E-Mail, newsgroups, and forums

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(Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs))
(55 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 31: Line 31:
* [[FidoNet nodelist]]
* [[FidoNet nodelist]]
** [[FidoNet nodediff]]
** [[FidoNet nodediff]]
* [[FIZ]] (archiver used with Maximus BBS software)
* [[FOSSIL]]
* [[FOSSIL]]
* [[IGS]]
* [[Wazoo]]
* [[Wazoo]]
* [[XMODEM]]
* [[YMODEM]]
* [[YooHoo]]
* [[YooHoo]]
* [[ZMODEM]]
== Chat, Texting and Instant Messaging ==
== Chat, Texting and Instant Messaging ==
Line 50: Line 55:
=== Standards and protocols ===
=== Standards and protocols ===
* [[Bang path]]
* [[Habeas Warrant Mark]]
* [[Habeas Warrant Mark]]
* [[IMAP]]
* [[IMAP]]
* [[Internet e-mail message format]] (RFC 733/RFC 822/RFC 2822/RFC 5322)
* [[Internet e-mail message format]] (RFC 733/RFC 822/RFC 2822/RFC 5322)
* [[List-Unsubscribe header]]
* [[Maildir]]
* [[Maildir]]
* [[MAPI]]
* [[mbox]]
* [[mbox]]
* [[POP3]]
* [[POP3]]
Line 61: Line 69:
* [[SPF]]
* [[SPF]]
* [[T.37]] (fax to e-mail)
* [[T.37]] (fax to e-mail)
* [[UUCP]]
* [[X-Face]]
=== Specific programs ===
=== Specific programs ===
==== Clients ====
Line 70: Line 82:
* [[Blue Wave]]
* [[Blue Wave]]
* [[Eudora]]
* [[Eudora]]
* [[Gmail]]
* [[Hotmail]]
* Lotus Notes
* Lotus Notes
** [[Notes Storage Facility]] (NSF)
** [[Notes Storage Facility]] (NSF)
** [[Notes Structured Text]]
* [[Mailpile]]
* [[Mailpile]]
* [[MLM]] (Novell Groupwise)
* [[Microsoft Entourage]]
* Outlook
* [[Microsoft Outlook]]
** [[Nickfile]] (NK2)
** [[Nickfile]] (NK2)
** [[Personal Folder File]] (PAB, PST, OST)
** [[Personal Folder File]] (PAB, PST, OST)
** [[Outlook for Mac Data File]] (OLM)
** [[Outlook Item File]] (MSG)
** [[Microsoft Mail]] (.mmf) [https://web.archive.org/web/20111103015607/http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-help/about-microsoft-mail-and-outlook-HA001034780.aspx Discontinued in 2002]
* [[MLM]] (Novell Groupwise)
* [[Outlook Express Database]] (DBX)
* [[Outlook Express Database]] (DBX)
* [[Pegasus Mail]]
* [[Pegasus Mail]]
* [[Pine]]
* [[Pine]]
* [[Thunderbird]]
* [[Thunderbird]]
** [[Thunderbird Message File]]
==== Servers ====
* [[Mercury]]
* [[Microsoft Exchange]]
==== Webmail services ====
* [[Gmail]]
* [[Hotmail]]
* [[ProtonMail]]
==== E-mail archiving ====
* [[Mailbag]]
* [[Sonasoft]]
== Forums / web comment threads ==
== Forums / web comment threads ==
Line 88: Line 120:
* [[Discourse]]
* [[Discourse]]
* [[Disqus]]
* [[Disqus]]
* [[Google Groups]]
* [[phpBB]]
* [[phpBB]]
* [[Yahoo Groups]]
== Messaging service integration ==
* [[Slack]]
== Online Services ==
(the old, proprietary variety)
* [[AOL]]
* [[CompuServe]]
* [[Prodigy]]
* [[The Source]]
== Secure messaging ==
== Secure messaging ==
See also [[Encryption]], [[Security]]
* [[ByLock]]
* [[Confide]]
* [[Crypho]]
* [[Crypho]]
* [[DeadDrop]]
* [[PGP]]
* [[PGP]]
* [[PKCS7]]
* [[PKCS7]]
* [[Privacy-Enhanced Mail (RFC 1421)]]
* [[Privacy-Enhanced Mail (RFC 1421)]]
* [[ProtonMail]]
* [[SafeSlinger]]
* [[SafeSlinger]]
* [[saltpack]]
* [[SecureDrop]] (was DeadDrop)
* [[Silent Circle Instant Messaging Protocol]]
* [[Silent Circle Instant Messaging Protocol]]
* [[S/MIME]]
* [[S/MIME]]
Line 103: Line 155:
== Social Networking ==
== Social Networking ==
* [[Discord]]
* [[Ello]]
* [[Facebook]]
* [[Facebook]]
* [[Friendster]]
* [[Friendster]]
Line 108: Line 162:
* [[Instagram]]
* [[Instagram]]
* [[LinkedIn]]
* [[LinkedIn]]
* [[Mastodon]]
* [[MySpace]]
* [[MySpace]]
* [[nostr]]
* [[Pinterest]]
* [[Pinterest]]
* [[pump.io]]
* [[pump.io]]
* [[Quora]]
* [[Reddit]]
* [[Snake]]
* [[Snake]]
* [[SSB (Secure Scuttlebutt)]]
* [[Tumblr]]
* [[Tumblr]]
* [[Twister]]
* [[Twister]]
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== Transfer Encodings ==
== Transfer Encodings ==
