy must be declared skip-level, because it contains level expressions that can be null.
XOQ-01431 Primary dimension must have at least one hierarchy.
XOQ-01432 Primary dimension and union hierarchy map are inconsistent: union hierarchy map does not contain hierarchy map for "(string)".
XOQ-01433 Primary dimension and union hierarchy map are inconsistent: primary dimension does not contain hierarchy "(string)".
XOQ-01434 Time dimension must have EndDate and TimeSpan attributes.
XOQ-01441 Measure does not contain cube dimension "(string)".
XOQ-01442 Measure contains dimension "(string)", which does not exist on the cube.
XOQ-01443 Measure contains dimension "(string)", which is not a primary dimension.
XOQ-01444 Cube is not partitioned.
XOQ-01445 Measure is not a member of its partitioned cube.
XOQ-01446 Measure has no mapping for cube "(string)".
XOQ-01461 Partitioned cube has no base cube for hierarchy combination ("(string)").
XOQ-01462 Partitioned cube does not contain measure "(string)".
XOQ-01463 Base cube does not contain measure "(string)".
XOQ-01464 Partitioned cube does not contain dimension "(string)".
XOQ-01465 Base cube does not contain dimension "(string)".
XOQ-01466 Base cube does not contain dimension for dimensionality "(string)".
XOQ-01467 Base cube does not contain dimensionality for dimension "(string)".
XOQ-01468 Base cube solved status does not match dimensionality "(string)" solved status.
XOQ-01481 Dimension "(string)" appears in multiple aggregation steps.
XOQ-01482 no aggregation step found for dimension "(string)"
XOQ-01483 Invalid aggregation step for dimension "(string)": Dimension is not part of the cube.
XOQ-01484 Cannot modify "string" while in a branch in a way that invalidates its materialized view.
XOQ-01485 Cannot modify "string" in the branch, because its analytic workspace is not in the branch.
XOQ-01486 Consistent solve has two aggregation steps over dimension "string".
XOQ-01487 Consistent solve has two precompute models over dimension "string".
XOQ-01488 Consistent solve has two dynamic models over dimension "string".
XOQ-01489 Consistent solve has a model "string" with invalid explicit dimension "string".
XOQ-01490 Consistent solve has a model "string" with invalid base dimension "string".
XOQ-01491 Consistent solve has an invalid aggregation step over dimension "string".
XOQ-01492 invalid order of steps for consistent solve
XOQ-01493 Invalid specification for dimension "string" in precompute condition for cube "string"
XOQ-01494 invalid target dimension or attribute "string"
XOQ-01495 cannot specify both a target attribute "string" and a target dimension "string"
XOQ-01496 loaded data incompatible with data type "string"
XOQ-01497 Data type "string" is not allowed for an indexed attribute.
XOQ-01498 Calculation model "string" specifies invalid explicit dimension "string".
XOQ-01499 Measure folder "string" cannot appear twice in a sequence of nested folders.
XOQ-01600 string XOQ-01600: OLAP DML error while executing DML "string"
XOQ-01601 error while loading data for string "string" into the analytic workspace
XOQ-01700 Cube "string" is not part of an analytic workspace.
XOQ-01701 Dimension "string" is not part of an analytic workspace.
XOQ-01702 Objects from multiple analytic workspaces cannot be built in a single process.
XOQ-01703 error during parse of build process script: "string", "string"
XOQ-01704 unknown model "string"
XOQ-01705 CLEAR command cannot run on a dimension.
XOQ-01706 An unexpected condition occurred during the build: "string".
XOQ-01707 Oracle job "string" failed while executing slave build "string" with error "string".
XOQ-01708 SOLVE command cannot run on a dimension.
XOQ-01709 string command cannot run on a cube.
XOQ-01710 unknown build item "string"
XOQ-01711 Aggregation path for hierarchies on dimension "string" is inconsistent.
XOQ-01712 "string" failed validation as a level hierarchy.
XOQ-01713 "string" failed validation as a non-skip-level hierarchy.
XOQ-01714 "string" failed validation as a non-ragged hierarchy.
XOQ-01715 Hierarchy "string" has no members for some levels.
XOQ-01716 Definition of a hierarchy "string" does not allow raggedness.
XOQ-01717 illegal parent for calculated member "string"
XOQ-01718 A calculated member "string" and its parent have inconsistent level definitions.
XOQ-01719 incorrect level for a calculated member "string"
XOQ-01720 Calculated members in hierarchy "%(1)" cannot be organized.
XOQ-01721 ValueHierarchy "string" does not have unique keys.
XOQ-01722 Cube "string" mapping to "string" is invalid. Cubes must map to DimensionLevels for PrimaryDimensions whose keys are not unique.
XOQ-01723 CLEAR AGGREGATES command cannot run within a FOR...BUILD group.
XOQ-01724 invalid USING clause
XOQ-01725 unknown named build specification "string"
XOQ-01726 The partition dimension "string" in cube "string" is missing an ET view.
XOQ-01727 Specified refresh method "string" is invalid.
XOQ-01728 Atomic refresh is not supported.
XOQ-01729 Explicit SCN build is not allowed.
XOQ-01730 Refresh method "string" requires a suitable materialized view.
XOQ-01731 Atomic build is not supported in a branch.
XOQ-01732 Object "string" cannot build in a branch because it has a materialized view.
XOQ-01733 Invalid cube map "string" is specified in a LOAD command.
XOQ-01734 Time dimension "string" is specified in a COMPILE command, but attribute "string" on level "string" has no mapping.
XOQ-01735 Cube cannot be refreshed because dimension "string" is stale.
XOQ-01736 Cube "string" cannot be aggregated because it is compressed.
XOQ-01737 FAST_SOLVE cannot be used to build cube "string". Build must use COMPLETE.
XOQ-01738 Level of dimension member "string" cannot change from "string" to "string" within a single load.
XOQ-01739 Unknown or invalid measure "string" is specified in an assignment.
XOQ-01740 Unknown or invalid dimension "string" is specified in an assignment.
XOQ-01741 unsupported assignment qualification for dimension "string"
XOQ-01742 NO COMMIT option cannot be specified on build "string".
XOQ-01743 Cannot apply automatic order because circular dependency exists between build objects "string" and "string".
XOQ-01744 The LOAD PRUNE command cannot be used with cube "string".
XOQ-01745 Unknown or invalid hierarchy "string" is specified in a maintain dimension command.
XOQ-01746 Unknown or invalid level "string" is specified in a maintain dimension command.
XOQ-01747 Dimension member "string" is not a valid member of dimension "string".
XOQ-01748 Dimension member "string" is already a member of dimension "string".
XOQ-01749 Dimension member "string" is not a member of dimension "string".
XOQ-01750 Dimension member "string" is already a member of hierarchy "string".
XOQ-01751 Dimension member "string" is not a member of hierarchy "string".
XOQ-01752 Member "string" appears both in level "string" and in level "string" of dimension "string".
XOQ-01753 Unknown or invalid attribute "string" is specified in an assignment.
XOQ-01754 SOLVE command cannot run on a subset of cube measures when sparse type is COMPRESSED and measure storage is INDEPENDENT.
XOQ-01755 Dimension member "string" requires a prefix to be created in dimension "string".
XOQ-01756 Member "string" appears inconsistently in level "string" across hierarchies of dimension "string".
XOQ-01757 Dimension "string" does not belong to build cube "string".
XOQ-01758 Measure "string" does not belong to build cube "string".
XOQ-01759 A LOAD RETAIN command cannot be used in a default build specification or named build specification.
XOQ-01799 unspecified error
XOQ-01800 ALTER privilege is required on object "string" in schema "string".
XOQ-01801 CREATE privilege is required for object "string" in schema "string".
XOQ-01802 DROP privilege is required for object "string" in schema "string".
XOQ-01803 SELECT privilege is required for object "string" in schema "string".
XOQ-01900 The dimension level has invalid or no unique key attributes.
XOQ-01901 No measures or dimensionalities are in the cube.
