Electronic Arts MOV

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File Format
Name Electronic Arts MOV
Extension(s) .mov
Released 1989

Electronic Arts MOV files are used by the Electronic Arts game Cartooners (1988).



The signature bytes at the start of the file are 10 10 DF 00.


Inf File Information

Endianness: big.

Extenstion: *.mov

Software: Cartooners 1988/1989 - by: Electronic Arts & IDTA

Inf File Layout

Begin Structure: Header.

0x00 0x04 BYTES Signature.

0x04 0x20 BYTES Palette. 0x04 nibbles repeated 0x10 times: {green, blue, null, red}.

0x24 WORD Unknown.

0x26 WORD Unknown.

0x28 0x97 BYTES Null.

0xBF 0x20 BYTES A second palette with the same format as the first palette.

0xDF WORD Unknown.

0xE1 WORD Unknown.

End Structure

Begin Structure: Frame records.

0xE3 WORD Frame record count.

Begin Structure Frame record (repeat [0xE3] times.

0x00 WORD Record length.

Begin Structure Actor frame data (repeat for each actor.)

0x00 BYTE Unknown.

0x01 BYTE Unknown.

0x02 BYTE Unknown.

0x03 BYTE Unknown.

0x04 BYTE Unknown.

0x05 BYTE Actor's animation record index???

0x06 BYTE Unknown.

0x07 WORD The actor's horizontal position.

0x09 WORD The actor's vertical position.

End Record

Begin Structure Frame scene and music data.

0x02 BYTE Unknown.

0x03 BYTE Scene index: (0x00 = none, 0x01-0xFF??? = scene index.)

0x04 BYTE Unknown.

0x05 BYTE Music index: (0x00 = silence, 0x01-0xFF??? = music index.)

End Structure

End Structure

End Structure

Begin Structure External files.

0x00 0x?? BYTES List of external files. Each path is stored as follows:

0x00 BYTE Length of path.

0x01 BYTE Null.

0x02 BYTES Null terminated path.

End Structure


Begin Structure Dialog entries.

0x00 WORD Index.

0x02 0x0B BYTES Unknown.

0x0D WORD Vertical size.

0x0F WORD Horizontal size.

0x11 BYTE Unknown.

0x12 WORD Balloon type.

0x14 0x05 BYTES Unknown.

0x19 WORD Text length.

0x1B 0x03 BYTES Unknown.

0x1F WORD Palette color index.

0x21 0x03 BYTES Unknown.

0x24 WORD Alignment (0x00 = left, 0x01 = center).

0x26 0x05 BYTES Unknown.

0x2B WORD Palette color index.

0x2D BYTES Text.

End Structure


See also

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