This is an incomplete list. For more, see the main [[Transfer Encodings]] article.
* [[Base64]]
* [[Base64]]
* [[Crockford Base32]]
* [[MIME]]
* [[MIME]]
* [[Mime-type]]
* [[MIME types]]
* [[Quoted-printable]]
* [[Quoted-printable]]
* [[Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format]] (TNEF; winmail.dat)
* [[Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format]] (TNEF; winmail.dat)
Line 127: Line 186:
* [[Xxencoding]]
* [[Xxencoding]]
* [[yEnc]]
* [[yEnc]]
See also [[Archiving#Transfer encodings|Archiving: Transfer encodings]].
== Usenet ==
== Usenet ==
* [[Bang path]]
* [[NZB]]
* [[NZB]]
* [[Usenet message format]] ([http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc850 RFC 850]/[http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036 RFC 1036]/[http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5536 RFC 5536]/[http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5537 RFC 5537])
* [[Usenet message format]] ([http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc850 RFC 850]/[http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1036 RFC 1036]/[http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5536 RFC 5536]/[http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5537 RFC 5537]; [https://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb/blog/2019-11/2019-11-17.html Discussion of early Usenet format])
* [[UUCP]]
== Links ==
== Links ==
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* [https://archive.org/details/EX1FullManual Elite Exchange One BBS software manual (1989)]
* [https://archive.org/details/EX1FullManual Elite Exchange One BBS software manual (1989)]
* [http://breakintochat.com/blog/2014/04/09/second-collection-bbs-related-podcasts/ BBS-related podcasts]
* [http://breakintochat.com/blog/2014/04/09/second-collection-bbs-related-podcasts/ BBS-related podcasts]
* [https://archive.org/details/ERIC_ED325112 ERIC ED325112: Electronic Bulletin Boards. (April 1986)]
=== Email ===
=== Email ===
* [http://www.atarimagazines.com/creative/v7n11/MailChauvinism.php Mail Chauvinism: The Magicians, the Snark and the Camel -- Ted Nelson, 1981]
* [http://jeffreifman.com/how-to-install-your-own-private-e-mail-server-in-the-amazon-cloud-aws/ How to self-host your own mail server in the cloud]
* [http://jeffreifman.com/how-to-install-your-own-private-e-mail-server-in-the-amazon-cloud-aws/ How to self-host your own mail server in the cloud]
* [http://www.propublica.org/article/nsa-says-it-cant-search-own-emails NSA Says It Can’t Search Its Own Emails] (Just everybody else's!)
* [http://www.propublica.org/article/nsa-says-it-cant-search-own-emails NSA Says It Can’t Search Its Own Emails] (Just everybody else's!)
Line 155: Line 216:
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20120205214603/http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/war_stories/2003/06/the_end_of_history.single.html The End of History: How e-mail is wrecking our national archive] (ironically, the article succumbed to linkrot, but is retrievable from the Internet Archive)
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20120205214603/http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/war_stories/2003/06/the_end_of_history.single.html The End of History: How e-mail is wrecking our national archive] (ironically, the article succumbed to linkrot, but is retrievable from the Internet Archive)
* [https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/ E-mail self-defense guide (encryption)]
* [https://emailselfdefense.fsf.org/ E-mail self-defense guide (encryption)]
* [https://www.escholar.manchester.ac.uk/uk-ac-man-scw:226625 Carcanet Press Email Preservation Project - Phases 2-3]
* [http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/reports/2007/R2134.pdf Framework and Functions of the "MS" Personal Message System] (David H. Crocker, 1977)