XOQ-01902 No analytic workspace is specified in the analytic workspace primary dimension organization.
XOQ-01903 The unique key attribute has no corresponding base attribute.
XOQ-01904 The dimension level has no base attributes.
XOQ-01905 GenerateRefreshMV is not specified in AWCubeOrganization.
XOQ-01906 The analytic workspace referenced by the AWCubeOrganization does not match that of analytic workspace primary dimension organization "string".
XOQ-01907 The AWCubeOrganization is marked for GenerateRefreshMV, but analytic workspace primary dimension organization "string" is not.
XOQ-01908 The cube has no dimensionalities.
XOQ-01909 The hierarchy level has an invalid or no associated dimension level.
XOQ-01910 The level hierarchy has no hierarchy levels.
XOQ-01911 The specified default hierarchy does not exist.
XOQ-01912 The cube has no organization.
XOQ-01913 The base measure has an invalid or no data type specified.
XOQ-01914 The primary dimension has no organization.
XOQ-01915 The hierarchy level has no hierarchy level map.
XOQ-01916 The AWCubeOrganization has no analytic workspace.
XOQ-01917 The base attribute has an invalid or no data type specified.
XOQ-01918 The sparse type must be COMPRESSED when the AWCubeOrganization is marked for GenerateRefreshMV.
XOQ-01919 The sparse dimensions of the AWCubeOrganization must contain all dimensions or none.
XOQ-01920 Sparse dimensions of the AWCubeOrganization must be specified with a subset of the cube dimensionalities.
XOQ-01921 The dimensionality does not reference a primary dimension.
XOQ-01922 The dimension referenced in dimensionality "string" is specified more than once in this cube.
XOQ-01923 Assignment "string" has no member expression and does not correspond to a custom member.
XOQ-01924 Custom member "string" has no member expression.
XOQ-01925 PrecomputePercent cannot be used with this cube.
XOQ-01926 PrecomputePercentTop cannot be used with this cube.
XOQ-01927 invalid PrecomputePercent value
XOQ-01928 invalid PrecomputePercentTop value
XOQ-01929 incompatible values for PrecomputePercent and PrecomputePercentTop
XOQ-01930 The cube dimensionality map has no mapped dimension.
XOQ-01931 MeasureStorage is incompatible with MVoption.
XOQ-01932 NullStorage is incompatible with MVoption.
XOQ-01933 invalid list of sparse dimensions
XOQ-01934 Sparse dimensions are not last.
XOQ-01935 invalid definition of SPARSE_GLOBAL cube
XOQ-01936 invalid partition dimension for SPARSE_GLOBAL cube
XOQ-01937 incompatible HierarchyConsistencyRule and MVOption
XOQ-01938 PrecomputeCondition cannot be used with this cube.
XOQ-01939 MappedDimension "string" specified for a CubeDimensionalityMap is not mapped.
XOQ-01940 BaseAttribute "string" is specified on a DimensionLevel as both a UniqueKeyAttribute and a VisibleAttribute.
XOQ-01941 The HierarchyLevelMap for HierarchyLevel "string" must contain a KeyExpression and a Query.
XOQ-01942 A BaseAttribute cannot be removed while it is a UniqueKeyAttribute on DimensionLevel "string".
XOQ-01943 An AttributeMap refers to a nonexistent attribute.
XOQ-01944 BaseAttribute "string" already exists on this dimension object.
XOQ-01945 The cube dimensionality map has no join condition.
XOQ-01946 BaseAttribute "string" is mapped by more than one attribute map.
XOQ-01947 Measure "string" is mapped by more than one MeasureMap.
XOQ-01948 CubeDimensionality "string" is mapped by more than one CubeDimensionalityMap.
XOQ-01949 The AWCubeOrganization for cube "string" is marked as DENSE but contains SPARSE dimensions.
XOQ-01950 The AWCubeOrganization for cube "string" contains multiple BuildSpecifications with the same name.
XOQ-01951 A time dimension requires at least two of the following attributes: END_DATE, START_DATE and TIMESPAN.
XOQ-01952 The CubeMap for cube "string" must contain either a query or a From clause.
XOQ-01953 cannot commit changes to CWM or AWXML metadata
XOQ-01954 Object cannot be renamed to "string" because that name is already being used by an existing object.
XOQ-01955 Cannot rename object to "string" because that name is invalid.
XOQ-01956 The object cannot be renamed.
XOQ-01957 A cube cannot have both rewrite materialized views and either a ragged or a skip-level hierarchy. The hierarchy is "string".
XOQ-01958 The derived measure has an invalid data type or no data type.
XOQ-01959 The derived measure has a missing or invalid expression.
XOQ-01960 Circular dependency exists between string "string" and string "string".
XOQ-01961 Object string "string" cannot be dropped while it is still a dependency of string "string".
XOQ-01962 Object "string" has an invalid name.
XOQ-01963 MappedDimension "string" does not match CubeDimensionality "string" specified for a CubeDimensionalityMap.
XOQ-01964 Cannot drop MappedDimension "string" of the CubeDimensionalityMap.
XOQ-01965 Missing Cube Dimensionality Map for Cube Dimensionality "string".
XOQ-01966 Cannot drop PartitionLevel "string" of AWCubeOrganization.
XOQ-01967 Attribute "string" is invalid.
XOQ-01968 UniqueKey attribute "string" has an invalid multilingual flag set.
XOQ-01969 Attribute cannot be both multilingual and indexed.
XOQ-01970 Attribute "string" has no attribute map.
XOQ-01971 A dependency cannot be added on the organizationalSchema to the cube because measure "string" is invalid.
XOQ-01972 A dependency cannot be added on the organizationalSchema to the cube because the cube has been deleted.
XOQ-01973 UniqueKey attribute "string" on the dimension level is invalid.
XOQ-01974 Attribute map "string" is invalid.
XOQ-01975 The DimensionMap for Dimension "string" must contain either a query or a From clause
XOQ-01976 No key expression is defined on this dimension map owned by "string".
XOQ-01977 Measure "string" does not exist in cube "string".
XOQ-01978 The number of dimensionalities on cube "string" does not match the number of cube dimensionality maps on the cube map.
XOQ-01979 Measure map "string" refers to an invalid measure, "string".
XOQ-01980 Dimension "string" is created before the attribute cube GID relation is added.
XOQ-01981 A generic metadata validation error has occurred.
XOQ-01982 A generic metadata validation error occurred against "string".
XOQ-01983 The dimension "string" is referenced more than once in the precompute list of the AWCubeOrganization.
XOQ-01984 The dimension "string" referenced in the precompute list of the AWCubeOrganization is not part of cube "string".
XOQ-01985 The ET attribute prefix of "string" specified for dimension "string" of cube "string" is invalid.
XOQ-01986 The LevelHierarchy "string" contains more than one HierarchyLevel for DimensionLevel "string".
XOQ-01987 A subset of the following HierarchyLevels is ordered inconsistently in PrimaryDimension "string": "string".
XOQ-01988 name conflict between string "string" and string "string"
XOQ-01989 Level "string" is not uniquely mapped.
XOQ-01990 Cube "string" cannot override the aggregation maps for this measure.
XOQ-01991 The data type of this measure in cube "string" or its mapped expression is incompatible with materialized views.
XOQ-01992 The OLAP DML data type cube storage qualifications "string" in cube "string" are incompatible with materialized views.
XOQ-01993 The data type of base attribute "string" or its mapped expression is incompatible with materialized views.
XOQ-01994 Primary dimension "string" and the cube have incompatible organizations.
XOQ-01995 Object "string" does not exist.
XOQ-01996 The object cannot be renamed.
XOQ-01997 A partition level of the cube is invalid.
XOQ-01998 cannot partition a cube by two different dimensions: "string" and "string"
XOQ-01999 More than one ORDER BY element is specified in the CUSTOMORDER clause.
XOQ-02000 PrimaryDimension "string" is not a valid TimeDimension for the time series expression.
XOQ-02001 table "string" not found
XOQ-02002 Table "string" does not contain column "string".
XOQ-02003 Expression "string" is only valid within a model.
XOQ-02004 object string "string" not found
XOQ-02005 The string "string" referenced from object "string" is not found.
XOQ-02006 invalid reference to table "string" in mapping "string"
XOQ-02007 cannot parse OLAP syntax string
XOQ-02008 cannot parse OLAP syntax string "string": string
XOQ-02009 Function "string" is not supported by the analytic workspace.
XOQ-02010 Data type "string" is not supported by the analytic workspace.
XOQ-02011 invalid column expression "string"
XOQ-02012 missing expression in object "string"
XOQ-02013 Missing query and From clause in object "string".
XOQ-02014 missing condition in object "string"
XOQ-02015 Dimension or hierarchy has too many Grouping ID columns.
XOQ-02016 cannot add a dynamic model to the cube's consistent solve specification.
XOQ-02100 cannot parse server XML string
XOQ-02101 Invalid object type is used for object reference with id "string".
XOQ-02102 cannot find object "string"
XOQ-02103 invalid XML attribute "string" for element "string" and object "string"
XOQ-02104 invalid XML element "string"
XOQ-02105 invalid XML element "string" for object "string"
XOQ-02106 invalid property "string" with value "string" for object "string" in XML document
XOQ-02107 invalid property "string" with key::value "string" for object "string" in XML document
XOQ-02108 invalid XML document: string at line string
XOQ-02109 Top level object "string" already exists.
XOQ-02110 Object of type "string" with ID "string" cannot be created because another object with that ID already exists.
XOQ-02111 Object type "string" is invalid for export.
XOQ-02112 invalid XML attribute "string" with value "string" for element "string"
XOQ-02113 Unable to parse XML because the compatibility setting is below the minimum setting of
XOQ-02114 Unable to write XML because the compatibility setting is below the minimum setting of
XOQ-02115 Metadata object type "string" cannot be renamed on import.
XOQ-02116 Metadata object id "string" is not valid.
XOQ-02117 The new name "string" for object "string" is not valid.
XOQ-02118 Two new names for object "string" with type "string" are in the rename table.
XOQ-02200 cannot upgrade object "string"
XOQ-02201 object "string" not found
XOQ-02202 Object "string" cannot be upgraded because its name is the same as an existing object.
XOQ-02203 Analytic workspace "string" cannot be upgraded because it contains customization "string".
XOQ-02204 Cannot upgrade object "string": only analytic workspaces and database schemas are valid arguments to the UPGRADE command.
XOQ-02205 Cannot upgrade analytic workspace "string": the analytic workspace version is too old.
XOQ-02206 Cannot upgrade object "string": the metadata is already using the current version.
XOQ-02207 cannot process mapping "string": string
XOQ-02208 Object contains multiple mappings.
XOQ-02209 cannot process aggregation "string": string
XOQ-02210 Legacy metadata contains invalid mappings.
XOQ-02211 The MdmPrimaryDimension cannot be upgraded because a compile step failed with this message: "string".
XOQ-02212 The expression for this MdmMeasure cannot be read. Analytic workspace "string" was not attached when the connection was opened.
XOQ-02213 cannot read legacy metadata
XOQ-02214 error reading legacy metadata object: string
XOQ-02300 Build completed with warnings.
XOQ-02500 Derived attribute "string" is not a DIM_KEY.
XOQ-02501 Attribute "string" is not part of the primary dimension.
XOQ-02502 Attribute "string" is not a visible attribute of the hierarchy.
XOQ-02503 No attribute is specified for the CUSTOMORDER clause.
XOQ-02504 The object contains multiple descriptions of type "string" for the language "string".
XOQ-02505 The CubeMap for cube "string" contains both a query and a From clause.
XOQ-02506 The DimensionMap for dimension "string" contains both a query and a From clause.
XOQ-02507 The DimensionMap for dimension "string" contains a From clause with duplicate queries.
XOQ-02508 The CubeMap for cube "string" contains a From clause with duplicate queries.
XOQ-02509 Analytic workspace "string" has an invalid name.
XOQ-02510 The SolvedMap for Object "string" contains a From Clause with multiple queries
XOQ-02511 The cube storage DATE data type is incompatible with materialized views.
XOQ-02512 string XOQ-02512: OLAP DML error while compiling formula for measure "string"
XOQ-02513 A rewrite materialize view cannot be created for cube "string" because the aggregation from the consistent solve specification is incompatible.
XOQ-02514 The attribute "string" is mapped to different expressions on the two HierarchyLevels "string" and "string".
XOQ-02515 The MVCreationOptions of REFRESH ON COMMIT, REFRESH START WITH, and REFRESH NEXT are not supported.
XOQ-02516 The MdmValueHierarchy has no value hierarchy map.
XOQ-02517 The data type "string" of the base attribute or base measure is different from the mapped expression "string".
XOQ-02518 Object cannot be renamed to "string" because that name is already being used by an existing object.
XOQ-02519 The mapped dimension in the cube dimensionality map of a cube materialized view must be either a dimension level or a hierarchy level.
XOQ-02520 The mapped dimension in the cube dimensionality map of a query-rewrite-enabled cube materialized view must be the lowest hierarchy level on all hierarchies in the dimension.
XOQ-02521 The object description of type "string" for language "string" was truncated to the maximum number of characters (string).
XOQ-02522 The values for attribute "string" in level "string" must be unique.
XOQ-02523 unsupported data type "string"
XOQ-02524 A SQL data type and an OLAP DML data type have both been specified and/or modified for cube storage. The OLAP DML cube storage data type specification will be ignored
XOQ-02525 A mismatch exists between the measure data type "string" and cube storage data type "string"
XOQ-02526 UniqueKey attribute "string" has an invalid populate lineage flag set.
XOQ-02527 The unique key attributes "string" and "string" are on different levels of a primary dimension but are mapped to the same expression.
XOQ-02528 The derived measure "string" cannot be designated as the default measure for the cube.
XOQ-02529 The base attribute "string" of dimension "string" cannot be given an NVL expression because it is indexed.
XOQ-02530 A maintain dimension command cannot be specified as part of a default build specification or named build specification.
XOQ-02531 The sparse type must be COMPRESSED or SPARSE when a secondary partition level is specified.
XOQ-02532 cannot specify a secondary partition level without also specifying a (primary) partition level.
XOQ-02533 The cube dimensionality map has neither a join condition nor an expression.
XOQ-02534 The data type "string" of the base attribute or base measure "string" is different from the mapped expression "string".
XOQ-02535 The view name "string" defined on the object "string" is not unique.
XOQ-02554 Dimensions "string" and "string" cannot be mapped on the leaf level to the same dimension source table "string" when materialized views are enabled on the cube.
INS-00001 Unknown irrecoverable error
INS-00002 Unhandled exception
INS-00003 Application startup failed
INS-00004 Unable to load help
INS-00005 Invalid application configuration
INS-00006 No resource bundle is associated to the Resource instance
INS-00007 Help not available for this application
INS-00008 Help topic not found
INS-01001 Failed to create parent directories while copying string to string
INS-01002 Copy failed as the source file string do not exist
INS-01003 Copy failed as the source path string do not correspond to a file.
INS-01004 string is not directory.
INS-01005 Failed to copy file from string to string
INS-01006 The file string cannot be copied onto itself.
INS-01007 The directory string cannot be copied onto itself
INS-01008 Copy failed as the destination file string already exists.
INS-01009 string is not valid archive.
INS-01010 Unable to save file to the specified location.
INS-06001 Failed to perform operation due to internal driver error.
INS-06002 Authentication failed.
INS-06003 Failed to setup passwordless SSH connectivity with the following node(s): string
INS-06004 File operation on user's .ssh directory is not permitted.
INS-06005 Unable to get SSH connectivity details.
INS-06006 Passwordless SSH connectivity not set up between the following node(s): string.