* [http://emailclientmarketshare.com/ E-mail client market share]
* [https://library.stanford.edu/projects/epadd/download EPADD: software for cataloguing e-mail archives]
* [https://hackernoon.com/the-100-correct-way-to-validate-email-addresses-7c4818f24643#.r1zdfensn The 100% Correct Way to Validate E-Mail Addresses]
* [https://archive.org/details/CLIR-pub175 The Future of Email Archives: A Report from the Task Force on Technical Approaches for Email Archives]
=== Newsgroups/Usenet ===
=== Newsgroups/Usenet ===
Line 163: Line 230:
* [http://www.bishopfox.com/blog/2013/10/linkedin-intro/ LinkedIn ‘Intro’duces Insecurity]
* [http://www.bishopfox.com/blog/2013/10/linkedin-intro/ LinkedIn ‘Intro’duces Insecurity]
* [http://boingboing.net/2014/03/03/free-download-of-danah-boyds.html Free download of danah boyd's must-read book "It's Complicated"] (about young people and social networking)
* [http://boingboing.net/2014/03/03/free-download-of-danah-boyds.html Free download of danah boyd's must-read book "It's Complicated"] (about young people and social networking)
* [http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/10/19/a-new-tool-to-preserve-moments-on-the-internet/ A Dynamic New Tool to Preserve the Friendsters of the Future (NY Times Blogs)]
* [https://medium.com/backchannel/a-teenagers-view-on-social-media-1df945c09ac6 A Teenager’s View on Social Media]
* [https://medium.com/@brianstorms/a-1980-teenagers-view-of-social-media-eaf8a5fdbf6c A 1980 Teenager’s View on Social Media]
* [https://medium.com/message/an-old-fogeys-analysis-of-a-teenagers-view-on-social-media-5be16981034d An Old Fogey’s Analysis of a Teenager’s View on Social Media]
=== Misc. ===
=== Misc. ===
Line 170: Line 241:
* [http://thinkofit.com/plato/dwplato.htm PLATO: The Emergence of Online Community]
* [http://thinkofit.com/plato/dwplato.htm PLATO: The Emergence of Online Community]
* [http://mediarchaeology.wordpress.com/2014/03/03/the-minitel-frances-1980s-internet/ The Minitel: France's 1980s "Internet"]
* [http://mediarchaeology.wordpress.com/2014/03/03/the-minitel-frances-1980s-internet/ The Minitel: France's 1980s "Internet"]
* [http://blogs.loc.gov/digitalpreservation/2014/07/lolcats-and-libraries-a-conversation-with-internet-librarian-amanda-brennan/ LOLCats and Libraries: A Conversation with Internet Librarian Amanda Brennan] (on the study of Internet memes)

Latest revision as of 12:41, 25 October 2024

File Format
Name E-Mail, newsgroups, and forums


Formats for the storage or transmission of messages (singly or in groups) for electronic mail, discussion lists, forums, newsgroups, BBSs, social networking, etc. See also Web, Address books and contacts.


[edit] Abbreviations, conventions, etc. in messaging

Online messages can be a language all their own, with different dialects for different types of messages, but often "leaking" from one service to another. Here are a few of the things to watch out for:

[edit] Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs)

If Google was an '80s BBS...

[edit] Programs

[edit] Networks, protocols and formats

[edit] Chat, Texting and Instant Messaging

[edit] E-Mail

[edit] Standards and protocols

[edit] Specific programs

[edit] Clients

[edit] Servers

[edit] Webmail services

[edit] E-mail archiving

[edit] Forums / web comment threads

[edit] Messaging service integration

[edit] Online Services

(the old, proprietary variety)

[edit] Secure messaging

See also Encryption, Security

[edit] Social Networking

[edit] Transfer Encodings

This is an incomplete list. For more, see the main Transfer Encodings article.

[edit] Usenet

[edit] Links

[edit] BBSing

[edit] Email

[edit] Newsgroups/Usenet

[edit] Social networking

[edit] Misc.

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