INS-06007 SSH connectivity check operation disabled
INS-06008 SSH connectivity setup operation disabled
INS-06101 IP address of localhost could not be determined
INS-07001 Value for property 'string' not found in the bean store.
INS-07002 Unable to get the type definition for property named 'string' of bean type 'string'
INS-07003 Unexpected error occured while accessing the bean store
INS-07004 Invalid bean store
INS-07005 The given beans cannot be written because there is no bean store assigned to the bean store writer.
INS-07006 Unabled to save the bean store to the given target.
INS-07007 Failed to open or create a bean store reader.
INS-07008 The format of the bean store is not specified
INS-07009 Unable to load bean store
INS-07010 Invalid argument string
INS-08001 Flow configuration is syntactically incorrect
INS-08005 View class may not exist or a fully qualified View class name is not given.
INS-08007 Fully qualified Action class name is not given.
INS-08011 Route identifier 'string' mentioned in the transition may not exist.
INS-08012 Unknown View Identifier 'string' associated to a state.
INS-08013 Unknown Validator class 'string' associated to a state.
INS-08014 Fully qualified Condition class name is not given.
INS-08015 No transition specified for condition defined at state 'string'.
INS-08101 Unexpected error while executing the action at state: 'string'
INS-08102 Unexpected error occurred while transitioning from state 'string'
INS-08103 Null route returned by state 'string'.
INS-08104 Route 'string' returned by state 'string' is not found in the flow configuration.
INS-08106 Unexpected error occurred while loading the view 'string' associated to state 'string'.
INS-08107 Failed while processing user inputs at state 'string'.
INS-08108 Failed while localizing the view
INS-08109 Unexpected error occurred while validating inputs at state 'string'.
INS-08110 Invalid checkpoint file 'string'.
INS-08801 View class referred by view ID 'string' not found.
INS-08802 Unable to instantiate the View class referred by View ID 'string'.
INS-10002 Inventory initialization failed
INS-10006 Scratch path 'string' is not valid.
INS-10008 Session initialization failed
INS-10010 Scratch path not defined or set
INS-10012 Setup driver initialization failed.
INS-10013 The installer has detected that current home is not registered in the central inventory on this system.
INS-10014 The installer has detected that current home is not registered in the central inventory on the node(s): string.
INS-10015 Argument (string) passed from the command line is invalid.
INS-10101 The given response file string is not found.
INS-10102 Installer initialization failed.
INS-10103 Response file is not specified for this session.
INS-10104 The given response file is not accessible.
INS-10105 The given response file string is not valid.
INS-10106 The format of the given response file is not supported.
INS-10107 Argument \"string\" is not supported for this session.
INS-10108 The given response file name is not valid.
INS-13001 Environment does not meet minimum requirements.
INS-13010 Automatic prerequisite fix up is not supported
INS-13011 No automatic prerequisite fix up routine available.
INS-13012 Automatic prerequisite fix up is not performed or is incomplete.
INS-13013 Target environment do not meet some mandatory requirements.
INS-13014 Target environment do not meet some optional requirements.
INS-13015 The path string provided for cvu_prereq.xml is invalid.
INS-13016 You have chosen to ignore some of the prerequisites for this installation. This may impact product configuration.
INS-20701 Unexpected internal driver error
INS-20702 Unexpected internal driver error
INS-20801 Configuration Assistant 'string' failed.
INS-20802 string failed.
INS-20803 The optional tool named 'string' failed.
INS-20804 string aborted.
INS-20805 string is not activated
INS-20806 string not executed.
INS-20807 string is not valid.
INS-20808 Action already referenced.
INS-20809 Execution of 'string' not enabled
INS-20810 Target or command for 'string' not valid.
INS-20811 string parameters are not initialized
INS-20812 Unexpected error while executing 'string'
INS-20813 string not found
INS-20814 The aggregate of 'string' is not activated
INS-30001 The string password is empty.
INS-30002 The string password and string confirm password are not same.
INS-30003 The string password length is too long.
INS-30004 The string password entered is invalid.
INS-30005 The string password entered is missing recommended characters.
INS-30006 The password specified is too short.
INS-30007 Unable to get the raw device partition size.
INS-30008 Refer to the logs for more details.
INS-30009 Unable to get the FS partition free space size
INS-30010 Unable to get the file system type.
INS-30011 The string password entered does not conform to the Oracle recommended standards.
INS-30013 Unable to check whether the partition is raw.
INS-30014 Unable to check whether the location specified is on CFS
INS-30015 An error occurred during setting permission.
INS-30016 Unable to load the install inventory.
INS-30017 Install inventory does not exist.
INS-30018 Unable to get all the previously installed Oracle Home locations.
INS-30020 Unable to get the default oradata location.
INS-30021 Unable to get Oracle RAC databases info.
INS-30022 Unable to get SIDs and DB Homes on remote nodes.
INS-30023 Unable to get SIDs and DB Homes on node string.
INS-30042 IO Exception occurred.
INS-30043 The Grid Infrastructure home string does not exist or is empty.
INS-30044 Create Install Session Exception.
INS-30045 Unable to find the specified Oracle Home.
INS-30046 Unable to find product in Oracle Inventory.
INS-30047 Multiple versions of the product were found.
INS-30048 Incorrect format used in the given cluster configuration file.
INS-30049 The given cluster configuration file could not be read.
INS-30051 Failed while checking for string directory existence on remote node (string) using SRVM API.
INS-30052 Check for free disk space across nodes failed.
INS-30053 Check for shared partitions across nodes failed.
INS-30054 Check for file system type across nodes failed.
INS-30060 Check for group existence failed.
INS-30070 There are processes running in the currently selected Oracle Home.
INS-30071 An error occured while trying to determine the running processes or services.
INS-30072 There are services running from the currently selected Oracle Home.
INS-30073 There is software running from the currently selected Oracle Home.
INS-30080 string did not resolve to an IP address. Provide alternative name that resolves to an IP address.
INS-30081 string could not be resolved using TCP/IP host name lookup. Provide valid name that can be resolvable using TCP/IP host name lookup.
INS-30090 Check for connectivity across all nodes through the interface string has failed.
INS-30100 Insufficient disk space on the selected location (string).
INS-30110 Installer has failed to perform status check on Oracle Clusterware configured.
INS-30120 Specified file (string) doesnt exist.
INS-30131 Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed.
INS-30132 Initial setup required for the execution of installer validations failed on nodes: string
INS-30140 n/a
INS-30141 n/a
INS-30501 Automatic Storage Management software is not configured on this system.
INS-30502 No ASM disk group found.
INS-30503 Unknown ASM disk group.
INS-30504 Missing ASM disk group name.
INS-30505 Invalid disk group name.
INS-30506 Invalid redundancy level.
INS-30507 Empty ASM disk group.
INS-30508 Invalid ASM disks.
INS-30509 Insufficient space available in the selected disk group.
INS-30510 Insufficient number of ASM disks selected.
INS-30511 An older ASM instance was found.
INS-30512 Automatic Storage Management software is not configured on this cluster.
INS-30513 ASM not running on one or more nodes in the cluster.
INS-30514 The ASM diskgroup name has exceeded string characters.
INS-30515 Insufficient space available in the selected disks.
INS-30516 Please specify unique disk groups.
INS-30517 Automatic Storage Management software is not configured on this system.
INS-30518 Invalid Disk Discovery Path specified.
INS-30519 Allocation unit size can only be one of the following value set string.
INS-30520 Incorrect Disk Group name specified.
INS-30601 File access permissions error encountered.
INS-30602 ASM access denied.
INS-30603 CRS is not running on local node.
INS-30604 Required drivers are not found to perform the operation.
INS-30605 ASM instance seems to be down.
INS-30606 Partially cleaned ASM home is found.
INS-30607 No ASM found on the box.
INS-30701 The partition is invalid.
INS-32001 No value has been given for the Password field.
INS-32002 Invalid password.
INS-32008 Oracle base location cant be same as the user home directory.
INS-32010 String contains invalid characters.
INS-32011 The string that you have specified contains the space character.
INS-32012 Unable to create directory: string.
INS-32013 The string location is empty.
INS-32015 The location specified for string is invalid.
INS-32016 The selected Oracle home contains directories or files.
INS-32017 Invalid path specified for string
INS-32018 The selected Oracle home is outside of Oracle base.
INS-32021 Insufficient disk space on this volume for the selected Oracle home.
INS-32022 Grid infrastructure software for a cluster installations must not be under an Oracle base directory.
INS-32024 The specified location for Oracle base is invalid.
INS-32025 The chosen installation conflicts with software already installed in the given Oracle home.
INS-32026 The Software Location specified should not be under Oracle base location.
INS-32027 The ORACLE_HOME environment variable is currently set and this value is not same as the specified path for software location. This will impact the proper configuration of software.
INS-32030 Invalid location for Central Inventory.
INS-32031 Invalid inventory location.
INS-32033 Central Inventory location is not writable.
INS-32034 Invalid characters specified for the inventory directory.
INS-32035 Unable to create a new central inventory directory : string.
INS-32036 User home directory is not recommended as inventory location
INS-32037 The operating system group specified for central inventory (oraInventory) ownership is invalid.
INS-32038 The operating system group specified for central inventory (oraInventory) ownership is invalid.
INS-32039 Inappropriate file permissions for inventory location.
INS-32052 Oracle base and Oracle home locations are same.
INS-32053 The specified Oracle home name already exists.
INS-32054 The Central Inventory string is located on a shared file system.
INS-32055 The Central Inventory is located in the Oracle base.
INS-32060 Insufficient permissions granted to create directory string on node string.
INS-32061 The selected ASM disk group is invalid.
INS-32062 Unable to create string at the specified location.
INS-32066 Microsoft Transaction Services (MTS) port is blank or containing non-numeric character.
INS-32067 The value you have entered for Microsoft Transaction Services (MTS) Port, string, is already in use.
INS-32068 The value specified for Microsoft Transaction Services (MTS) Port number, string, is out of valid range.
INS-32075 At least one product language need to selected
INS-32076 English cannot be removed from the selected languages list.
INS-32077 The following selected languages are not supported; string
INS-32090 Software installation was unsuccessful.
INS-32091 Software installation was successful. But some configuration assistants failed, were cancelled or skipped.
INS-32101 My Oracle Support username is empty.
INS-32102 My Oracle Support password is empty.
INS-32103 Connection to My Oracle Support could not be established.
INS-32104 The installer is unable to locate the software updates in the specified directory.
INS-32105 n/a
INS-32106 n/a
INS-32107 n/a
INS-32108 n/a
INS-32109 Failed to retrieve the updates from My Oracle Support.
INS-32110 Failed to retrieve the updates from My Oracle Support.
INS-32111 The patch download location provided is empty.
INS-32112 Unable to retrieve the details from the downloaded metadata.
INS-32113 Unable to read the updates location.
INS-32114 Check the My Oracle Support user name.
INS-32115 Insufficient space in the download location provided.
INS-32116 The location specified may contain already downloaded software updates. Downloading at this location will overwrite the existing software updates.
INS-32117 My Oracle Support credentials provided does not have download privileges.
INS-32118 Proxy information required for the connection to My Oracle Support is not provided.
INS-35011 E-mail address cannot be empty.
INS-35012 Outgoing main (SMTP) server cannot be empty.
INS-35013 Check e-mail address.
INS-35014 Outgoing mail (SMTP) server is invalid.
INS-35015 Recovery location cannot be empty.
INS-35016 User name cannot be empty.
INS-35017 Password cannot be empty.
INS-35019 Invalid value specified for Management Service field.
INS-35020 Invalid value specified for Management Service field.
INS-35021 Backup and recovery location is on a file system that is not shared across the cluster.
INS-35022 The location string you selected is on an Oracle ASM Cluster File System (ACFS).
INS-35071 Global database name cannot be left blank.
INS-35072 The SID cannot be left blank.
INS-35073 Invalid global database name.
INS-35074 The specified SID is already in use.
INS-35075 The specified SID is already in use.
INS-35076 The specified SID exceeds the number of characters allowed.
INS-35077 The specified SID exceeds the number of characters allowed.
INS-35081 The ORACLE_HOME environment variable is currently set.
INS-35082 Global database name did not begin with an alphabetic character.
INS-35083 The specified domain of the Global database name exceeds 128 characters.
INS-35084 The specified global database name contains invalid characters.
INS-35085 Invalid value specified for string.
INS-35086 Invalid value specified for Global Database Name.
INS-35087 Invalid value specified for SID
INS-35088 The specified Global database name exceeds string characters.
INS-35089 The specified domain of the Global database name exceeds string characters.
INS-35090 The service name provided for RAC One is empty.
INS-35091 The service name provided for RAC One did not begin with an alphabetic character.
INS-35092 The service name provided for RAC One cannot be the same as the global database name.
INS-350923 Invalid value provided for the RAC One service name.
INS-350924 Invalid value provided for Oracle RAC One service name.
INS-350925 The specified domain of the Oracle RAC One service name exceeds 128 characters.
INS-35171 Target database memory (stringMB) exceeds at least one of the selected nodes available shared memory (string MB).
INS-35172 Target database memory (stringMB) exceeds the systems available shared memory ({0}MB).
INS-35173 Invalid value for allocated memory.
INS-35174 A minimum of stringMB (string% of total physical memory) is required.
INS-35175 No value given for the allocated memory of the database.
INS-35176 Invalid value for allocated memory.
INS-35205 Specified data file storage location is invalid.
INS-35206 Directory is already in use.
INS-35207 The location string you selected is on an Oracle ASM Cluster File System (ACFS).
INS-35208 The location string you selected is on an Oracle ASM Cluster File System (ACFS).
INS-35209 Selected storage type is not valid
INS-35210 Installing a database with storage on Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) is not supported on this system.
INS-35255 Invalid password.
INS-35256 The password for account string is not allowed to be string.
INS-35341 The installation user is not a member of the following groups: string
INS-35342 The specified group for Database Operator (OSOPER) may not be defined in the system.
INS-35351 Inconsistent versions detected.
INS-35352 There are no disk groups selected for storage and backup.
INS-35354 The system on which you are attempting to install Oracle RAC is not part of a valid cluster.
INS-35355 The node string specified in response file is not part of the Oracle Clusterware detected.
INS-35356 Oracle recommends that you install the database on all nodes that are part of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster.
INS-35357 Oracle RAC is not supported on this system.
INS-35358 Oracle RAC is not supported on this system.
INS-35359 Only one node is selected for database creation.
INS-35360 No nodes are specified for RAC One Node install.
INS-35361 One or more selected nodes that are part of the cluster are down.
INS-35371 Oracle RAC databases not detected.
INS-35372 Oracle RAC databases not detected.
INS-35373 Single-instance database not detected
INS-35375 The installer detects an older version of Oracle ASM on the system. If you intend to upgrade a database using Oracle ASM for storage, then you must first upgrade Oracle ASM. Refer to Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for further information.
INS-35376 Passsword cannot be empty for the ASMSNMP user.
INS-35377 An earlier release version of Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) exists on this system. If you intend to upgrade an earlier release database that uses Oracle ASM to Oracle Database 11g Release 2, then the upgrade will fail on 32-bit systems.
INS-35378 The installer has detected that the configured Oracle Restart software is a release version earlier than the database release you want to install. Oracle Restart must be the same release or a later release than Oracle Database.
INS-35379 The installer has detected that configured Oracle Restart software is not upgraded to current install version.
INS-35421 This option installs a single-instance database only.
INS-35422 The installer has detected that configured Oracle Restart software is not upgraded to current install version. This database installation does not register the database with lower version of High Availability service.
INS-35423 The installer has detected that Oracle Clusterware is not running on local node.
INS-35431 Invalid Location Specified for Oracle home.
INS-35432 The installer has detected that the software location you have specified contains Oracle Database software version string. Oracle recommends that when upgrading to string, you perform an installation of the software into a new Oracle home and then upgrade the database using the new software binaries.
INS-35433 The installer has detected that the specified location string is on an Oracle ASM Cluster File System that is not registered as a resource in Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
INS-35461 Standard Edition One (SE One) not supported for this installation.
INS-35462 Personal Edition not supported for this installation.
INS-35463 This option is not supported on Exadata configuration.
INS-40102 Specified Grid home is invalid
INS-40103 The installer has detected that the software location specified is on an OCFS2 partition.
INS-40104 The installer has detected that the software location specified is on an OCFS2 partition.
INS-40105 The location specified for Oracle Base is invalid.
INS-40106 Invalid location specified for Grid home.
INS-40401 The Installer has detected a configured Oracle Clusterware home on the system.
INS-40404 The installer has detected a configured instance of Oracle grid infrastructure software on the server.
INS-40405 The installer has detected a configured instance of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on the system.
INS-40406 The installer detects no existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on the system.
INS-40407 The installer has detected an Oracle ASM instance is already configured on the computer.
INS-40409 The installer has detected local Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) configured on this host. Local CSS is running from: string.
INS-40410 The installer has detected a configured instance of Oracle Grid Infrastructure software on the system.
INS-40412 This server does not meet network requirements to install and configure this product.
INS-40413 Existing Oracle ASM instance detected.
INS-40414 The installer has detected an unused Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) location pointer file (string) on the system.
INS-40415 Upgrade database instances using Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM).
INS-40416 The installer has detected that the version of the configured instance of Grid Infrastructure is not compatible for upgrading to this release of Grid Infrastructure.
INS-40417 The installer has detected an unused Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) location registry key (string) on the system.
INS-40418 The installer has detected that Oracle Clusterware is not running on local node. Oracle recommends that you upgrade Oracle Clusterware in rolling manner.
INS-40419 The installer detects that the configured Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) release is earlier than the Oracle Grid Infrastructure release.
INS-40420 The current installation user is not the same as the installation owner of the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure software.
INS-40421 The installer cannot detect the owner of the existing Oracle Grid Infrastructure home (Grid home).
INS-40422 The installer has detected that the configured instance of Grid Infrastructure is not compatible for upgrading to this release of Grid Infrastructure.
INS-40601 The Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) driver is not installed on one or more of the following nodes: string.
INS-40602 Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) user name text field cannot be left blank.
INS-40603 Invalid characters in User Name.
INS-40604 Password field is blank.
INS-40701 Invalid characters in Grid Naming Service (GNS) subdomain.
INS-40702 GNS subdomain is blank.
INS-40704 GNS subdomain cannot be resolved.
INS-40705 Invalid characters in Grid Naming Service (GNS) Virtual IP Address.
INS-40706 Grid Naming Service (GNS) Virtual IP Address is blank.
INS-40707 Grid Naming Service (GNS) Virtual IP Address string cannot be resolved.
INS-40708 Grid Naming Service (GNS) Virtual IP Address string already assigned to another system.
INS-40709 Cluster name: string contains invalid characters.
INS-40710 Cluster name:string does not start with a letter.
INS-40711 Cluster Name is blank.
INS-40712 Cluster Name:string is too long.
INS-40713 Installer will use \"string\" as cluster name.
INS-40714 Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Name: string contains invalid characters.
INS-40715 Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Name: string contains invalid characters.
INS-40716 Single Client Access Name (SCAN) Name:string does not start with a letter.
INS-40717 Single Client Access Name (SCAN) is unfilled.
INS-40718 Single Client Access Name (SCAN):string could not be resolved.
INS-40719 IP address configured for Single Client Access Name (SCAN): string is already assigned to another system.
INS-40720 Single Client Access Name (SCAN):string is not associated with any IP address.
INS-40721 Single Client Access Name (SCAN) port is blank.
INS-40722 Single Client Access Name (SCAN) port: string contains non-numeric characters.
INS-40723 Invalid Single Client Access Name (SCAN) port number:string.
INS-40724 No locally defined network interface matches the SCAN subnet.
INS-40725 Unable to determine the existence of an interface with a subnet matching the SCAN subnet.
INS-40726 Single Client Access Name (SCAN):string is not in the GNS subdomain string.
INS-40727 Single Client Access Name (SCAN):string is already associated with an IP address.
INS-40728 Invalid Single Client Access Name (SCAN) port number:string.
INS-40901 The cluster node information table is unfilled.
INS-40902 Missing entries in the node Information table.
INS-40903 Host name contains invalid characters.
INS-40904 ORACLE_HOSTNAME does not resolve to a valid host name.
INS-40905 Unresolved host IP addresses.
INS-40906 Duplicate host names found in the node information table for Oracle Clusterware install.
INS-40907 Local node not included in the list of host names for grid installation.
INS-40908 Invalid host names.
INS-40909 Host names from multiple domains entered.
INS-40910 Virtual IP: string entered is invalid.
INS-40911 Some public node names could not be resolved.
INS-40912 Virtual host name: string is assigned to another system on the network.
INS-40913 The following nodes cannot be clustered due to user equivalence issue from local node to node(s) : string.
INS-40914 The installer has detected the presence of Oracle9i RAC on the remote node, string.
INS-40915 The installer has detected the presence of Oracle Clusterware on the following nodes: string.
INS-40916 Single-instance versions of Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) are detected.
INS-40917 Host name cannot be in IP Address format.
INS-40918 Virtual IP name: string cannot be in IP Address format.
INS-40919 Hostname cannot be left unfilled.
INS-40920 No name was provided as the virtual IP name.
INS-40921 Virtual IP name contains invalid characters.
INS-40922 Invalid SCAN - unresolvable to an IP address.
INS-40923 Unable to match a local interface or subnet with the SCAN.
INS-40924 Failure while initializing search for common interface or subnets across cluster nodes.
INS-40925 One or more nodes have interfaces not configured with a subnet that is common across all cluster nodes.
INS-40926 Cluster node interfaces are configured in subnets different from the SCAN subnet.
INS-40927 Interfaces with common subnets have different names on different nodes.
INS-40928 An unknown interface error occurred during validation of cluster member nodes.
INS-40929 Installer has detected that the Oracle 9i Global Services Daemon (GSD) is running on the following nodes: string
INS-40930 The following nodes were not resolvable during host IP address lookup: string.
INS-40931 The following nodes have interfaces that are configured on a subnet that is different from the SCAN subnet: string.
INS-40932 An unknown error has occurred while validating Node Virtual IPs: string
INS-40933 Interface collection failed on node string.
INS-40934 A remote directory operation failed on node string: Message: string
INS-40935 A cluster operation (For example, copy file, file exists, or other operation) failed on node string: Message: string
INS-40936 A command tool operation failed on node string: Message: string
INS-40937 The following hostnames are invalid:string
INS-40938 The installer has detected that some or all cluster member nodes of the Oracle 9i RAC database are not included in the selected list of nodes.
INS-40939 Some of the nodes you selected are not members of the vendor cluster that is on the local server.
INS-40940 Nodes : string are not in the domain : string
INS-40941 Unable to retrieve domain information on one or more nodes.
INS-40942 Local node string did not resolve to an IP address. Provide alternative name that resolves to an IP address.
INS-40943 Local node string could not be resolved using TCP/IP host name lookup. It is recommended that the local node is resolvable using TCP/IP lookup. This may avoid configuration failures at a later stage.
INS-40944 The specified public host string did not resolve to an IP address. Provide alternative name that resolves to an IP address.
INS-40945 The specified public host string could not be resolved using TCP/IP host name lookup. It is recommended that the public host name is resolvable using TCP/IP lookup. This may avoid configuration failures at a later stage.
INS-40946 The specified node vip string did not resolve to an IP address. Provide alternative name that resolves to an IP address.
INS-40947 The specified node vip string could not be resolved using TCP/IP host name lookup. It is recommended that the node vip is resolvable using TCP/IP lookup. This may avoid configuration failures at a later stage.
INS-41101 The specified interface information is incorrect.
INS-41102 No public interface designated.
INS-41103 Interface string has multiple subnets associated with it.
INS-41104 No Private Interface designated.
INS-41105 string on subnet string chosen as public does not match subnet of SCAN VIP.
INS-41106 Invalid choice for public/private interface.
INS-41107 string selected for one or more of the public or private interfaces is not on a shared subnet. Nodes not defining are: string
INS-41108 string on subnet string chosen as public does not match subnet of Grid Naming Service (GNS) VIP.
INS-41109 Configured network mask string for the interface string is not same across all cluster nodes.
INS-41110 The installer has detected that different interface names configured for particular subnet on different nodes. Installer will not consider interface names during Grid Infrastructure configuration. Because of this, installer has transferred the provided interface list to following format: string
INS-41111 The installer has detected that multiple interfaces configured on a subnet (string).
INS-41112 Specified network interface doesnt maintain connectivity across cluster nodes.
INS-41113 Specified public and private interfaces are configured on the same subnet: string
INS-41204 No shared partition are available between nodes.
INS-41302 Normal redundancy requires three locations for the Oracle Cluster Registry.
INS-41303 External redundancy requires a location for the Oracle Cluster Registry.
INS-41305 Invalid characters in one or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations.
INS-41306 Invalid Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) Locations.
INS-41307 Insufficient space in shared file system for Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR).
INS-41309 The Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) cannot be placed on a block or character device.
INS-41310 More than one Oracle Cluster Registry is in the same partition.
INS-41311 One or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations specified are in an existing OCR directory.
INS-41312 One or more locations specified for the Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) cannot be used.
INS-41313 Duplicate entries found in one or more Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations.
INS-41314 File string already exists. The installer will make an attempt to replace this file.
INS-41315 File string already exists.
INS-41316 Unable to delete file string
INS-41317 Invalid Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) locations.
INS-41318 One or more files string already exist. The installer will attempt to replace existing files.
INS-41319 File(s) string already exist(s).
INS-41320 Unable to delete one or more files string.
INS-41321 Invalid Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) location.
INS-41502 Insufficient number of voting disk locations provided for normal redundancy configuration.
INS-41503 Missing voting disk file locations for external redundancy configuration.
INS-41505 TThe voting disk file locations contain one or more invalid characters.
INS-41506 One or more voting disk file locations are not valid.
INS-41508 More than one voting disk file is located on the same partition.
INS-41509 Duplicate locations used for one or more voting disk file locations.
INS-41510 One or more voting disk file locations are the same as an OCR location.
INS-41511 One or more of the locations you specified for voting disk files are the same as an Oracle 9i quorum location.
INS-41512 Voting disk files cannot be located on block or character devices.
INS-41513 Voting disk file locations cannot be in a directory with existing voting disks.
INS-41514 One or more locations you specified for voting disk files cannot be used.
INS-41515 Insufficient space in shared file system for voting disk file.
INS-41516 File string already exists. The installer will make an attempt to replace this file.
INS-41517 File string already exists.
INS-41518 Unable to delete file string
INS-41519 One or more voting disk file locations are not valid.
INS-41520 For high availability, Oracle recommends that you have this storage mirrored at the hardware level. Alternatively, you can select \"Normal Redundancy\" option and specify three locations that are on different disks.
INS-41521 Invalid Voting Disk location.
INS-41701 Unable to acquire node list information from oraInventory.
INS-41702 No nodes selected for upgrade.
INS-41703 The local node is not selected as one of the nodes for upgrade.
INS-41704 Selected nodes should be members of the same cluster. The following nodes are not in the cluster: string.
INS-41705 One or more nodes that are part of the cluster are down.
INS-41706 Only subset of nodes selected for upgrade.
INS-41707 Not all cluster member nodes are selected for upgrade.
INS-41708 Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) is not selected for upgrade.
INS-41709 Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) is not installed on this server.
INS-41710 Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) cannot be upgraded using a rolling upgrade.
INS-41711 The upgrade process upgrades the stack one node at a time, even though you selected to upgrade all nodes. Database service will be disrupted for any database that uses Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM), and that is not managed by Oracle Clusterware, or that uses Oracle Clusterware manual management policy. All other databases and services should not be affected, and should continue to function. If this is not desirable, then before proceeding with the upgrade, ensure that Oracle Clusterware manages databases using Oracle ASM, and set the automatic management policy on databases managed by Oracle Clusterware.
INS-41712 Installer has detected that the Oracle Clusterware software on this cluster is not functioning properly on the following nodes string.
INS-41802 Unable to determine release of Oracle Automatic Storage Management running from home string.
INS-41803 An entry for Oracle ASM is found in the system registry or oratab, but it is not associated with a software home location.
INS-41804 An instance of a prior release Oracle ASM is running.
INS-41806 Virtual IP name cannot be the same as the Single Client Access Name (SCAN): string
INS-41807 The installer has detected that Oracle Clusterware is not running on the following nodes: string.
INS-41808 Possible invalid choice for OSASM Group.
INS-41809 Possible invalid choice for OSDBA Group.
INS-41810 Possible invalid choice for OSOPER Group.
INS-41811 OSDBA for ASM and OSOPER for ASM groups are the same OS group.
INS-41812 string and OSASM are the same OS group.
INS-41813 OSDBA for ASM, OSOPER for ASM, and OSASM are the same OS group.
INS-41814 The installer has detected that some of the services of Oracle Grid Infrastructure are not running on this system.
INS-41815 The installer has detected that Oracle Clusterware string is not running on the following nodes: : string.
INS-41871 The user account you are using to install the software is not a member of the following OS groups: string
INS-41872 The OS group you selected as the ASM Administration Operator Group (ASMOPER) may not exist on the server.
INS-41874 Oracle ASM Administrator (OSASM) Group specified is same as the inventory group.
INS-41875 Oracle ASM Administrator (OSASM) Group specified is same as the users primary group.
INS-41901 The Oracle Grid Infrastructure Typical installation cannot be performed on this system.
INS-41902 The Oracle Grid Infrastructure Typical installation cannot be performed on this system.
INS-42001 The same drive letter string cannot be assigned to more than one partition
INS-42002 The specified partition cannot be used.
INS-42003 No partitions selected
INS-42004 No free drive letters available
INS-42005 The drive letter is not assigned to one or more partitions
INS-42006 Selected drive letter (string) is invalid or not available for usage.
INS-42011 The operating system group specified for oraInventory group is invalid.
INS-42012 The current Grid home is not registered in the central inventory on this host.
INS-42013 Installation user cannot configure the Grid home.
INS-42014 Oracle Grid Infrastructure cannot be configured.
INS-42015 File missing from Grid home: string
INS-42016 The current Grid home is not registered in the central inventory on the following nodes: string
INS-42017 The Grid home is inconsistent on the following nodes: string
INS-42018 Specified disk group is invalid.
INS-42019 The wizard is unable to detect a configured prior release instance of Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster or Cluster Ready Services.
INS-42020 The Wizard is unable to detect the user of Grid home.
INS-42021 Multibyte characters in SCAN Name
INS-42022 Multibyte characters in Cluster Name.
INS-42023 Invalid option specified for Oracle Grid Infrastructure Wizard.
JMS-00101 Invalid delivery mode {0}
JMS-00102 Feature not supported {0}
JMS-00104 Message Payload must be specified
JMS-00105 Agent must be specified
JMS-00106 Cannot have more than one open Session on a JMSConnection
JMS-00107 Operation not allowed on {0}
JMS-00108 Messages of type {0} not allowed with Destinations containing payload of type {1}
JMS-00109 Class not found: {0}
JMS-00110 Property {0} not writeable
JMS-00111 Connection must be specified
JMS-00112 Connection is invalid
JMS-00113 Connection is in stopped state
JMS-00114 Connection is closed
JMS-00115 Consumer is closed
JMS-00116 Subscriber name must be specified
JMS-00117 Conversion failed - invalid property type
JMS-00119 Invalid Property value
JMS-00120 Dequeue failed
JMS-00121 DestinationProperty must be specified
JMS-00123 Interval must be atleast {0} seconds
JMS-00124 Invalid Dequeue mode
JMS-00125 Invalid Queue specified
JMS-00126 Invalid Topic specified
JMS-00127 Invalid Destination
JMS-00128 Invalid Navigation mode
JMS-00129 Invalid Payload type
JMS-00130 JMS queue cannot be multi-conumer enabled
JMS-00131 Session is closed
JMS-00132 Maximum number of properties {0} exceeded
JMS-00133 Message must be specified
JMS-00134 Name must be specified
JMS-00135 Driver {0} not supported
JMS-00136 Payload factory can only be specified for destinations with ADT payloads
JMS-00137 Payload factory must be specified for destinations with ADT payloads
JMS-00138 Producer is closed
JMS-00139 Property name must be specified
JMS-00140 Invalid System property
JMS-00142 JMS topic must be created in multi-consumer enabled queue tables
JMS-00143 Queue must be specified
JMS-00144 JMS queue cannot be created in multi-consumer enabled queue tables
JMS-00145 Invalid recipient list
JMS-00146 Registration failed
JMS-00147 Invalid ReplyTo destination type,
JMS-00148 Property name size exceeded
JMS-00149 Subscriber must be specified
JMS-00150 Property not supported
JMS-00151 Topics cannot be of type EXCEPTION
JMS-00153 Invalid System property type
JMS-00154 Invalid value for sequence deviation
JMS-00155 AQ Exception {0}
JMS-00156 Invalid Class {0}
JMS-00157 IO Exception {0}
JMS-00158 SQL Exception {0}
JMS-00159 Invalid selector {0}
JMS-00160 EOF Exception {0}
JMS-00161 MessageFormat Exception: {0}
JMS-00162 Message not Readable
JMS-00163 Message not Writeable
JMS-00164 No such element
JMS-00165 Maximum size of property value exceeded
JMS-00166 Topic must be specified
JMS-00167 Payload factory or Sql_data_class must be specified
JMS-00168 Cannot specify both payload factory and sql_data_class
JMS-00169 Sql_data_class cannot be null
JMS-00171 Message is not defined to contain {0}
JMS-00172 More than one queue table matches query {0}
JMS-00173 Queue Table {0} not found
JMS-00174 Class must be specified for queues with object payloads Use dequeue(deq_option, payload_fact) or dequeue(deq_option, sql_data_cl)
JMS-00175 DequeueOption must be specified
JMS-00176 EnqueueOption must be specified
JMS-00177 Invalid payload type: Use dequeue(deq_option) for raw payload queues
JMS-00178 Invalid Queue name - {0}
JMS-00179 Invalid Queue Table name - {0}
JMS-00180 Invalid Queue Type
JMS-00181 Invalid value for wait_time
JMS-00182 More than one queue matches query
JMS-00183 No AQ driver registered
JMS-00184 Queue object is invalid
JMS-00185 QueueProperty must be specified
JMS-00186 QueueTableProperty must be specified
JMS-00187 Queue Table must be specified
JMS-00188 QueueTable object is invalid
JMS-00189 Byte array too small
JMS-00190 Queue {0} not found
JMS-00191 sql_data_cl must be a class that implements SQLData interface
JMS-00192 Invalid Visibility value
JMS-00193 JMS queues cannot contain payload of type RAW
JMS-00194 Session object is invalid
JMS-00195 Invalid object type: object must implement CustomDatum/ORAData or SQLData interface
JMS-00196 Cannot have more than one open QueueBrowser for the same destination on a JMS Session
JMS-00197 Agent address must be specified for remote subscriber
JMS-00199 Registration for asynchronous receipt of messages failed
JMS-00200 Destination must be specified
JMS-00201 All Recipients in recipient_list must be specified
JMS-00202 Unregister for asynchronous receipt of messages failed
JMS-00203 Payload Factory must be specified
JMS-00204 An error occurred in the AQ JNI layer
JMS-00205 Naming Exception
JMS-00206 XA Exception XAError-{0} :: OracleError-{1}
JMS-00207 JMS Exception {0}
JMS-00208 XML SQL Exception
JMS-00209 XML SAX Exception
JMS-00210 XML Parse Exception
JMS-00220 Connection no longer available
JMS-00221 Free physical database connection unavailable in connection pool
JMS-00222 Invalid Payload factory type
JMS-00223 Payload factory must be null for destinations with Sys.AnyData payload - use typemap instead
JMS-00224 Typemap is invalid - must be populated with SQLType/OraDataFactory mappings to receive messages from Sys.AnyData destinations
JMS-00225 Invalid JDBC driver - OCI driver must be used for this operation
JMS-00226 Header-only Message does not have a body
JMS-00227 Illegal attempt to commit on a non transacted JMS Session
JMS-00228 Illegal attempt to rollback on a non transacted JMS Session
JMS-00229 {0} must be specified
JMS-00230 Illegal operation on durable subscription with active TopicSubscriber
JMS-00231 Consumers on temporary destination must belong to the same
JMS-00232 An invalid user/password was specified for the JMS connection
JMS-00233 The required subscriber information is not available
JMS-00234 This operation is not allowed in the current messaging domain
JMS-00235 Can not link the durable subscriber name with a topic in unsubscribe method.
JMS-00236 OJMS encountered invalid OCI handles.
JMS-00237 Can not start thread for message listener.
JMS-00238 Illegal attempt to recover on a transacted JMS Session
JMS-00239 Illegal attempt to call {0} method on a XASession.
JMS-00240 Illegal attempt to call setClientID after other actions.
JMS-00241 Illegal attempt to delete temporary destination when there are consumers using it.
JMS-00242 Illegal attempt to enqueue message with both immediate visibility and three phase enqueue process.
JMS-00243 Topic {0} not found
JMS-00400 Destination name must be specified
JMS-00402 Class not found: {0}
JMS-00403 IO Exception {0}
JMS-00404 XML Parse Exception
JMS-00405 XML SAX Exception
JMS-00406 JMS Exception {0}
JMS-00407 Operation not allowed on {0}
JMS-00408 Conversion failed - invalid property type
JMS-00409 No such element
JMS-00410 XML SQL Exception
JMS-00411 Payload body cannot be null
JMS-00412 Byte conversion failed
JMS-00413 Autocommit not allowed for operation
JMS-00414 Destination owner must be specified
JMS-00415 Invalid Visibility value
JMS-00416 Invalid Dequeue mode
JMS-00417 Invalid Navigation mode
JMS-00418 Invalid value for wait_time
JMS-00419 invalid ConnectionPoolDataSource
JMS-00420 Invalid value for cache_size
JMS-00421 Invalid value for cache_scheme
JMS-00422 Invalid tag - {0}
JMS-00423 Invalid value
JMS-00424 Invalid message header
JMS-00425 Property name must be specified
JMS-00426 Property does not exist
JMS-00427 Subscriber name must be specified
JMS-00428 Valid message must be specified
JMS-00429 Register Option must be specified
JMS-00430 Database Link must be specified
JMS-00431 Sequence Number must be specified
JMS-00432 Status must be specified
JMS-00433 User not authenticated
JMS-00434 Invalid data source
JMS-00435 Invalid schema location
JMS-00436 AQ Exception
JMS-00437 Invalid Destination
JMS-00438 AQ agent {0} not mapped to a valid database user
JMS-00439 Invalid schema document
JMS-00440 Invalid operations - agent {0} maps to more than one database user
JMS-00441 {0} cannot be null
JMS-00442 Name and Address for Agent cannot be null
JMS-00443 IMMEDIATE visibility mode not supported for this queue/topic
JMS-00444 This feature is not supported yet
JMS-00445 Destination alias must be specified
JMS-00446 Agent alias must be specified
JMS-00447 error in accessing LDAP server
JMS-00448 Invalid Content-Type
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